Thursday, May 31, 2007

HAPPY Sha-la-la-la!!

Last night's training was a blast! 4 and a half hours STRAIGHT with no breaks in between. Suffered a bruise on my left cheek, a couple more on my legs/thighs and my knees are aching like bitches now. All in a day's work.

I was made to spar with Scott and the rest of the Judokas were asked to stand behind the person whom they thought would win the match. I got most of the votes. HAHAHA! But I lost the fight. BUAHAHAHA! So all those who "had faith" in me had to do 20 squats. KWAHAHAHA!

But, thanks for the support, guys!

Anyway, before I go off, here's a short clip of one of my sis' rock-climbing khakis trying his best to do pull-ups. I laughed my head off the first time I watched it. Now's your turn to have a good giggle. ENJOY!

Shadow stepped, body touched, soul crashed at 9:38 am.
0 shafts of moonlight

Monday, May 28, 2007

Listen up, Announcement!!

Alright peeps, I won't be sms-ing much for the next couple of days because I've exceeded the total number of free sms-es. If you wanna reach me, just gimme a buzz yeah? Haha! I've got free in-coming calls, so no worries about that.

Blame Fergie and his Red Devils for me using up all my free sms-es!!!

Oh, and erm, wouldn't be updating much until my holidays are here cause I gotta prepare for this major bio-science paper and for my Clinical Lab Practical. Raaahhhh!!!! Damn scary to have two exams (both have the highest credits) in the same week!! Mr Aw, HOW ON EARTH DID YOU MANAGE TO GET STRAIGHT As MAN?!! I'm still trying to figure out how after more than 10 years of schooling!

Dang! Time's up for me. Gotta pass the com over to lil sis who just came back from KL last night. Damn shiok right?! 14 years old only can go overseas with her friends to climb rock walls. CLIMB ROCK WALLS! I was given the opportunity to go to Perth in 2003 for some Science excursion with Mr Johari, but Dad didn't allow. He was too worried. -_-"

Isn't climbing rock walls more dangerous than, say, going to an underground cave to view rocks? Tsktsktsk... pure irony.

But who cares about sis going to KL for 3 days man?! I'M GOING TO CHIANGMAI FOR 8 FRICKIN' DAYS!!! Now that's da bomb! Oooohhh... Tom Yam Kung, baby! And cheap, cheap clothes as well. But I'm not having any high hopes of the crew going on a shopping spree. We're in Chiangmai, NOT Bangkok (Clara and Ter, STOP sniggering. I know your trip was like, PERFECT).

Hoi Yan had her presentation this morning about "Nature Vs. Nurture" and her slides regarding feral children kinda sparked an interest in me.

It was about these two girls (Kamala and Amala) in the 1920s who were being abandoned by their respective parents and were raised by a she-wolf. Now, what the heck is a she-wolf anyway?!?! And I find it hard to believe how a wolf (whom I always presumed was as smart as human beings) would rather raise two girls along with it's cubs than feast on them. Seriously, if I were the wolf, I would've gobbled 'em both up and not go hunting for the next few days.

Ok, jokes aside. These two girls were later found by a Reverend after villages complained of seeing "two ghostly spirit figures". This was what he wrote in his journal after he hid himself and watched the girls exit the cave as the moon rose, "Hideous looking...hand, foot and body like a human being; but the head was a big ball of something covering the shoulders and the upper portion of the bust…Their eyes were bright and piercing, unlike human eyes…Both of them ran on all fours".


OMGGM!!! <--Oh my goodness, gracious me!!!

Well, to sum it all up, the she-wolf was killed because she wouldn't let the Reverend and the villages take her "children" away. The "girls" were taken to an orphanage where the younger one (Amala) died a few months later because she couldn't adapt to the human way of life. She preferred to eat raw meat than cooked ones (gross)!!! And she tore of any of the clothes being put on her. The Reverend said of both girls, "their eyes were supernaturally sharp at night and would glow in the dark like a cat's. They could smell a lump of meat right across the orphanage's three acre yard. Their hearing was also sharp".

Scary sia...!!!

I'm not exactly sure what happened to the older girl though.. The article I read mentioned nothing about her death and I was too lazy to look for other sources. Hahaha! Well, Hoi Yan mentioned this morning that both girls died... so... ok lor. Both died then.

Both girls sleeping ("They slept curled up together in a tight ball and growled and twitched in their sleep.")

Kamala lapping up milk

Interesting eh? That's what NYP Nurses study man... LoL! Think we only learn about medical procedures and drugs meh?! All I can say is, Welcome to the new millenium". These days, nurses study about behaviours, human development, society & it's influences and much much more.


And just in case you're wondering what module this presentation is under, it's "Developmental Psychology".

Shadow stepped, body touched, soul crashed at 8:50 pm.
2 shafts of moonlight

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Just a little wish

I want him back. Nobody has permission to take him away from me!

Shadow stepped, body touched, soul crashed at 9:12 pm.
0 shafts of moonlight

Saturday, May 26, 2007

What are YOU doing?

I am so frickin' bored! And the worse part of it all is, it's SATURDAY NIGHT! How can anyone be bored on a Saturday night?????!!! It's not right.

Bah! Whatever. I decided to come up with a list of friends and what they are doing right now (time check: 7.41PM) and imma do it in bloody random order. If I happen to be wrong, please correct me ok? And if you happen to be doing something really enjoyable, imma kick your ass the next time I see you.

"WHY KICK MY ASS?!", you ask.

Simple. You so deserve a bruise on your butt for not jio-ing me along!!

Ok, I think that..
Miss C is being a BITCH right now.
Siti is wants to eat Jalan Kayu roti-prata right now.
Shidah is studying bio while sms-ing her BF about the 50 cents owed right now.
Nad is being Mdm Dorie Fish right now.
Jue is singing "TONG TONG TONG QIANG" right now.
Andy is in agony right now.
Yvonne is -insert what she is doing right now- right now.
Shan Shan is studying about pigs right now.
Theresa is HAHAHAHAHAHA-ing right now.
Moon is rotating around Earth right now.
Pras is looking at Moon while saying "I'm so tall but I can't reach her!!" right now.
Jade is in KL struggling to climb the rockwalls right now.
Ter is thinking of ways to save his "mor" from Miss C right now.
Rashmi is rushing me right now.
Mugi is watching monkey porn right now.
Yoga is NOT doing yoga right now.
Denise doesn't know what to write in her Friendster Profile right now.
Lou-Lou is trying his best to tahan FF right now.
Elita has ear-plugs in her ears so she doesn't have to hear FF's bell right now.
FF, go to hell right now.
Ryan is online right now.
Ryna is not online right now.
Remy is also not online right now.
Hajar is alone at home and sitting in front of the com right now.
Mr Aw is still sleeping right now (Time Check: 8.04PM).
Director Peh is washing his Judo Gi right now.
Jaya is happy for unknown reasons right now.
Hai'rul is celebrating his birthday right now.
Anthony is wondering if he'll have a surprise birthday party right now.
Jen and Coeus are missing me right now.
ZJ is jealous that Coeus misses me right now.
Adam is turning gay right now.
Joycie is skinnier than me right now.
Shirleen is buying "Anything" from anywhere right now.
Harris is no longer hairy right now.
Miss Chia wants to eat dinner and play mahjong right now.
Derlinder wants to date me out right now.
Kelvin is avoiding my fiery spits right now.
Josco is taller than kim-BO right now.
Zaki is cursing me for not attending elective lessons right now.
Danesh has alot of girls falling for him right now.
Pete is sneezing his mucous everywhere right now.
Oxy is helping someone with their pimples right now.
Jordan wants to fight with Brandon right now.
Brandon has no time to fight with Jordan right now.
Jun Rong has filth in his mind right now.
I cannot think of anyone else to write about right now.

I just wrote about people whom I thought about at that point of time
So if I forgot about you,
Guess what?
I don't really care.

Just kidding!!!
And for that one split second, you thought I was the worst friend ever. =p

Shadow stepped, body touched, soul crashed at 8:27 pm.
3 shafts of moonlight


Just exactly my cup of tea

Shadow stepped, body touched, soul crashed at 11:12 am.
2 shafts of moonlight

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Don't push your luck!

It's funny how a certain bugger never messages me online on regular days, but the moment we have a test/exam/assessment, he'd flood me with messages like "i'm bound to fail", "i didn't study and so if i pass, it wouldn't be fair to you guys who studied" and "i'll surely fail one.. i didn't do one question"

OK, FINE! I get you.. you're gonna fail! Stop it there and then! There's no need for you to tell me that you had diarrhoea, you didn't have enough time to complete your last question, lecturers should extend the time for the paper, you deserve to fail cause you didn't study and it won't be fair to those who studied if you passed and that you'd dress up as shrek and come to school if you do pass eventually.

If you have such high confidence that you're gonna flunk, then congrats for flunking by not finishing ONE question and for having diarrhoea!!

Maybe you were being such a baby is because you needed someone to assure you that you wouldn't do badly. Like, whatever man! I'm not the sort who'd go, "Aaww.. dun cry la.. sayang sayang!"

You chose to spill your woes to the wrong girl, buddy.

Shadow stepped, body touched, soul crashed at 4:56 am.
2 shafts of moonlight

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Someone turned 18 on Friday!

Some pictures taken in the North Canteen (where we celebrated Theresa's birthday).

Why was I sticking out my tongue? Simple. The birthday cake had strawberries on it!!! Eeewww.. I didn't eat any of it. Hahaha!
Happy birthday Miss Ter-leh-seh!

Shadow stepped, body touched, soul crashed at 11:01 pm.
3 shafts of moonlight

Friday, May 18, 2007

Being receptive HELPS!

Had my very first presentation of the semester this morning. It went pretty well, judging by my fellow coursemates' responses to the skit, visual effects and random things that I blurted out while touching on the nutritional status for children with nephrosis.

The presentation for this module is slightly different from the rest.

Firstly, the whole tutorial group, consisting of 27 students, is being divided into two sub-groups. I was in sub-group A; Andy's group. Whereas the other group was under Shidah.

Both groups did their presentations today and after each group had finished, the lecturer gave us comments on how we could each improve on our presentation styles, concepts and also gave members of the other group a chance to provide us with feedback on how we did overall.

Let's be honest here, shall we?

There is no such thing as "a Perfect Presentation". No matter how well you speak, how good your voice projection is, how indepth your research is, how brilliant your concept is, the lecturer will ALWAYS have something to say. If it's not the colour or size of the fonts used, it's something about how you should try to do this instead of that to cater to the audience.

During the feedback session for my sub-group, I wasn't expecting Miss Leong to go, "Bravo! Excellent! Perfecto! A job well done! Here's your Diploma in Nursing!!".

It was good enough for me (and the rest) that she appreciated our efforts and only pointed out two ways on how we can improve. To me, our performance had what it takes to bring home an Oscar. My groupmates and I met up almost everyday of the week to share our findings, to rehearse and poor Jue had to spend her entire weekend completing the Powerpoint slides. I won't deny that I'd prefer it if lecturers quit telling us how to go a step higher, but c'mon lah... there's a Chinese saying that goes "Huo dao lao, xue dao lao" right? So as long as you're still living and breathing, there's ALWAYS room for improvements!

Back in Year 1, whenever my group had to present and (if) there were any negative comments from the floor, I'd be very sarcastic towards them. Andy once pointed out to Miss Doreen that I spoke too quickly and he "catch no ball". I turned around to face him and said a very loud and sarcastic, "Wah! Thank you ah! Thank you hor!".

Yeah, sounded so bratty right?

In the second semester of Year 1 though, Andy became my sub-group leader and I think it was Dory who asked the members of other sub-groups on how our group could step up our game during the ICAs (In-Course Assessments). One feedback from my coursemate was that I had the tendency to be very defensive. Whenever I heard something I felt was unfairly said, I would never hesitate to snap back.

I forgot who I had a long talk with about how those who're not in my sub-group never fail to give me negative comments, but this person told me to be receptive and listen to what these people had to say. As a presenter, it is my job to have others listen to me when I speak and if I don't take their feedback seriously, I'm the one who's at the losing end because I wouldn't know how to "seduce" them the next time I present.

Anyway, back to today's presentation, I kept quiet and accepted the "criticisms" from the other sub-group. Nothing personal lah! Now Year 2 already... grow up already. HAHAHA! Guys, will try and do better for the other modules!

Someone else in sub-group B wasn't able to take what my sub-group had to say about her group's performance. I have tonnes of respect for this lady because she's always so enthusiastic about learning new procedures and she's there whenever I need help in my work. But the kind of attitude she portrayed today was... childish?

According to her, Moonie's comments were "all negative" and "too direct". Since she gave our group both positive and negative feedback, she expected the same from us.

My gosh.. I'm stunned.

Let me make it clear that I don't have anything against her (or the others from sub-group B), but where got such thing as "I said both good and bad things about your group so you must do the same for my group!". It's not logical. Plus, I don't get what she meant by "too direct". If Moonie doesn't speak her mind and go straight to the point, we'd probably still be sitting in class until way past lunch-time.

So what's up with all this talk about "unfairness" man?! That's life, face it! Life's unfair, life's a sickening bitch and the only way to survive this sickening bitch is to take everything in our stride! Accept things for what they are and DON'T COMPARE! My sis and I are very different people with absolutely NOTHING in common apart from our surnames. If I were to keep comparing myself with her and complain that she's leading a more pampered life, there wouldn't be peace at home and there will be no end to it.

How come she's white and I'm black?! Why is she stick thin when I'm so fleshy? Why did dad buy her an Mp3 whereas I had to earn my own money and buy mine? Why my parents are so supportive of her rock-climbing but discourage me from attending Judo trainings? WHY, WHY, WHY?!


I've had enough of politics at work. Fuck politics! We're a class and we're suppose to enjoy each other's company for as long as we're in NYP. It's only gonna be a mere three years and after that, what are the chances of us getting back together? It's superly duperly low lah! We'd all be too busy working and starting our own families... Duckie even has plans to migrate Down Under to live on a farm and milk cows(?!). So let's just stop this cold war alright? Conflicts over such trivial matters is so unnecessary. We're still in school now, so save the politics until you enter the real world. FUCK POLITICS!

PS: I have no idea what inspired me to write such a cheem post. It's been a long time though! I welcome back "cheem-ology".

Shadow stepped, body touched, soul crashed at 11:25 pm.
0 shafts of moonlight

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

My near encounter with death

The situation was pretty simple; no drunk driver, no blood-shed, no tears, no channel-8-show-drama etc.

All I had to do was start practicing Harai-Goshi with a brown belt senior without doing any warm-up exercises and 15 minutes into the session, I couldn't feel my limps.

A scary experience, if you ask me.

Shadow stepped, body touched, soul crashed at 10:52 pm.
0 shafts of moonlight

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Woohoo! At long last!!

The CPU is back from repair! Yay yay yay!!

So what has been going on these past few weeks? Erm, let's start with this horrible experience I had at one particular salon near my residence. I went in with a pretty neat hairstyle (shoulder length, layered, bangs, blonde streaks) and came out looking like as though a blindfolded chimpanzee snipped off my locks!

I'm not sure how to describe it but it's really, really short at the back (my entire neck is exposed) and my sides are of the same length as before I decided to venture off for a whole new look. In a nutshell, I look like one of those "wayang" characters; only difference is, they use starch to make their sides stick to their cheeks whereas I just let mine bounce around. The stupid aunty who cut my hair still dare to tell me, "if you want to have such a daring hairstyle, you musn't be afraid to show it off."


You're not the one with a haircut gone totally wrong, so it's easy for you to say! And I certainly didn't ask you to cut it LIKE THAT! Rah!

Wanna see a picture of how bad I look now?


I'll only post it up if the shot turns out good... if it doesn't, it'll NEVER appear online or anywhere else where people have easy excess to it. Kwahahaha! As my profile already stated, "at my worst, I am a narcissist".

AND AND AND, omg!!! Liverpool would be meeting AC Milan in Athens on the 23rd of May! Aiyah, I think Fifa has something against me. They really don't know how to choose date one leh... of all the Wednesdays in May, they just had to choose to have the match played on the 23rd. THE DAY I'M HAVING CLINICAL LAB THEORY! Rah! Rah! But looking on the bright side, at least Man U got knocked out! Whoopi! And the two teams in the finals happen to be my favourite English and Italian teams!

Whoever wins, I'm happy. Wahahaha!

-A thousand kisses to Stevie G. and Kaka! One has two daughters with his long-time girlfriend while the other is married to his childhood sweetheart, BUT I DON'T GIVE A HECK!

But I must say, the semi-finals between Chelsea and Liverpool was damn shiok man! Clara and I woke up to watch it and had to endure the pumpings of our hearts against our rib-cage for more than an hour ok! It was her men against mine. heh~ Alas... a penalty shoot-out was needed to determine who proceeds on to the finals. Reina ROCKED! Saved two penalties for the Reds and it's bye-bye to the Blues!

Hmm... did I mention about me not working anymore? Can't recall. Anyway, yes! I'm a free girl now. Though some people might add that I'm a free and broke girl now. The amount of money I managed to pocket during my vacations was peanuts man.. and I had to buy my new textbooks and lecture notes (one of the textbooks costs a frickin' $71!!). WHERE GOT ENOUGH LEFT TO GO SHOPPING SIA?! And my appetite is increasing with each passing day, so the amount spent on food also goes a notch higher... no cash liao lah!

PS: I don't intend to take any from Dad cause he's sponsoring me for my educational trip to Chiangmai in June! It's gonna be cold man!

At least from now on, no more waking up early on Saturdays to rush down to work, no more standing on my feet for long hours (got risk of getting DVT leh!) and no more work politics (for now). Ergh! Grosses me out to know how some people have absolutely no integrity at all! Creeps.

Attachment schedules were out yesterday and I stoned the moment I saw it. Total nonsense man! I don't get it.. how do the module facilitators plan one ah? We're having 3 weeks of attachment before the exams; they assigned me to KKH for the first 2 weeks and I have to go back to SGH for the third week. Wah lao! Might as well let me stay in KKH for the whole of 3 weeks right?! At least got my minahs with me... I'm the only local student in my tutorial group who's going to SGH! Dory, you BETRAYER!!!


Settled for a yellow bandage while the blur fish chose purple. LOL!

Pictures of my time in school (Year 2, Sem 1)

Definately not for the faint-hearted.

The following picture was taken during one of our evening lab lessons. Lecturer was talking and talking and talking with NO pauses in between! Duckie got new stylo phone with many many effects and so the picture was snapped.

Minah-lian (as I have been dubbed) and Minah

The above photos were taken before my hairstyle became a disaster. Now ya'll ready to have a peek at what I look like currently?

Really Ready???

Really really?!?!?!

There's no turning back now!!!

Continue scrolling down if you're not a pussy wuss!

Ok ah... I show liao ah!


Haha! Disappointed? Told you I was only gonna put pictures up if I look good in 'em. Hehehe!

Alright, for the sake of those who don't recognise me anymore... I'm the one on the extreme left of the picture (also the one with the broadest shoulders!). I can't believe how man-ly I am as cmpared to my petite coursemates!! My goodness!

Sis is waiting for her turn to blog. Irritating lah!!!

My prayers answered? I don't know. You know how I feel? I bet so. Then why are you keeping mum?! Say something, tell me it's not true!

Shadow stepped, body touched, soul crashed at 12:13 am.
0 shafts of moonlight

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

I'm still here!!!

I haven't given up on my blog!! Blame the dumb CPU that kena-ed some sorta virus! It's been more than a week since Dad sent it for repairs and it's still at his friend's place... RAWR! I WANT MY CPU BACKK!!!

Currently using the computer in one of the SHS com-labs. I don't like it one bit.

Will be back for some serious blogging the moment the CPU arrives home. Stay tuned!!

-Many thanks to Joycie & Mr A.-

Shadow stepped, body touched, soul crashed at 9:04 am.
0 shafts of moonlight