Sunday, April 27, 2008
You've pissed me off REAL BAD this time!I've had enough of people calling/sms-ing me to tell me symptoms of some illness that their friend/relative has and asking me to diagnose the cause for all the signs and symptoms! I don't mind you calling me up and asking for help, but if you're out to question my knowledge, credibility and exposure to healthcare, PLEASE GO TO HELL RIGHT NOW!
You DO NOT call me up and ask me to diagnose illnesses!
-I'm only a Nursing Student. Read: S-T-U-D-E-N-T. If I had the ability to tell you what's wrong with your loved one, do you think I'd still be in NYP? Eh, if I blurt out the diagnosis for your friend without having to refer to any books, I CAN ENROLL IN HARVARD UNIVERSITY ALREADY LEH! And for God's sake, which part of N-U-R-S-E, don't you understand?! Nurses DO NOT decide what illness/disease a patient is suffering from! It's the doctors who do that! The last time I checked my Student Account in school, I'm taking a Diploma in NURSING! I am not gonna be a doctor anytime soon!
Huh? You Year 3 already leh... you dunno what illness is that?
-Fuck you! Year 3, so? Promoted to Year 3 only means I have to know the pathophysiology of all the diseases that ever striked mankind?! WHO TELL YOU ONE?! As you already said, I am ONLY a Year 3 student. STUDENT!!! So I am still very much inexperienced and I've got lots more to learn in this field! Yes, I've been through quite a few attachments now, but how long do these postings last? A few weeks? And how much do you expect me to learn within this 3 weeks?! Idiot. You so clever, you tell me what sickness your friend have lor! Call me for what?! Nabeh... Bring your friend go consult GP lah!
Confirm or not? Appendicitis is like that one meh?
-Of course NOT confirm lah, airhead! I specially flipped through my biology book to find the illness with the same symptoms that you voiced out. You know, the least you could do is thank me cause I DON'T appreciate you questioning me! For crying out loud, the first thing that comes to EVERYBODY'S mind when someone experiences pain at the right lower quardrant of the abdomen is, APPENDICITIS! It will only be ruled out if doctors perform tests on the patient! So you want ACCURATE diagnosis, right?! Go hospital lor... go find the clever clever doctor... call the stupid stupid nurse (unregistered one somemore) will only be a waste of time!
Eh, Seriously, what you learn in school? You like dunno anything one leh!
-Yah! We Nursing Students go to school and waste time! Lecturers only teach us how to clean backside! HAPPY?! Motherfucking ingrate!
I'm warning ALL OF YOU to STOP dialling my number when you need to ask about what sickness you/someone else is suffering from! You know why? Because I'll simply tell you straight through the phone that the person in topic has BIRD-FLU and is gonna die in 30 days! So thinking of calling me? You had bloody think again!
With this entry, I'm telling you ignorant buggers that nurses ARE NOT doctors! Our jobs are entirely different (why can't you all just understand?!). You, asking me to tell you what your friend is suffering from, it's like asking a doctor to change diapers for someone. IGNORANT IGNORANT IGNORANT! I can so laugh at you because you've proved to me that you're the biggest loser this world has to offer. WAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Oh, and if being a Year 3 student is such a BIG DEAL (must know EVERYTHING wor!), why some people graduate already, work a few years then come back to take Advance Diploma/Degree/Masters huh?! Ever thought about that?! There is NO END to studying about this line. So even if you were to call a Staff Nurse and give her a list of symptoms, she might not necessarily know the illness.
Not happy about this entry? Beginning to look down on nurses for not knowing how to diagnose diseases? Why don't you come and prove to me that you can do better us? Don't say I didn't inform you beforehand; nurses are the world's best MULTI-TASKERS. I'll be waiting patiently for your enrolment into NYP/NP ;) Until then, you're NOTHING but an ignorant and naive kid with no specialities.
To my sisters/brothers in Nursing, such people will NEVER comprehend our role in healthcare. So basically, there's no point explaining to them the stuff that we study in school. At the end of the day, we know our work and our importance in the hospitals. That's all that matters. We don't frickin' bother about the impression that numbskulls have about us. If they think that we're inferior to doctors, so be it! They're embarrassing themselves for having such thoughts. I wonder, have they ever thought that nurses are the backbone of healthcare? Hmm... oh, right! They're ignorant.