Saturday, August 13, 2005
Ring, ring! Reality check! (this entry was saved as a draft, thus the late posting)It is my greatest honour to announce that I HAVE PASSED CHINESE! I've escaped from the evil clutches of cheng yu, ci yu, si han, gong han, tian xie han zi, zuo wen, li jie wen da etc. So, so, so, so happy!!! And I sorta lifted Mrs Tan off the ground while "hugging" her.
3 more months! 3 more torturous months before I can bum around at home once again.
So Harris and I had this conversation the other day and he still couldn't believe that I want to enroll in Nursing after my 'O's. I asked him why he couldn't visualise me saving lives, and he said....
"HAHAHA! Oh no! Judo & Nursing is not a good combination. Eh, next time you got attachment hor, must tell me which hospital you working at leh! So if I am involved in any kind of accident, I will tell the paramedics NOT to send me to that hospital. Even if I'm 50 metres away from your workplace, I will tell them to send me somewhere else."
I buay pass as a nurse meh?!
Wah lao! Everytime I tell someone that I plan to work in a hospital, they either gasp like they haven't breathed fresh air in years or their mouths open up so wide, I can never tell them apart from a hippopotamus.
I once told a Judo senior that Nursing would be my first choice among all the other courses and he merely remarked, "Really? Oh ok. Good luck hor. All the best ah." When I met him again in june, he suddenly commented, "EH! I still can't believe you wanna join Nursing leh!"
-_-" Very hard to believe huh?
My father also another one. Say that I'm too impatient to be a nurse; ask me join police force. What the hell? Daddy, I AM YOUR DAUGHTER LEH!!! Have a little more faith in me can?! I promise, I won't be the first nurse in history to inject a patient with the wrong drug.
What Yeeling told me was the best of the best. She said, in chinese, "You this kind of people join nursing good. Seriously! When all the perverted old man get touchy touchy with you, you can show them who's boss."
Police woman & nurse... not much difference mah.
Police woman: Runs around HDB flats all day trying to nab delinquents (helping society), able to use a gun (dangerous weapon possession), attired in smart smart uniform (sibeh stylo wor)
Nurse: Runs around the hospital trying to blow air into patients' lungs (helping to revive the dead), able to use the injection on others (dangerous weapon possession), attired in clean & sexy-looking uniform (stylo until *peng*)
See???? Very similar right? But I still wanna be the one who wears white. Reason being, I'll be in an air-conditioned environment, I don't have to use blue tents to shield dead bodies from the public and I'll be a white-collared worker, not a blue-collared one (if you get what I mean).
People, I can be gentle too, you know?! Join judo only cannot be nurse arh? You all wait. I will get my diploma in 3 years time and wave it in your faces. And Harris arh, hopefully your wife suay to the max hor! I will be holding pom-poms and yelling at her to "push harder" because "I can see it's head"!
There's one more thing I wanna talk about *pray hard that I won't die young*.
I, err...
Moreover, hehasgonepsychoandIdonotwanttocomeincontactwithpeoplewhoarenotsane.
Ok, I'm scared.
True, a relationship should be based on personality and not looks. But can personality be judged through phone-calls?! What if I sound like a sweet little pixie through line but look like Quasimodo in real life? Still wanna date me? Get real, please.
I might sound mean here, but I'm actually saving you! I AM SYLVESTER'S CLONE LEH! You go out with me, not scared other people call you gay meh?
Aiyah, to summarise it all, I AM NOT INTERESTED LAH. Kimberly aka Sly already has Shirleen aka Maia. Don't take me away from her!!!!!!! It took me 5 years to get her to scandal with me ok! Pray pray arh.