Monday, February 11, 2008
Bye, guys! =(It was an honour to have a photo taken with this group of BRAINIACS (and with me standing in the middle somemore -_-")
from left to right: Vivian, Phoebe, Qing, Me, Shan and two more RJC gals whom I do not know so I won't anyhow buang names for them

Qing still ask me to go over to Melbourne to "visit when (i'm) free". That girl very willing to sponsor me with air-tickets seh... BAH!! Am missing my cousins now. They left last Thursday on the 11.15pm flight. Phoebe left yesterday and have since touched down in Queensland. Vivian is leaving for Sydney real soon.
Suddenly Australia seems like the hot-spot eh? LOLOLOLOL!!! I've got friends and family there now! Well, the twins are gonna be there for 4 years, so I guess I would have the opportunity to visit them afterall ;)
And who can forget about my other cousin, Colin, who's moved to Melbourne for good?! DANG! If the 4 of us were to get together one day, WE COULD START OUR VERY OWN CHAR KWAY TEOW STAND!!!!
What is life without Singaporean food?!?!
Hey, girls, ALL THE BEST IN UNI!! I'm sure ya'll settle down pretty well; especially Q who's out to hunt for a ang-moh future husband! WAHAHAHA!! Shan, must help your sis ok? I'll fly down to check him out once the dough starts rolling in. Make sure the guy's capable of doing more than the 3 things Caucasians do best ;)