Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Febuary Evaluation!Here we go again, another month of 2007 has past by. Thankfully, this month was a breeze and unlike January; I'd faint from the exhaustion otherwise.
Alright, let's get down to it!
Attachment @ Ward 58!
Wow. It was one hell of an experience, I tell you! Though I have to admit that I didn't really fancy having four Clinical Instructors initially and I hated the ward layout because it was totally different from Ward 42's. Plus, the way the nurses did certain procedures were unlike how we were being taught by those in 42.
To make my attachment even more stressful, I was under two of the stricter Clinical Instructors; CI Wong and CI Lim. My gosh... they followed me everywhere and watched my every move like a hawk! I remember very clearly, on my second day, CI Wong made me take a patient's vital signs. When it came to feeling the patient's pulse, CI Wong was staring at me with such intensity that I couldn't feel anything on the patient's wrist! The only thing I could feel was my own heart pumping against my rib cage!
Scary eh??
So anyway, CI Lim wanted to assess me in my assisted bath technique one fine morning, so I prepared all that I needed and transferred the patient there via commode. Everything went fine; the patient was very cooperative and she didn't try to attempt any stunts at that point of time. But just as I reached out to on the tap, I stepped on a puddle of soapy water and very nearly lost my balance. CI Lim screamed (I didn't scream, she did) and ran halfway across the assisted bathroom to where I was and steadied me.
Yeah, you buggers wanna laugh, by all means, GO AHEAD! I couldn't care less.
Although I didn't fall, seeing CI Lim's very exaggerated actions alone made me feel... kinda touched actually. Hehehe! Moreover, she was always looking for new procedures for me to attempt so that my objectives could be met; removal of dued plug, removal of staples from abdomen region etc.
Well, the other two CIs (Mei & Ramani) were nice to work with as well, despite the atmosphere being damn pressurising when CI Wong's around. CI Mei and Ramani; I could talk to them about anything under the sun! CI Mei likes the yellow ranger!
Now, I'm currently in Ward 64 and in the same room as Nadirah (OH! Thank God!). I'll definately try to hit more objectives this time round and improve on those skills that I've been taught previously. Many thanks to the nurses and PCAs for their guidance and assistance, especially SN Peggy, EN Amy, EN Ding Jia, SN Shu Zhen, PCA Dalvinder, EN Mutha, SN Mong Ling, SN Nas, EN Nizar, EN Azrin, SN Chun Hua, SN Guang Fo, EN Komal and many more lah!

The cards we made for the SNs, ENs and PCAs (erm, those that we like actually!)

Nad and I say, "Nursing's cool, baby!". Andy nak step cute eh? =p

Once I get that damned camera of mine fixed (which will most probably be this Saturday), I'll post up ALL the pictures that have yet to be posted; lunch treat at Swensen's, last day at Ward 58 and a few pictures of Euan (my 3rd nephew) and I during our family's reunion dinner! HE'S SO ADORABLE!
New addition to the family!!
It really sucked when I couldn't attend the "Silver Ribbon project" because Clara and Terence were the Masters of Ceremony for that event. Bah! Yes, I'm still sore about it. It sucked even more when everyone else were having fun on the 14th while I had to sit on the couch with a can of coke and mug for bloody medical sociology.
I agree with Sheena on the fact that "Sociology kills!"
But on the 15th (if I'm not mistaken), Janice gave birth to a healthy baby boy! Woohoo! Another nephew!! Well, I've yet to see lil' Aden... and I don't think I will until his first month. I hope he's as chubby as Euan... I simply go weak when I carry chubby babies and see their cheeks wobble as I walk.
That's four nephews for me, and it's definately not stopping there! =)
CNY 2007!
Honestly speaking, it was kinda boring man. My paternal grandmother decided to go to Shanghai for a vacation during this period which resulted in me having to stay at home for two days straight instead of attending those huge family gatherings we usually have. Now you know how huge a big shot my grandma is? She's overseas and there's no gathering. Power sey!
Needless to say, ang pow collection isn't as huge as the previous years but... who gives a shit? Money doesn't make the world go round (but it would certainly make me happier than I already am if I had more of it).
Erm, I drank a little with Claralicious and Ter-ter (turtle?) just before the eve of CNY. Damn, I'm really in need of training. Just a little Johnny Walker's and I'm a gone-case. Gosh. Help. Oh yah! I invited those two over to my place on the 25th and we had tonnes of fun, didn't we? They came over to play with Teletubbies and dance Tango! Then that evening, Clara's mum invited me over for dinner. Yum! Yum! Yum! I love the prawns... ate more than a dozen of it, I think. Heh~
Miss Licious and I met up with an old pal on CNY eve and we talked about how we're no longer the same as before. Well, we've listed down our differences, our fears, our expectations... it'll be a lie if I say I don't miss the old times because despite it lasting for only a few months, I was really having the time of my life. So, to our old friend, we'll let you go at your own pace this time. And for the record, if you decide not to take us back, I don't blame you. God bless. =)
And now, for THE BAD:
I bumped into someone I hoped I'd never see again!!!!
A few months back when I was attached to a Renal Ward, I was placed in a room with this patient who is downright irritating lah! We're talking about a patient who would press the call-bell just to ask me to call her son and ask him to buy roti-prata for her. And although she's able to move her upper and lower limbs, she'd rather remain stationary and make us (very busy student nurses) feed her. Somemore ah, feed her got alot of requirements one leh! Break the half-boiled egg and remove the yolk, then spread the egg white on the biscuit, break the biscuit into half and put in her mouth. Then must spread butter on the bread, fold into half and put in her hand because she "cannot see".
Our first day at Ward 64, I was talking to Andy when suddenly Nad exclaimed, "Oh my god!! Kimmi, LOOK!!". I turned to my right and I saw the devil. I thought to myself straightaway, "Mampos lah!!!".
So today, that ~!@#$%^&* was being one hell of an arse, I tell you! She was supposed to go for her dialysis at 12.30pm but the porter was kinda late and she was screaming non-stop that she wanted to go for her dialysis. So for that whole half an hour or so, she was going,"Student nurse, when can Igo for my dialysis?", "Nurse, what time is my dialysis?", "Student nurse, I want my dialysis now!".
Then another patient came back from dialysis and requested for a bedpan. That moron saw PCA Aneetha serving that patient a bedpan and asked me for one.
Patient: Student nurse, can I have a bedpan?
Very annoyed me: But you're going for dialysis soon leh. You want to release bowels or pass urine?
Patient: I don't know. What time is my dialysis? Just take the badpan and put under my bed for me just in case lah
Me: Huh?! Put under your bed? Then other people want to use how?
Patient: Never mind la... just bring it to me please, I beg of you!
Me: *walks away*
- 5 minutes later -
Patient: Student Nurse, I want water with ice. Can help me take?
Me: Cannot drink water anymore. You're on fluid restriction... staff nurse say I cannot give you anymore water
Patient: But I going for dialysis already... please... give me water with ice... please...
Me: Sorry, auntie. You cannot drink anymore water. You drank more than you're supposed to this morning *walks away*
Patient: Where's my bedpan?!
Patient: Where? I cannot see!
Nad and I: Go under your bed and see lor.
Patient: Nurse, I want water with ice please... please.. I beg of you... Student Nurse, please..
PCA Aneetha: Student nurse all on break!
Patient: Don't bluff... they're all standing there! *points at nurses' station*
PCA Aneetha: Oooohhh, now you can see huh?
ARGH!! Sickening woman. Kena fluid overload but still want to drink and drink and drink non-stop. Early in the morning, when I'm busy serving diets or taking other patients to have their baths, this idiot would call me to her bedside to top up hot water in her glass. Once I bring the glass back, she'll take another glass and ask me to put cold water in it.
Me: Aiyah, auntie... why just now never give me... make me walk to and fro...
Her: I forgot lah. help me put cold water and with plenty of ice. Then after that help me clean my body... I dirty my shirt.
NABEH! Purposely one sia... like to drink water right? Let you drink until you get overloaded!
Nadirah had a very interesting encounter with her as well. Mdm take-a-bedpan-and-put-it-under-my-bed was eating Mee Siam initially. When she was done with that dish, she went on to open her packet of Lontong. She then called Nadirah...
Her: Student nurse, can feed me my lontong?
Nad: Auntie, you can move your hands... try to eat yourself
Her: I cannot. I really cannot see, you know?
Nad: If you can eat your Mee Siam on your own, you can eat your lontong also. I need to do something important now.
We come back into the room a few moments later and she is happily eating on her own. Blardy heow! Want us to manja you until when sia? Forever asking for water, forever asking me to call your son to ask him buy kueh, buy roti-prata, buy plum... forever asking me to wash your plum for you, find your biscuit for you, throw the tissue/cup for you. The disposable bags by your side-rails for what one? Bai swee one ah?! Chicken shit.
We're not the only one's who're annoyed with this female freak. Other patients have even gone to the extend of asking her to shut up and be considerate towards others. I mean, with her going "Student nurse, student nurse" every 5 minutes or so, who wouldn't get irritated?! And if you guys wanna laugh at something, read this:
*Nad and I were bitching about her at the sink area when we heard,'Student nurse... student nurse!' Nad zhao lang so I went over to see what that auntie wanted this time round. But for some reason, she was asleep. So who was the one that called for "help"? And then I heard the voice again. I turned around and this cute malay patient called out, "Student nurse, student nurse!"
Me: Yes, auntie?
Cute auntie: Oh, nothing. I was just following the woman. Student nurse, student nurse!
Hint: You can start laughing your asses off like, NOW!
There you have it. The one and only bad thing that Febuary has to offer. Gawd! And I still gotta tahan her until the end of the week cause she'll only be discharged on Friday. But at the rate that she's asking for water, I highly doubt she'll be discharged that soon.
Feb went by pretty well. Now the pressure is on for March. I'm sure I'll enjoy it, considering I'll be on vacation. Hahahaha!
Night ya'll!