Saturday, October 11, 2008

Sing me a song

Because I seriously have no life during attachments man... yet another occupational hazard. Everyday, after my 8 hour shift, I get so lethargic, I basically just sleep all the way home and sleep some more when I eventually do reach home. WTF. This results in me not sms-ing much, not being online much, not shopping much and not seeing my baby much.

A couple of days back, my sweetest drug celebrated his 20th birthday and I wasn't able to attend the sushi buffet that he and his coursemates went to. Bah! Shit happens at the last minute... always!!!

Sorry sugar, I hope I made it up to you with the gift and jellies. HAHAHAHA!! Yeah, I didn't bake him a cake coz I'd probably bake the whole kitchen up in the process. I SUCK WITH CULINARY STUFF AND BAKING OK! But still, it's the thought that counts, right? I got him some items which I knew would drive him fanatical and I stayed up till 3-fucking-am to make him lychee jellies with peach cubes :)

What made me happy was seeing him gobble it all down while watching The Nanny with me that night. So cute!

Then I came across a very interesting site catering to photographs:


Wakakakakakaka!!!! Cute, right?!

I made one for Siti as well... LOL!

And Mr Jaya!!!

Oh, and Paris Hilton LOVES me, btw...

LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!! Bored like me and wanna have something to do? Go choose designs for your own pictures at

Shirleen's 21st party bash!!!

I wasn't the only guest around lah! Her other pals were there as well, but since I was NEVER in the same class as her during Secondary School, I'm not familiar with her clique and other friends so... yeah, I only got pictures of her and me. Hehehe!!
Dearest Godsis, you were truly a blessing in my life; always helping me out and finding solutions to my problems. Even when I was in the slumps in 2004, you wrote me letters to keep my spirits high and encouraged me to move on with life. Thank you for all that you've done for me, and God bless you for being suc a wonderful friend :)

Shadow stepped, body touched, soul crashed at 4:27 pm.