Sunday, July 10, 2005
Went up, dropped down but flew sky-high again!7th July
It was the boys team preliminaries. Left school around 11.50 and as always, Leon wasn't happy about it. Buy hey, I seeked permission from the Vice-Principal! She not happy, what can I do hor? Also not my fault that she's always seen with a black face. Bleah~
Event began at around 1.30pm and woohoo! Mr Von Dutch playing leh!!!
That's him on the left, so yan dao hor??? (Steph agrees with me.)

I know lah, I should have stood at the other side of the hall to snap the pictures. The angle from which I chose to stand at was facing the sunlight, so the shots turned out fucking dark.
"OMG!!!", says Amal, "He's pipping hot!" *hysterical scream*

While I was trying to get snap-shots of him ALONE, the referee just kept coming into the screen. *ARGH!* Get out of the way!!!!

Sadly, Mr Von Dutch was the only player, out of all 5, who won his match. A great player lost coz his team-mates weren't lucky. That's life.
Looking on the bright side, my 'B' boys made it to the semi-finals!!!
Can't really remember which school got thrashed by them but don't you think they look like heroes here? (The referee was announcing them as the winner)

Some mothafucker injured Zhijian's shoulder and the team was left with only 4 players. LOST TO ASSUMPTION ENGLISH SCHOOL! (Nabeh!)
'C' boys did well beyond expectations too. The under beyond underdogs won 3rd, you know! Behind Raffles Institution and Hwa Chong. But I couldn't get a nice picture of them. Haiz...

There was a long wait for the semi-finals match for the 'B' boys, so decided to play around with Rachel's camera. Amal had earlier on taught me how to remove the flash but I FORGOT!!! So I was pressing random buttons, hoping that one of them would turn the flash off.
'B' boys from RI were about to play in like, 2 seconds time. So I quietly zoomed into their "Don't you dare mess with me" expressions and click! THE DAMN FLASH WAS STILL ON!!! I don't wanna know how many faces turned towards my direction. Pfffffft.

Stupid referees just don't know when to stay away when I want them to. WHAT THE HELL IS HIS BUTT DOING IN THIS CANDID SHOT?! (Rafflesians damn fierce hor?)
Needless to say, RI won with Huang's "unapproachable looks" and "intimidating roar". Kwahahahaha! Good luck at the finals!

Oooooohhhhhhh!!!! That's Darling Kim Siong and Baby Jon! Both of them won all their matches and seized the bronze trophy. DON'T YOU JUST LOVE BRONZE???
I RECEIVED ANOTHER COMPLIMENT; I'VE GOT NICE HANDS! Hahahaha! The next one shall be my ear lobes. *guffaws*
Had dinner with Yeeling, Kuanli and Jon (Tan) at at Kovan immediately after the tournament. While I was lining up to purchase a bowl of mouth-watering laksa, Jade called me and said (her own words!), "Jie Jie! You be careful leh! Papa now very angry with you. Just now your form teacher call him and say you never go school. When you come home papa sure scold you like hell one!"
I hung up on her without even saying bye-bye to her. WHERE GOT MOOD SIA?! Wanna know how pissed at Leon I was? My appetite flew away and less than half of what I ordered went down my sore throat. Jon downed my leftovers in less than 10 minutes.
Wasn't in the mood to join the 3 of them at Heartland Mall because I, daddy's girl, was about to get reprimanded by daddy.
I walked to the furthest bus-stop from Kovan and while strolling under the HDB flats, I was praying that a kind soul would just "accidentally hit" a flower pot or a TV set down their balcony and end my life right on the spot.
Waited at the bus-stop for 20 minutes before finding the courage to board one home.
Thank God for my father's patience. He didn't yell at me afterall. Just had a face-to-face talk with him and he made his point, very clearly, that he never want me attending anything concerning Judo. FUCK YOU, LEON!
8th July
Claris and I were waiting at the parade square for her to turn up so we could confront her about what she told our fathers (why she like to call fathers one huh? desperate arh?)
But she wasn't in school! According to Mr Ee, she was "on course". Sian arh... Monday still must "sincerely apologise" to her because it is all nothing but a "big misunderstanding".
I rushed to Hougang Sec (took public transport hor!) and was just in time to see Steph perform a half-done uchimata on her Farjar Sec opponent. BLUR COCK REFEREE! Didn't even give her a "koka" for making the other party fall.
WE LOST LAH! I wanted to cry, wanted to go to that man with the red tie and pluck every single strand of his bleach white hair out!
'C' girls performed brilliantly. Won Hougang Sec and Assumption English School. THEY ARE IN THE FINALS!!! Will be playing against Nanyang Girls on the 12th at Toa Payoh Sports Hall. (Time for revenge)
But I sibeh suay arh!!! Evrytime got important match only then the date sure clash with my schedule one. Idiot! This time 100% cannot "sneak up the bus" and go liao lah! Fuck it. I HATE MATHS EC!!!!! And the teacher.
Notice I didn't take any pictures of the girls? Erm... I forgot to bring the cam along after charging the batteries. I know, I suck.
Not forgetting, I lost my voice and I've got Oral on Monday. Gone case liao. It would be a miracle if I could even whisper a word loud enough for the examiner to hear. BAH! -_-"