Sunday, October 12, 2008

OT posting tomorrow

And I am so not ready for it. SGH only uses scrubbing method (from what I heard) so my forearms are prolly gonna hurt like fuck!!! And for all I know, the colour tone of my arms might become lighter than the rest of my body parts. RAHHHHH!!!!

One more week, TAHAN! TAHAN! TAHAN!

And guys, my online album is now completed with ALL my pictures; includes Secondary School days, Judo trainings, junior years in NYP, attachments, birthday parties etc. I know alot of you have completed your postings (HY, Duckie, Dorie, Pigologist), so go take a look ok? HAHAHAHA! I have all your pics posted up ranging from Year 1-3 and during our various postings! And please ah, I look nothing like how I do now when I was in Sec Sch, so don't get too shocked, alright?

I pasted the link above my Nuffnang ad. since September but NO ONE seemed to notice! So far, only Hajar and Boon Juay have been to my page because they're both members of Multiply. Whatever.

Anyways, I've 18 albums there so enjoy yourselves :)

Hint: You guys can start setting up your own accounts so your precious photos will be stored where I can see them. Hahaha!

Can't wait for Halloween!

Shadow stepped, body touched, soul crashed at 11:29 pm.