Sunday, May 29, 2005
A bumpy, beyond bumpy, ride of a lifetime!BAH! I gotta mug for my Chinese test which is 2 days from now. Shall just do a short recount of what happened this past few days.
21st May 2005
Planned to catch a movie with Siti, Amal, Hajar, Pard and Fir. But SOMEONE backed out last minute saying that she was 'drunk' and wasn't sober enough to join us in town. What da Heck?! In the end, just had lunch with those gals at Sakura and did a lil' window shopping, which by the way, isn't the most exciting thing to do.
Dining at Sakura. (Magic Wok close lah)

Here's us in the toilet, waiting for Hajar.

LOOSEN UP, EVERYONE!!! (me & my scrunched-up face)

25th May 2005
Received a letter from Leon that my parent had to meet the Principal/Vice-Principal before collecting my result-slip. I AM SPEECHLESS! What kind of bull is this, HUH?! I got 6th place in class and I still gotta get lectured by someone who THINKS he/she knows me very well??? It's just crappy.
I studied half my ass off to get to where I am now! I know it's not good enough but has it ever occured to Leon that I've only been in school a month before SA1 began?! And considering I can be amongst the top in class, she should be kissing my feet!
I went home, showed Dad the letter and *KaBoom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*
"Wah lan eh, KIMBERLY!!! You only passed 2 subjects???!!! blah blah blah* and he goes on and on about how I'm wasting my final year and that I should've gone to Singapore Poly to get my (unwanted) diploma. Hey, this is only my first setback. Giving up on me so soon? SO BE IT.
Fell sick that night. Nose bled frequently and coughed out blood at one point of time. But who's worried? Not me. And I got 2 days MC which meant... I COULD WATCH THE FINALS BETWEEN AC MILAN AND LIVERPOOL! *I love stevie gerrard, oh yes, I DO!*
26 May 2005
Maybe God was just showing me a lil' pity by broadcasting a game which nearly made me faint and weep my eyes dry! I've never watched a game where one team let in 3 goals in the 1st half but came back in the 2nd half and clinch the title because they have a goalie who's undeniably SUPERB in his performance

WAH! Those are MY men, baby! Who's says they were lucky eh? It was Milan who were complacent. PUI.

"We are the Champions, my friend! And we'll keep on fighting till' the end!"
-As a Liverpudlian, I know I'll never walk alone-
27 May 2005
HOLY CHOCO-MOLY! Stayed back in school after Mother Tongue drilling to give Steph and Jen chinese spelling. HAHAHAHAHA! (it's all for a good cost lah!) Afterwhich, we yakked about a certain girl who's ego weight could kill a 10 foot tall woolly mammoth. Tsk tsk... this particular git better learn to be honest, modest, humble and conservative if she wishes to excel in the future.
Reached home around 5.30pm and Dad said we were having dinner at TONY RAMA'S!! woohoo~ But I couldn't down my portion of the meal in the end, so what the hell!
it didn't end here though... IT WAS MOVIE TIME!!! Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith is one heck of a movie that's worth EVERY penny in your pocket! I'm telling you, it's better than Lord of the Rings, Kingdom of Heaven or any other movie that you deem "brilliant".
Those films are NOTHING compared to the one I just watched! So yups, you're missing out if you don't catch it SOON.... *hint hint to xueli*
Here's Anakin Skywalker... Aaaawwww!!!! Simply too cute to resist!!!

And then he goes on to become this bloody villian, which I must say, is really sexy looking. This is probably the one & ONLY villian I will ever fancy.