Sunday, June 19, 2005
2nd Elisian gathering @ East Coast
Hi, everybody! My name is Loctor Lee. Since Kimberly is still suffering from sea-sickness (her kayaking skills kanna sai!), I shall tell all that happened on this FANTABULOUS day.
Beacuse our cikgu is leaving for Brisbane in a few days time, some of us decided to meet up with her at East Coast Park for a day filled with fun, laughter and long time (never fading) memories.
Actually hor, we spent a few hours cycling followed by kayaking and water-frisby. But don't have pictures leh... you know why?
So wasted right? Wah lao eh!
I only managed to reveal my set of pearly-whites to the camera while on the bus to Katong for Laksa. It was MY suggestion leh. So smart hor? *starts to wave, President style*
*audience put index finger into throat*
Once we reached the destination, we had to change 'cause our attires were the ones that we went kayaking in (East Coast toilet too crowded lah)! And one stupid arse came into the gents and took a picture of me and my partner in action!!!!
Oh no! The world knows my secret! Mummy's gonna kill me...

As a side-note hor, that thing in my hand is our present to Miss Chia! DON'T BE DIRTY MINDED!
Wanna know who's the bo liao idiot who took the pic in the toilet? It's KIMBERLY! After I finish my story hor, I'm gonna charge her for indecent behaviour. How can a girl go into a guy's toilet?!?! Must punish... die die oso want her to face consequences!
MAKAN! MAKAN! Laksa very shiok wor. I heck care my "no oily food, only healthy food" diet liao. PUI! Live in Singapore, don't eat good food.... HOW TO LIVE?! Yao wo de ming ah!!!!
Women of the future... plus the moron who outraged my modesty!

Just say it... "We are HOT".

(Can you all do me a favour? Don't tell my captain that I never follow his instructions ok?)
After the laksa, otaks and lime juice+barley... we couldn't decide where to go next. Some say Kbox, some say watch movie @ Cine, some say wanna come my house play with my cat, some want to play pool and they expect me to pay for the expenses leh!!!

They on the bus got nothing better to do. Still keep asking me to take photo with them. Very sian one, you know? Take photo until I got headache arh.
You all siam one side can? make me malu in public only... I very shy one!

Anyway hor, who is that spectacle fellow beside me huh? Never see him before one leh... still take picture with me... Eeeeyyyeeerrr!!!!!!!
Ok, I say finish liao. Tiring wor... ps: I'm very grouchy now. My hair damn disobedient.

Signing off,
Loctor Lee Wei Min
ZZzzzzzzz..... *snort snort*.... zzzzZZZZZzzzzzZZZZZz

pps: I am NOT gay!