Sunday, July 31, 2005

The Aftermath

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Shadow stepped, body touched, soul crashed at 1:49 am.
0 shafts of moonlight

Saturday, July 30, 2005

I love life... more than ever now

This has to be a sign for more "good" things to come. All of a sudden, I'm staying up till' the wee hours of the night to mug for my prelims.


I also got myself a study companion; a person whom I've never met, yet feel so at ease with. How did I manage to find him? Hahahaha! Ask my cousin, Teri LEE.

Matthew (or Matt Mozarella) is just plain crappy. He sends me sms-es at 2am in the morning asking me to add him on friendster (?!?!). And he addresses me as "fag head", "Mango condom" & "Kim kim kim". Whatever, "Leopard stripes"!

Now, something really scary happened just yesterday while my classmates and I were having Chemistry practicals. As usual, Amal, Fir, Hajar and I were sharing the same bench (3rd bench) and the 4th bench was occupied by Magesh, Khairul and Joshua. I so happened to be recording down my observations when my back felt this strong heat outburst.

A FIRE HAD BROKEN OUT! No joke ok! Khairul's table WAS on fire and so was his practical book!

Here's what actually happened:

You guys are aware that the bunsen burner is connected to the gas switch by a rubber tube right? Well, while Khairul was heating his solution, the rubber tube mysteriously got disconnected from the bunsen burner and the gas switch was still on! So, TRALALA!!!!! A fire had broken out!

The moment I turned around to inspect what caused my poor back to feel so hot, I saw Khairul jumping off his stool and landing on the ground. This was followed by Magesh running to the corner of the lab, laughing and telling Khairul to "save (his) book!".

Laugh! Accident happened and they (Magesh, Sanjeev and company) still can giggle it off. Guys will be guys.

But I am guilty of being sarcastic as well lah. I used Hajar's phone to take snap-shots of the aftermath of the fire. Wahahahaha! I captured Khairul's burnt book pages, melted plastic covering and Magesh breaking into fits of laughter. How heartless can I get?

Answer: VERY!

Hajar has yet to send me the pictures, but I'll post 'em up once I receive them.

I sms-ed Matt and told him about the entire incident and (he's another bastard with no soul) he asked me if I had been cooked to suit his appetite. Pfffffffffft!!!!!! I told him I was "medium rare" because only one part of me got "heated up".

Damn. I wouldn't be able to blog as often from now on. Daddy dearest has set a new rule; I can't use the computer unless he allows me to.


I can't even check my mail?! Cannot write testimonials for others on Friendster?! Not allowed to upload pictures into my shutterfly account?!! THIS IS AN ABSOLUTE NIGHTMARE!!!!!

Feeling like a refugee all of a sudden. Use com also must wait until everybody not at home then can use. My bloody sister once threatened to tell my dad when I secretly logged online. Some sibling I have... so righteous and filial. PUI!

Shadow stepped, body touched, soul crashed at 11:35 am.
0 shafts of moonlight

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Racism within a person?

I had my English diagnostic test yesterday (Monday). But as I was confidently scribbling out my story-plot for my composition on inconsiderate behaviour, a young boy irritant, around the age of 4, was screaming at the top of his lungs from the HDB flat just opposite my school.

His comments were disturbing and discriminating to a rather large extent. Wanna know what came out from that foul gap of his?

"Indian! Indian! Ah-poo-neh-neh! INDIAN!" (don't laugh! NOT FUNNY!)

Hello! I was sitting by the window with one Indian classmate on my left and another just behind me. I don't know if they were offended but if I were them, I would've blown up!

This isn't a matter of whether or not I can control my temper. I WITNESSED A RACIST ACT FROM A YOUNGLING! Kids these days simply make fun of others because of skin colour. How will they grow up to be like???

Here's something random for you to laugh at instead:

Mr Don Yeo: Can someone tell me what is 1 tonne? Anyone knows?

Amalina: OH! Wantan is the chinese dumpling. Inside got meat, got fish, got prawn one. Correct?

Me: Huh?!?! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!

Shadow stepped, body touched, soul crashed at 4:30 pm.
0 shafts of moonlight

Friday, July 22, 2005

Racial Harmony Day '05

I'm tired. Just finished studying Magnetism and Environmental Degradation (weird combo, I know.), so you'll just have to make do with more pictures and less words about how the 21st of July went by. Enjoy.

Amal, Fir & I testing the camera (very first shot of the day) during USSR period.
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Dunno what costume I'm wearing huh? Let's see, according to Syahira (owner), it's a "modern kebaya". Go figure!

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My outfit very lawa right? This photo of me, Hajar & Syahira touching up was taken by Miss PURPLE goth.

The after effect of eye-liner, foundation and blush!
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Recess was P-A-T-H-E-T-I-C!

All the stalls were closed and the lower secondary pupils were selling food stuffs which could barely fill my tummy. Tell me, how long does it take for a person with a high metabolism rate to digest a "mini-pizza"?! 5 SECONDS!

We took more pictures!

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And together, we will nail the National Exams at the end of the year and leave this place with our heads held high! One for all, and all for one!
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Hang on... Joining of hands???!!! So unoriginal.

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There you go, MUCH BETTER!

This was the "Glam" shot of the day.
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Think there's nothing special? Look at where Kuanli and I are starring at respectively. Hahaha! With both our cameras going off at the same time, I looked at hers while she smiled sweetly at mine. (Resembles a red carpet shot eh?)

Both of us were hungry and kind-hearted Leroy was giving out chips so.....
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HAHAHAHA!!!!! Half gangster, half informal.
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Shadow stepped, body touched, soul crashed at 2:36 pm.
0 shafts of moonlight

Friday, July 15, 2005

Despite being a repeat student...

Here are a few reasons as to why my life rocks:

Sitting right at the back of the classroom, I enjoy "priviledges" which most pupils do not. For instance, I get to goof around with my close buddy, Amal!

We put the camera on timer and *chik*! We have here, a very lovely picture! Yoddle-lay-hee-hoo!

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Next, we hang out with a MediaCorp Actor!!!!

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Recignise him? Hahahaha! He plays Ronnie in the new season of Heartlanders. Go watch it!

Amal recently purchased a new pair of GOTHIC spectacles.
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Well, Sean & I just couldn't resist trying it on ourselves.

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Oooooohhhhhh!!!! I look so "scholarly"!!!! Maybe I should trade in my contacts for a pair of glasses with THICK, BLACK frames!

And while waiting for the next teacher to enter the class, we can:

1) Enjoy the musical pieces of Yellowcard!

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(I know I'm un-feminine. Quit reminding me)

2) Decorate our "ugly like nobody's business" handbook.

Here's an example by Emily's No. 1 fan! RED + BLACK = GOTHIC!

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3) SMS!!!!!!!

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After looking at this picture, I realise that my nose is kinda snubbed! I NEED A NOSE-BRIDGE!

4) Consume large amounts of Carbo/ Do bo liao things like high-lighting your nails.

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When the teacher goes on and on about Radioactive half-life, Ohm's law, Potential difference etc., I sometimes can't resist the urge of drifting off to DreamLand.....

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Amal chooses to close her eyes and a few minutes later, ZZzzZZzZZ
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If you guys were observant enough, you'll notice a ring on my left ring finger. I AM NOT SEEING ANYBODY. It was a birthday gift from a relative.

Why must I wear it on that particular finger? Simple! That cousin of mine didn't know my ring size and bought one that was so small, only both pinkies and left ring finger could fit. Thus, I chose to wear it on the bigger of the 3 fingers.

Moving on.....

I simply love art lessons! I DO NOT SLACK DURING THE 5 PERIODS!

Instead, I help Syahirah in completing her colour-scheme.
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(I look tired because I WAS about to doze off)

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Never look down on art students. They've got TALENT!

Mr Leroy 'Wert' Vincent agrees with me on that. Here's a picture of him trying to blend colours.
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Some of us paint
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Some make fools out of others by catching them on film offguard (That's me sitting down. Thank God I didn't turn around! Hajar, on the other hand, wasn't as fortunate)
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And every now and then, you come across someone who possesses the power to BRAID!

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Tell me you're envious. =P

Shadow stepped, body touched, soul crashed at 6:45 am.
0 shafts of moonlight

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Team event FINALS @ Toa Payoh!

I believe I've mentioned that the 'C' girls made it to the finals right? Unfortunately, the female judokas of Nanyang were too strong and we only managed to claim the silver trophy.

Kuanli and I rushed over the the sports hall half-way through Maths EC.

Did you guys know that cab drivers can decide on where to go and where not to go?! We managed to flag a taxi and we told the driver that we needed to get to Toa Payoh as quickly as possible. Know what that middle-aged man did?


Pfffffft.... Like that might as well don't drive at all right?! Customer also can choose one arh? What kind of business/service are you providing?!

I missed the 'B' boys match by just a few minutes. Sian arh... Could only watch the 'A' division fight for the top spot. Needless to say, Hwa Chong Institution won for both categories.

So what else is new?

'Fans' of the Hwa Chong players just had to sit behind where I was. So you imagine how noisy it was. They are fucking patriotic! After the prizes have been given out, all of them stood at attention and sang their school song.

-_-" Mark and I were greatly disturbed by the tune of their melody. Haiz... and this isn't the first time they chose to 'perform' for me.

'C' Boys!!!! Ni men hao shuai leh!!! Jia you!
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The ku-niangs. LoL~! Loveable 'C' Girls.
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Winners unite! (Why must Jon raise his hand?! Argh!)
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Notice all the Hwa Chong signs behind them? YEAH!!! The 'suay' of the 'suays'!

Another Hwa Chong domianted picture.

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Proud to be a judoka!!!

Shadow stepped, body touched, soul crashed at 8:51 am.
0 shafts of moonlight

Monday, July 11, 2005

WAKE UP! Just 4 more months left!

This is not good. An infatuation at this point of time is not what I want. Can't go into detail because he has access to my blog.

I barely know him. HOW CAN THIS HAPPEN?!

Slay me, Mighty one! End my life and misery once and for all. This is all too much for me to handle.

You're right. I'm an unhappy cow.

Do you think he will ever notice a cow that moos an unhappy moo?

(punch yourself in the face if you say he will)

Shadow stepped, body touched, soul crashed at 5:35 am.
0 shafts of moonlight

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Went up, dropped down but flew sky-high again!

7th July
It was the boys team preliminaries. Left school around 11.50 and as always, Leon wasn't happy about it. Buy hey, I seeked permission from the Vice-Principal! She not happy, what can I do hor? Also not my fault that she's always seen with a black face. Bleah~

Event began at around 1.30pm and woohoo! Mr Von Dutch playing leh!!!

That's him on the left, so yan dao hor??? (Steph agrees with me.)
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I know lah, I should have stood at the other side of the hall to snap the pictures. The angle from which I chose to stand at was facing the sunlight, so the shots turned out fucking dark.

"OMG!!!", says Amal, "He's pipping hot!" *hysterical scream*
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While I was trying to get snap-shots of him ALONE, the referee just kept coming into the screen. *ARGH!* Get out of the way!!!!
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Sadly, Mr Von Dutch was the only player, out of all 5, who won his match. A great player lost coz his team-mates weren't lucky. That's life.

Looking on the bright side, my 'B' boys made it to the semi-finals!!!

Can't really remember which school got thrashed by them but don't you think they look like heroes here? (The referee was announcing them as the winner)
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Some mothafucker injured Zhijian's shoulder and the team was left with only 4 players. LOST TO ASSUMPTION ENGLISH SCHOOL! (Nabeh!)

'C' boys did well beyond expectations too. The under beyond underdogs won 3rd, you know! Behind Raffles Institution and Hwa Chong. But I couldn't get a nice picture of them. Haiz...

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There was a long wait for the semi-finals match for the 'B' boys, so decided to play around with Rachel's camera. Amal had earlier on taught me how to remove the flash but I FORGOT!!! So I was pressing random buttons, hoping that one of them would turn the flash off.

'B' boys from RI were about to play in like, 2 seconds time. So I quietly zoomed into their "Don't you dare mess with me" expressions and click! THE DAMN FLASH WAS STILL ON!!! I don't wanna know how many faces turned towards my direction. Pfffffft.

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Stupid referees just don't know when to stay away when I want them to. WHAT THE HELL IS HIS BUTT DOING IN THIS CANDID SHOT?! (Rafflesians damn fierce hor?)

Needless to say, RI won with Huang's "unapproachable looks" and "intimidating roar". Kwahahahaha! Good luck at the finals!

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Oooooohhhhhhh!!!! That's Darling Kim Siong and Baby Jon! Both of them won all their matches and seized the bronze trophy. DON'T YOU JUST LOVE BRONZE???

I RECEIVED ANOTHER COMPLIMENT; I'VE GOT NICE HANDS! Hahahaha! The next one shall be my ear lobes. *guffaws*

Had dinner with Yeeling, Kuanli and Jon (Tan) at at Kovan immediately after the tournament. While I was lining up to purchase a bowl of mouth-watering laksa, Jade called me and said (her own words!), "Jie Jie! You be careful leh! Papa now very angry with you. Just now your form teacher call him and say you never go school. When you come home papa sure scold you like hell one!"

I hung up on her without even saying bye-bye to her. WHERE GOT MOOD SIA?! Wanna know how pissed at Leon I was? My appetite flew away and less than half of what I ordered went down my sore throat. Jon downed my leftovers in less than 10 minutes.

Wasn't in the mood to join the 3 of them at Heartland Mall because I, daddy's girl, was about to get reprimanded by daddy.

I walked to the furthest bus-stop from Kovan and while strolling under the HDB flats, I was praying that a kind soul would just "accidentally hit" a flower pot or a TV set down their balcony and end my life right on the spot.

Waited at the bus-stop for 20 minutes before finding the courage to board one home.

Thank God for my father's patience. He didn't yell at me afterall. Just had a face-to-face talk with him and he made his point, very clearly, that he never want me attending anything concerning Judo. FUCK YOU, LEON!

8th July

Claris and I were waiting at the parade square for her to turn up so we could confront her about what she told our fathers (why she like to call fathers one huh? desperate arh?)

But she wasn't in school! According to Mr Ee, she was "on course". Sian arh... Monday still must "sincerely apologise" to her because it is all nothing but a "big misunderstanding".


I rushed to Hougang Sec (took public transport hor!) and was just in time to see Steph perform a half-done uchimata on her Farjar Sec opponent. BLUR COCK REFEREE! Didn't even give her a "koka" for making the other party fall.

WE LOST LAH! I wanted to cry, wanted to go to that man with the red tie and pluck every single strand of his bleach white hair out!

'C' girls performed brilliantly. Won Hougang Sec and Assumption English School. THEY ARE IN THE FINALS!!! Will be playing against Nanyang Girls on the 12th at Toa Payoh Sports Hall. (Time for revenge)

But I sibeh suay arh!!! Evrytime got important match only then the date sure clash with my schedule one. Idiot! This time 100% cannot "sneak up the bus" and go liao lah! Fuck it. I HATE MATHS EC!!!!! And the teacher.

Notice I didn't take any pictures of the girls? Erm... I forgot to bring the cam along after charging the batteries. I know, I suck.

Not forgetting, I lost my voice and I've got Oral on Monday. Gone case liao. It would be a miracle if I could even whisper a word loud enough for the examiner to hear. BAH! -_-"

Shadow stepped, body touched, soul crashed at 1:15 am.
0 shafts of moonlight

Thursday, July 07, 2005


Just yesterday, a teacher did the rudest thing she could ever do to me. In front of those who attended Maths EC, she deliberately, mercilessly and jubilantlyMALIGNED me about going to the Judo tournament "without Mr Wee's permission"!

I was so shocked at what came out from that foul opening of hers that I couldn't even speak properly! And when I tried to tell her my side of the story, she simply snapped at me and told me to shut up because she thinks that Mr Wee's words were 100% true.

Leon: You are not involved in the tournament. You are already Sec5 this year. I haven't scolded you for purposely skipping lessons and boarding the bus without any teacher's permission!

Me: WHAT?! Eh, cher! *gets interrupted*

Leon: Mr Jeremy Wee told me that he did not allow you to go for the event but you sneaked up the bus and he didn't realise you were onboard until you guys were on your way to Hougang Secondary. And when he told you to leave, you simply refused to come back to school!

Me: HEY! I had his permission to go! You don't believe me, you go and ask the other *gets interrupted AGAIN!*

Leon: You don't have to explain! According to Mr Wee, that was exactly what had happened!


Leon: Your foot is below you.

*whole class burst into fits of laughter*

I did not ask for Jeremy's consent eh?! Then tell me, what was he talking to me about in the canteen while awaiting for the bus to arrive?!

Can he look me in the eye and say that he didn't see me boarding up the bus while HE WAS STANDING AT THE DOOR DOING THE HEAD COUNT?! I may be short in height, but am I so minute in size that he has to squint so hard just to be able to see me?!


I HAVE WITNESSES WHO HEARD EACH AND EVERY WORD THAT CAME OUT FROM JEREMY'S MOUTH WHEN HE GAVE ME HIS CONSENT! Go ahead and ask anyone of them. They will tell you straight in the face that Jeremy's story to Leon is FAKE.

Then make a guess about how Leon tried to take matters into her own hands.

She "punished" me by making me sweep the classroom for 2 consecutive days! HELLO! SHE THINK SHE WHO SIA?! Stupid woman! You're only a small part of the teaching committee. What gives you the right to infringe on whether or not am I able to attend the competition?! Go fuck spider lah!

I kena punished for something I didn't do still not enough to satify her sadistic hunger wor! For this Friday;s X-country, she claimed that she would "send someone to look out for (me)" and if I'm not present at the event, she would report the matter to the Principal.

For crying out loud! What in the fucking blazes in her problem?! She can spend the whole afternoon at Bedok Reservoir scouting for me, but she won't be able to find me. Buahahahaha! This friday is the last day of the competiton and she can't stop me from attending since both are school events.

Moreover, I've already written to the Vice-principal to excuse me from X-country. Leon not happy, then too bad lah! Kao peh!

Leon! BITE MY MOO-MOO RING! I'll be at Hougang Secondary on the 8th of July whether you like it or not! So sorry, but you're in no position to make decisions for me. Neh neh ni poo poo! You cannot catch me!

As for Jeremy Wee, thanks a whole lot for getting me into so much trouble! If I have to sweep the floor for 2 days straight, I'll make sure you get sacked and NOT GET LAID for the rest of your worthless life! (Even whores would shun you away!)

Until an apology comes out from both your mouths, I give my word to the gods that I'll never show either of you any respect. No greetings, no bows, no smiles and no more obeying of your bloody rules! All that would be replaced by sarcasm, snubs, rude rebuts and profanities.

I mean what I say. So, APOLOGISE!

Shadow stepped, body touched, soul crashed at 1:00 pm.
0 shafts of moonlight

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

I belong to WHAT?!

The Chinese High School

wat school in singapore are u suitable to go?
brought to you by Quizilla

Oh my heck! This shows how unsuccessful I am at being feminine. Judo, soccer, mud rugby, hairy legs (it goes unnoticeable because I take great pains to remove those unsightly strands!), loud sneezes, boisterous behaviour, yada yada yada.

The fact that I belong into one of Singapore's top institutions does go well with the compliment about me having nice shoulders. Heh~

Good things do come in packages, thought small enough for a flea to swallow.

I'll probably be the most extraordinary student in the school's history. I would excel in sports and co-curricular activities but achieve straight Fs for common tests and exams. In other words, a social reject in The Chinese High School.

Shadow stepped, body touched, soul crashed at 3:30 am.
0 shafts of moonlight

Sunday, July 03, 2005

I only need Mr Von Dutch

I was gonna type an entry about happy things. Carnival, camera-whoring, meeting NJ at White Sands etc.

But something that happened later in the day just left me boiling with rage. This isn't the first time it has happened.

Today was nothing but a fucking waste of time. Should've followed NJ to meet the others at Guardian when I came across her at Pasir Ris. BAH! -_-"

It was a mistake to even step out of the house, thinking that I could enjoy myself with the ex-elisians. What did I do to receive such treatment? This has to be a punishment of some kind. If only I could escape the clutches of hypocrites ONCE & FOR ALL!

Came home around early evening and shot lava at Danny online. Thankfully, he spared me time to vent my frustrations and agony. Otherwise, Rocky would be deprived of his 20 minutes of pee-time. (I'm a meanie, I know.) What to do? Those people who indirectly offended me in the bus better realise that I ain't no push-over! Hong gan!

I've got Mr Von Dutch as my guy! Leave me alone and just quit being so childish ok?! Fuckers.

Shadow stepped, body touched, soul crashed at 9:40 am.
0 shafts of moonlight

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Unfair world

It is such a pity that the world is being labelled at unfair. In actual fact, Earth is fair. It's the doings of humans that downgrade the 3rd rock from the sun.

I came across someone's blog (nothing escapes from me in blogosphere). It seems like he is really caught up in dissing his classmate, labelling him as "irritating" more than once. Let's just get things clear here. I'm not dissing this particular blogger, nor am I trying to bitch about him and the way he blogs.

What amazes me is, why doesn't he get confronted and maligned by the class heroine? I guess it's just pure biaseness. I joined the class only in mid-march whereas he's been with them since the beginning of time.

Still, I thoroughly deserve an apology from those who yelled at me, hurled vulgarities at me, pushed me against the wall, shoved me away and called me names.

"Why?", you ask, "Afterall you ought to get punished for blogging negative stuff about them."

KISS MY BIG, FAT, HAIRY ARSE! Firstly, everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion. So if I feel a certain way about someone, I have every right to blog about it. Moreover, I did not try to humiliate the people whom I blogged about by including their names. So what's there to confront me about? The entry could have been about any Tom, Dick or Harry.

Let me guess, they wanted to settle things with me because they KNOW what I revealed to blogosphere was 100% true and were feeling guilty, ashamed and had nowhere to hide their faces.

Everyone, follow me and say, "Aaaaawwwww......"

Back to the dude's blog which I just read. He not only bad-mouthed his friend, he even included the fellow's initials. Isn't that a more serious version of my "crime"? I had the decency to let them remain anonymous. What about him?

Why am I even bothering about such stuffs? The people here are just plain unfair. I'm an outsider, an outcast, an intruder who came into the class with no warning whatsoever. Who am I to claim that they are unfair? I guess, for once, I forgot that I'm inferior to these people. May they reach higher levels of success than me in the future. *erk!*

Miss Kurap did some butt scratching in class today. I'M ABSOLUTELY, 100% GROSSED OUT! Damn those sickly habits of hers. It just turns me off, way off!

L (look! no name!) asked me a very interesting question today that is really worth thinking. "Why would anyone wanna be with her?"


Indeed! He has once again hit a nail into my head and I can't remove it. How the bloody hell would I know what that guy sees in her?! Thank God I ain't having the same vision as him. I would swallow the broom and dust-pan in my class, followed by dessert consisting of mashed up rotten worksheets.

PUI! But that will NEVER happen, you know why? Cause it is a fact that I DO NOT have the same taste as him. Eeeeewwwww.....

..... DOUBLE Eeeeewwwww.....

Stupid Leon! I will never forgive her for what she has done today!

On Monday, she told the class that there would be a TEST on Probability. I took the initiative to ask her if the marks being obtained for that "test" would be counted in any of the upcoming major exams.

Guess what? She wouldn't give me a definate answer. Thus, I assumed that it was a "test" worth mugging for. I STUDIED OK! I did all the questions on that fucking subject that I could feast my eyes on. I even spent 2 lessons with Mrs Lin going through Probability.


If today was any ordinary day that she chose to lie, I would gladly keep my well-trained gap shut. And locked up. But no! Today is NOT like any other day when I could sit on my chair and feel my heart pump at a normal rate.

TODAY WAS THE SECOND DAY OF THE JUDO NATIONALS! My girls were playing! I chose to stay in school and bare the torment of heart-racing moments. How can a teacher do this?! I missed the chance of watching Lois defeat her opponent! I wasn't around to cheer Steph on! I couldn't add myself to the atmosphere of cheers and applause! All because of some fucking lie that a fucker told.

Even during the so-called "test" Miss Fucker was yakking and yakking about when to use multiplication and addition. Her voice is fricking irritating! This is a "test", is it not? Why are you telling us what to do and what not to do? Just keep quiet can?!!

Put yourselves in my shoes, alright? If you were trying to draw a smooth curve to complete your graph, and a duck waddles up to you and go "quack! quack! quack! To find the median, you have to quack! quack! quack!" You then tell it to shut up but it still doesn't take a hint and continues its quacking escapade. How would you feel?

CORRECT! That was how I felt! Fuck it!

I know how to find the median lah!!!!! I got Firziana beside me to help out! No need you to be a good teacher (you're not one to even begin with). What's my reason for hating her? Well, I don't need one. I just fucking loathe her.

Hang on a sec, I do have a reason! I had to pay my fees for my exams in cash a few months back. However, my dad wanted Leon to call him to confirm that payment can't be made through the giro scheme. So I told Leon and asked her if she had my dad's contact. She said, "Yah. I have his number. haiyo... so troublesome leh, you!"

KNN! I troublesome is it?! You help me pay lah! Wouldn't it be more convenient for you? You wouldn't have to waste your time explaining stuff to my father.

She did dial someone's number that I was familiar with though. SHE BLOODY DIALLED MY NUMBER AND LEFT A VOICE MAIL! What the fuck?! I politely asked her if she needed my dad's number and she claimed that she had it. Then she left a message on my phone?!

"Hello, this is Leon calling from East View Secondary to confirm with you that Kimberly has to pay her fees by cash. According to MOE, repeat students are not allowed to use the giro scheme. Thank you. Bye."

At that point of time, I just wanted to go to her and wave my hands in her face to see if she was sane enough to respond. My whole life, I've never come across a teacher who can cock-up to such a large extent. Since when was my mobile number listed alongside my dad's particulars?! Aiyoyo... I give up sia!

I'm so lucky to be under her for only a short period of time. 4 more months to go before I wiggle my bum in her face and go, "Cher, actually hor, I hate you alot leh. The smiles and jokes in class were nothing but pretence. No hard feelings eh?" Afterwhich I would burst into fits of laughter with drool flowing out from all corners of my mouth.

Shadow stepped, body touched, soul crashed at 9:54 am.
0 shafts of moonlight

Friday, July 01, 2005

Boys' Individual Preliminaries

What a day! Went to school only to find out that I didn't have to attend any lessons. Why? I HAD TO GO TO HOUGANG SECONDARY TO SUPPORT MY BOYS!

The bus trip to the tournament venue was pretty fun. ZhiJian and Kuanjie were sitting behind Kuanli and I. Both of them were imitating some tv character and it was downright hilarious! Hahahahaha!!!! Thinking about it just makes me wanna laugh myself crazy.

I missed Talentime... haiz... but who cares? Kuanli and I had so much fun scanning the hall for our "eye-candy" and "shuai ge". Hahahaha!!! Zhen de hao shuai leh!!!

Somehow or rather, I couldn't understand why SHE was being so bitchy towards Kuanli and I today. Can someone tell me, what did we do to receive such treatment from her?! Pffffft. WHATEVER! If YOU think that the boys' performance today was not up to standard, YOU had better guarantee us a trophy tomorrow. Otherwise, YOU jolly well apologise for all that you've said.

Caught up with our "nai ma" Yeeling as well. The 2 of them (Kuanli & Yeeling) then proceeded to provoke me about the Dutch/Chinese guy. BAH! -_-"

Me, Nai ma Yeeling and Kuanli
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*it's hot, sizzling hot!*

The guys from Hougang sec, only have one word for them: SOT!

They were practically making a nuisance of themselves. When Kuanli and I went to the ladies' this group of guys were pushing one of their friends towards us and saying, "This one good or not? Or you want this one?"

Another incident happened while I was washing my hands in the loo. A guy simply just walked in and and looked around. So I was standing at the sink, wetting my fringe and a guy strolled in like it was legal for him to do so. Didn't even have the courtesy to say sorry for doing such stuffs. PUI!

I'm so happy for Kim Siong, Jonathan Tan and Jonathan Lee!!! They went very far into the tournament. A great achievement, especially for Mr Lee since this is his first time participating. Don't worry about what SHE said about the 3 f you. You guys proved her wrong by doing your best and managing to intimidate your opponents.

Jia you! Wo hui yong yuan zhi chi ni men de!

That fucking judoka is still the arrogant bastard that he was a few years back. Sickening fellow. Thank God he didn't win, people like him don't deserve to. I gotta thank the Hwa Chong guy who sent him packing. Good job in eliminating an asshole!!!

Dutch boy from Nanyang JC is NOT ugly! NOT UGLY! NOT UGLY! NOT UGLY!

Girls' Individual is tomorrow. But I cannot go leh! Why must the stupid Probability test clash with my judo schedule?! ARGH!!! Frustrating sia! Need to rely on Kuanli to give me all the details liao.

Hopefully I'll hear good news during recess when I call her for the results. Wouldn't wanna rely totally on the team events for the trophies.

Shadow stepped, body touched, soul crashed at 10:35 am.
0 shafts of moonlight