Friday, June 10, 2005
Bye bye, Mrs TanWhy must it all come down to this? Halfway through year 2005 and my favourite (actually my ONLY) Chemistry teacher is leaving. Sian arh!! I wonder what will Chem classes be like without her. I'll probably drown the new teacher with chemicals during the practicals. Hmph~
Way back in 2001, Mr Chia also left my class after the June holidays. What the fuck?! He was a teacher, a mentor, a brother. So sad he had to leave for some bloody course and ONLY VISITED ME ONCE!
But the teacher that took over him wasn't so bad. (And he went on to become my form teacher for 2002) Hahahahaha! Call it Karma.
Couldn't concentrate during Mrs Tan's lesson today. All that went through my mind was how I can never celebrate Teachers' Day with her this year. Took a couple of pictures with her using Hajar's phone.

Check out the bright lil' git beside Hajar. LoL~!
I had to do a lil' cover-up 'cause she's so fucking B-E-A-UTIFUL that all eyes will be drawn to her if I don't do anything about it. This is MY blog! YOU GUYS SHOULD LOOK AT ME! (erm, those spots on her are actually kurap... can see or not?) And I chose to dress her in black & white to emphasize on how much I wanna throw her in jail!

With (half) the class. Eeyer... she chose to stand beside Mrs Tan. And you notice how in both pictures, her head is slanted towards the person beside her? So hiao (vain)~ Geli aku! This time, she's orange in colour with a brown attire. I picked her up from the garbage site.
RRRRROOOOAAARRRRRRR!!!!!!!!! I get so worked up just by thinking about her. Gosh! I never wanna run into her again after I get my result slip in February 2006; having her existance in my mind is bad enough.
I wrote a book about her, but I just can't find a suitable title. Let's see, I'll call it "Kurapology".
Contents would include how to treat such people, how to distinguish their lies from their truths, where mongrels of this species usually exist, what they do to hurt others and - the BONUS: what you should do if a Kurap starts grinding against you.

See the thickness of my product? This proves how experienced I am in dealing with such, erm, double-headed snakes? Buahahahahahaha! Daddy's gonna be so proud of me! Weeeee.... =)
Anyone bored and needs something to read? DO NOT hesitate to dial my number and book a copy of "Kurapology". It's something worth buying, reading & keeping for your great great great great great great great grandchildren.