Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Photoshop session.

Have you guys seen Faris' blog? He has like, THE most original background ever... all D.I.Y. Sadly for me, no photoshop meant no self-layout.

But being the "sweet gentlemen" that he is, Mr Faris volunteered to make a couple for me! Great guy eh? Hahahaha! He has already reserved a place for me at his wedding that will take place in... "a few years" time.

So, as I was saying, I received a total of 4 different layouts. But I can't use it. My entries would be covering the totally precious and irreplaceable pieces of art. If so, effort would be wasted, am I right?

Behold! Layout number 1:

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That girl sleeping happens to be me and I'm dreaming of myself? Errr.... but hey! The layout is for me. NOBODY IS TO JUDGE IT, understand? Thankyouverymuch.

Anyway, loves it dude!

Layout number 2:

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I asked Faris to create a "slutty" skin using my solo picture. Hmm... I don't know if it looks slutty to any of you, but the make-up is definately unusual. Check out the blush and lipstick. LoL~!

This feels more of a makeover than layout designing.

Layout Makeover number 3:

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Wow, erm, I'm awed beyond words? Wahahaha! This piece kinda reminds me of court drawings. You know, whenever there's a case going on in court and the news will flash sketched pictures of the people involved?

Really looks like one eh?!!

Yup... it is, alright. I was flashing my sweetest grin while being convicted for having a big mouth.

Makeover number 4:

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WHAT ON EARTH IS GOING ON?! Comic strip? Jigsaw puzzle? I don't know.

remember peeps, no bad comments.


Shadow stepped, body touched, soul crashed at 3:35 am.