Sunday, July 15, 2007
Gasp! These goosebumps won't go away!You guys ever heard of the band ABBA? Just so you know, they're the ones who sang "Dancing Queen". S Club 7 aren't the original singers of that song. Anyway, daddykins harboured this GIGANTUAN crush on Frida, the brunette lady. All I can say to him after watching some of ABBA's videos is,

He made me watch his DVD of ABBA's Greatest Hits. And me, being the goody-goody daughter, actually agreed! Ok, fine, I like Agnetha for her confidence and style but other than that... nothing more left to say. Half the time I was watching Frida from every angle possible to see if I could figure out what attracted my dad to her.
The way she dances is damn cartoon lah! I was laughing to myself most of the time, but when the video for Dancing Queen came up and Frida attempted to dance slow-mo, my funny bone just couldn't hold it's giggles. SO I LAUGHED LIKE I NEVER LAUGHED BEFORE.
My father nearly murdered me! He said, "OI! What you laughing at?!" and body-slammed me after that. Help, call ambulance 995!
There's one thing I gotta give Frida credit for though. She was able to shake her head so vigoruosly without getting giddy. Now that's something Britney will never be able to do. Cause if she tries her luck at that stunt, her wig will fall off.
I thought dad's taste in women was bad. I mean, he fell for someone THREE TIMES HIS AGE! But mum's choice in men is beyond hope. Like, REALLY, truly, electrifyingly beyond hope!!
She had a thing for George Michael and Freddy Mercury; both of whom are GAY!
MUM! What were you thinking?!?!?! You fell for two homo dudes! Gawd, now I know why I find gays adorable. I got it ALL from youuuu...!!!!!
So now the truth's out. Daddy's crush was way too old for him and she was married to ABBA's pianist whereas for Mum, well, they were just NOT available? At least not to teenage girls. So dah! Two love-sick puppies were heart-broken and decided to get a few drinks at a local Disco and voila! THEY GOT MARRIED.
And you thought I always fall for guys who're bastards, attached or are already married with kids.