Monday, July 09, 2007
Taking a break from BCLS.Mum brought home a box of donuts from Donut Factory on Saturday. I chose NOT to indulge in those sinful confectionaries because I had a queen-sized sirloin steak the day before. I'M FORCED TO WATCH MY WEIGHT OK! My dad has been making fun of me since the day I showed him the Chiangmai pictures. He'd look at the photo and say, "EH! Who's this fat girl?!"
Thanks a tonne, daddykins!
And Mummy... well... she's not as sadistic as my paternal parent. She just has to mention about how she only weighed 43kg after giving birth to me and I'd feel so obese. She asked me what was my current weight a few days ago and when I told her, she exclaimed, "What?! My goodness... you better watch your weight ah! I didn't even weigh that much when I was expecting!"
-nothing to say liao-
Moving on to the little monkey at home; she's always calling me fat! Stupid anorexic prime-ape! It's either that or she goes, "Wei! Your thighs very big leh! Want me take photo and show you?"
Idiot. I know you got stylo-milo handphone lah... HAO LIAN! Cannot blame me for having big thighs what! What's my CCA?! Ever come across a judoka with miniature thighs not?! Dumbo!!
Enough about my size, my weight and my thunder thighs. My BMI is 19! HEALTHY RANGE! Now let's drool at the sight of those donuts!

When I opened the box (I told mum that I didn't want any but she asked me to open the box and have a look aka trying to make me have a first lapse), only ONE of the donuts caught my eye; the one at the extreme right on the bottom row.
*Sigh* Waiting until Sunday to have a bite of the donuts was just too long a wait. Cause Lil' sis decided to gobble it all up before I could! Damn you!!
I didn't have much of a choice of which donut to choose because the only one left was the one that looks like a nipple. Yeah, the one in the middle on the bottom row. ARGH!!!
The sides (light brown part) was pretty good... but the middle section (dark brown) was GROSS! God knows what is was! Eeeeewww... it wasn't sticky or chewy like how normal dark chocolate cream would be. It was more of a gooey, stick-to-your-teeth kinda sugary shit. DIS-GOOS-TING!!!
Aaaawww, poor sis' tagboard got spammed by one of her schoolmates. But unlike the usual sorta spams that we all get (full of profanities, cursing of parents etc.), this tiny twerp decided to give some sorta Holy Testimony, saying things like
"by no means i am against u merely making my point. god has asked us not to spread gossip and let only gracious words come from your mouth. may your heart be aligned after god, and i bless you with the love of god that you will learn to love others like he first loved u"
*quick in-take of air*
Am I seeing this from a tagboard?! Since when we were allowed to bring God into such situations man? If we're permitted to do such a thing, then from this day forth, I shall bring a bottle of Holy Water to school and each time I cross paths with someone whom I detest, I would sprinkle him/her with it. Or maybe I could even bring my gigantic wooden cross and stick it onto the wall in the lecture theatre to make known that I'm a child of God. Which one sounds better?
Gosh! I went to a Christian Childcare Centre, I attend Church (though not as frequently anymore), I've attended Bible Study classes, I say grace before meals and I do believe that God exists; but this is just too absurd lah! Please, get a life and live it!
I tagged back, "ELIZ, pls shut up in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit"
Was too angry to even bother about whether or not it was wrong to say such things. ROAR!! Going back to mug for BCLS now. Irritating!