Friday, July 25, 2008

You don't have to know! So KPO!

Can you guys just BACK OFF?!

STOP PROBING INTO MY PRIVATE LIFE! Whatever happens between Raiden and I is solely OUR problem. We don't need anyone's help in regards to relationship issues.

I decided to change my status to "single" on Facebook because

a) NOBODY needs to know who I'm in a relationship with and

b) I am definately not gonna let the whole of the Facebook committee know that we broke up (if we ever do)

Thanks for the many "concerned messages" from people, but you guys are DORKS. You're the sort of beings that believe EVERYTHING you read in tabloids. L-A-M-E! So just because your life sucks, GET OFF MINE!

Shadow stepped, body touched, soul crashed at 11:54 pm.