Thursday, November 06, 2008


PRCP officially kicks off on MONDAY and currently, my tongue is SWOLLEN! I can't bloody speak without sounding like I've got a short tongue, dammit! I consulted my GP yesterday and he prescibed me some tablets and paste to apply on the tip of my tongue to reduce the pain ASAP (however, ASAP just isn't fast enough! I want my normal tongue back THIS INSTANT!).

The paste is ultra GROSS, I tell you! It has this sandy kinda testure and when applied to my tongue, IT'S FUGGIN' SOUR!!! Not TomYum soup/lemonade/orange sherbet type of sour-ness. Those kinda sour-ness are at least fairly PLEASANT. This paste-cum-gel is.... omg, I can't even articulate about it.

I NEED TO RECOVER FAST!!! How am I bloody gonna go for attachment if I'm unable to talk?! The people there will treat me like an idiot. Bah!

Quoting from Siti: "Silence is like, so unlike u, man!"


It sucks to be in my current state. Seriously! And all because I'm mildly dehydrated. Okok, I'm so gonna make a pact with my body that once I recover (better be soon!), I'll drink at least 2 litres per day!!! And then, because of the increase in water intake, I gotta pray that my bladder walls are strong enough to retain my pee until I'm able to visit the loo during shift.

What?! Can't expect me to keep going to the lavatory while working mah! I'll lose my momentum!! Wahh... this means more pelvic floor exercises. BUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Haiz... being human is so troublesome. Keeping your body healthy requires so much trouble. Must drink enough water to keep yourself hydrated, but at the same time, cannot drink too much. Drink too little and you become dehydrated (in my case, with a fucking swelled-up tongue). Must remove bowels at least once day, but then again, if you strain too much, you kena haemorrhoids. And if never remove, constipation! Shit too much, no good. Shit too little also no good.


So to drink, or not to drink? To shit, or not to shit?!

Transform into robots, sudah lah! So much easier. Just change batteries and oil the parts. No need to maintain weight lah, watch diet lah, exercise, have sufficient sleep, take enough fluids, shit daily etc.


Gimme a miracle :'(

Shadow stepped, body touched, soul crashed at 1:00 pm.