Wednesday, June 01, 2005
DOWNRIGHT FREAKY SLUT.Before my flawless and swift fingers go typing away at the key-board, I would like to mention that once again, NO NAMES/PICTURES ARE BEING USED. So if I get confronted (again), I wouldn't hesitate to inform other bloggers and hold a petition against (all of) you.
Why do YOU have to rush into so many relationships and end up having your heart broken by some guy you barely know?! This time, nobody's gonna show you any pity! Wanna know why? Cause YOU ASKED FOR IT!!!! How can you even bring yourself to do such a shameless thing?! Now you've been dumped by him... Muahahahahaha!! Serves you right. So DON'T even think about gaining sympathy from ANYONE in school.
What can you say about a friend who, behind your back, secretly dates the guy you like? How will you feel if it actually happened to you? Well, let's just say that Heaven isn't as blind as we all thought so... this particular 'buddy' of mine got dumped! *giggles* And the guy is finally with the girl who deserves him better.
I'm getting sick in the stomach just by thinking about all the self-pity stories you told HIM. If I ever type your name on my blog (don't think I wouldn't) you're probably gonna be Singapore's greatest loser/desperado/slut/WITCH. By the way, how's the 'love spell' coming along? Has it been cast on Mr A*n**? *guffaws* Keep us informed ok?
Whoopi-doo!!! The love birds are finally back together once more. You know, this reminds me of a story! *Tan Ah Teck stares at me* Long before your time, in the southern province of China(just imagine lah!), there were 2 girls whose names are AiAi and LiLi.
AiAi had a boyfriend called FuFu. Somehow or rather, despite being deeply in love with each other, they broke up! *audience gasp* So a heart-broken AiAi confided in LiLi, whom she considered to be a good friend, but in actual fact, LiLi backstabbed her and dated FuFu. (That LiLi damn slutty right? She anyhow tell people that I owe her money leh!! Thick-skin hor? And she once called me a 'Bitch' in front of all my classmates, you know? Bloody whore!)
Moving on, AiAi made it clear with her actions that she wanted NOTHING more to do with LiLi. But that shameless LiLi never failed to STARE at AiAi when both of them crossed paths. Hahahahaha! You wanna know why LiLi was always giving AiAi the fucked-up look? Because AiAi was still good friends with FuFu and duh, 'the girlfriend' wasn't happy about it. I wonder if she ever uses her braincells... how can she expect AiAi and FuFu to NOT contact each other? Moreover, it's not as if AiAi was doing anything wrong. (At least contacting a guy isn't as bad as STEALING one). Any idiot can guess that soon after, FuFu realised that his feelings for AiAi can never be replaced and he spilled the beans to LiLi.
THE POOR LITTLE GIRL WAS CRYING IN SCHOOL TODAY!!! OMG~ Spilling all the woes to her 'friends' and hoping that they'd convince AiAi to give FuFu back to her. But does anyone care? huh? Alot of them were supporting AiAi's boogie dance when she did it in the canteen. Wahahahaha!
Side-note: My blogging skills are getting from bad to worse. Ain't as interesting as the previous blog hor? Haiz... maybe time is all it takes lah hor?