Friday, July 01, 2005
Boys' Individual PreliminariesWhat a day! Went to school only to find out that I didn't have to attend any lessons. Why? I HAD TO GO TO HOUGANG SECONDARY TO SUPPORT MY BOYS!
The bus trip to the tournament venue was pretty fun. ZhiJian and Kuanjie were sitting behind Kuanli and I. Both of them were imitating some tv character and it was downright hilarious! Hahahahaha!!!! Thinking about it just makes me wanna laugh myself crazy.
I missed Talentime... haiz... but who cares? Kuanli and I had so much fun scanning the hall for our "eye-candy" and "shuai ge". Hahahaha!!! Zhen de hao shuai leh!!!
Somehow or rather, I couldn't understand why SHE was being so bitchy towards Kuanli and I today. Can someone tell me, what did we do to receive such treatment from her?! Pffffft. WHATEVER! If YOU think that the boys' performance today was not up to standard, YOU had better guarantee us a trophy tomorrow. Otherwise, YOU jolly well apologise for all that you've said.
Caught up with our "nai ma" Yeeling as well. The 2 of them (Kuanli & Yeeling) then proceeded to provoke me about the Dutch/Chinese guy. BAH! -_-"
Me, Nai ma Yeeling and Kuanli

*it's hot, sizzling hot!*
The guys from Hougang sec, only have one word for them: SOT!
They were practically making a nuisance of themselves. When Kuanli and I went to the ladies' this group of guys were pushing one of their friends towards us and saying, "This one good or not? Or you want this one?"
Another incident happened while I was washing my hands in the loo. A guy simply just walked in and and looked around. So I was standing at the sink, wetting my fringe and a guy strolled in like it was legal for him to do so. Didn't even have the courtesy to say sorry for doing such stuffs. PUI!
I'm so happy for Kim Siong, Jonathan Tan and Jonathan Lee!!! They went very far into the tournament. A great achievement, especially for Mr Lee since this is his first time participating. Don't worry about what SHE said about the 3 f you. You guys proved her wrong by doing your best and managing to intimidate your opponents.
Jia you! Wo hui yong yuan zhi chi ni men de!
That fucking judoka is still the arrogant bastard that he was a few years back. Sickening fellow. Thank God he didn't win, people like him don't deserve to. I gotta thank the Hwa Chong guy who sent him packing. Good job in eliminating an asshole!!!
Dutch boy from Nanyang JC is NOT ugly! NOT UGLY! NOT UGLY! NOT UGLY!
Girls' Individual is tomorrow. But I cannot go leh! Why must the stupid Probability test clash with my judo schedule?! ARGH!!! Frustrating sia! Need to rely on Kuanli to give me all the details liao.
Hopefully I'll hear good news during recess when I call her for the results. Wouldn't wanna rely totally on the team events for the trophies.