Friday, January 09, 2009
Probably the DUMBEST politician (still) aliveSo the USA is supporting Isreal in their war against Palestine. And this bastard thinks it's a good idea to boycott American products in Malaysia; one of which is Coca-cola -_-"
His response to his (stupid) actions: "I'm not asking you to die. Just asking you to stop drinking Coca-cola. You won't die if you don't drink!"
WHAT KIND OF STATEMENT IS THAT?! People from all over the world are so gonna assume that Malaysians are brainless because their former Prime Minister doesn't seem to own a brain!
Fucking bastard!
You want to talk about dying, why didn't you just die a few years back when you had cardiac problems?! Why undergo CABG?! Knn!!! You should've just stopped breathing altogether and save the surgeons all the trouble... recuperate back to health already then wanna stir up trouble. Fuck you to the ends of this earth man!
Finding fault with people/other politicians doesn't seem to be enough for him... boycott soft drink also gives him kick! WTF! What's next?! Start civil war with the orang asli tribe?!
Fucking stupid can?!!!