Monday, June 20, 2005
It was FunnishYesterday, all my troubles seem so far away. Now it seems as though they're here to stay. Oh I believe in yesterday.....
Excuse my unusual self today. The song explains exactly how I am feeling now. My old pals, the beach, the fun-filled activities, dinner, photo-taking session etc. are all but memories now.
I wanna turn back time. Go back to when I had to wear yellow every weekday morning (Yellow's my uniform colour).
BAH! -_-" No use dwelling to such stuff... here's the REAL recap of what took place yesterday:
Reached White Sands around 10am to scout for a lil' pressie for Miss Chia. Found a super cute soft-toy cum flower wrapped in scented paper with a duckie key-chain and a farewell card. Called Wei Min to ask for his opinion and I got his thumbs-up. Yippee!!! Admit it, I always know what to buy when it comes to gifts. Hehe~
Met Jovin (after 5yrs of not contacting each other) at 10.30am for breakfast. Miss Leung wanted to dine at Ya Kun. Wah lao!!! The queue was scary lor... and my friend from Hong Kong had to settle for just a cup of lemon tea. (Maybe to her, that's breakfast?)
Wei Min, Han Bin, Jun Yuan and Boon Heng soon caught up with both of us outside McDonalds. We decorated the card and signed it... with shivering hands, thanks to the air-con that was on full-blast! Sheena came a few minutes later looking like a soccer pro. LoL~!
Alas, we proceeded to Pasir Ris interchange (which was the agreed venue to meet each other!) and saw
Miss Chia arrived shortly after and all 9 of us took bus15 to East Coast park! Weeee!!!!
Regina was waiting for us at McDonalds at ECP. After exchanging hi-s with her, off to rent bicycles!! I gotta admit, my hands were kinda shaky 'cause I haven't cycled in more than 2 years. Hahaha! My bike's collecting dust and God knows if the bell is rusty.
But sadly, due to my absent-mindedness, no pictures were taken of the group cycling, kayaking or having fun in the salty waters. The digital camera of mine was in my satchel... IN THE LOCKER!!!! *bangs head against the wall*
We cycled from one end of the park to the other twice! TWICE leh! My limbs, along with Jovin's, were wobbly after stopping for a water break. Fricking tiring! I downed my bottle of water, a packet of Ribena and -here's the good part- one & a half packets of fries in less than 20 minutes! Holy smokes... a glutton, I am.
Kayaking was next on the list and somehow, the girls were all aiming to get the lime-green kayak. Erm, since there was only 2 boats in that colour, poor Sheena went for the "girly coloured" pink one. Me? I got the blue-greenish kayak! LoL~!
Kayaked for about 45 minutes when sea-sickness began to take its toll on me. That explains why the rest of the crew were like 5 metres ahead of me!!! ARGH! I managed to catch up with Boon Heng (who had drenched his one & only ensemble of clothes) and he paddled along with me. Nice guy hor? =) THANKS BOONIE BOON BOON!
Blast that kayak! Those who think that plastic-manufactured goods were light, THINK AGAIN! I was left breathless after pulling it back to shore. Still, I went ahead to play water-frisby with the rest.
The day at the park ended with us being drenched from head to toe. We returned the bikes and were planning to get a good shower but somehow, the word 'suay' still exists in our dictionaries. Had to take a bus all the way to katong area where we could finally change into a new set clothes.
Dinner was cool! Totally awesome!! Miss Chia belanjah all of us drinks and the laksa was just yummilicious (though I couldn't finish my portion). Boon Heng paid for my laksa too leh!! So good right? What to do? I was left with only $1.60 in my wallet.
Leslie, in my opinion, was photographer of the day. He used his handphone to snap pictures CONTINUOUSLY of each of us, claiming that he wanted to capture candid shots. Bleah~ But one shot he took of Wei Min was definately 'candid'! *guffaws*
We all couldn't come to a decision of where to go next. So we took bus10 back to Tampines and onboard was where camera flashes and poses couldn be seen. I pity the lovey-dovey couple who were sitting behind Wei Min... the flash went off in their faces whenever I took a picture of him (refer to previous post).
Reached Tampines around 8.30pm and the group dispersed! All of them took the MRT except Sheena and I who had to settle for separate buses. Haiz... A fruitful day, I must add.
Came home and my father was staring at my attire. "Go for outing wear like this arh?"
Hahahahaha! Trust him to leave me in stitches the moment I set foot home... I think I forgot to tell him that it was a BEACH outing. It was bloody 9.30pm by then... sore feet and aching legs could only be cured with a NICE, HOT SHOWER!
I just love this picture, don't you?

I guess I'll have it developed and framed up along with my favourite stash of camera shots. (other pictures include 1st Elisian outing, Graduation Party and International Friendship day).
Until then, this is the well and sea-sick cured Kimberly blogging off!