Saturday, August 20, 2005

I shall fight sarcasism with even MORE sarcasism

AHA! Now I know why Dad used to tell me, "Girl, there is more to what meets the eye." It's amazing how hypocritical some people can get. Tsk tsk... bless them!

I know your secret, you cute, lovable sonofagun! Muahahaha!

Call me lesbian summore lah! Call lah! CALL LAH! I am aware about YOUR sexuality. It's kinda interesting actually. (Ok, considering you mocked me months back, and we're currently good friends, I'll stop the tormenting.)

All of you, repeat after me:

I don't know why, but I simply love blogging (fine, actually dissing) people online. My tagboard has been spammed by immature brutes with no identities and faces but still, the "heck care, fuck care, don't care" attitude lives on (oh boy, I rock!).

Taggy is back up again. So far, so good! But if a mindless jerk decides to come along and add a little life to my tagboard, by all means, GO AHEAD. Come on, tell me that I suck to the highest Heavens. Try and bring me down with senseless sentences like "Shamless girl oops is lesbian!" (I did NOT make any spelling or grammatical errors. That was EXACTLY what appeared on my tagboard back in April).

Uh-oh!!!! The bitch within me is overtaking the saint.

Mouth it out:

I seriously hate it when people PRETEND to be what they are not. If you can't be the creme de la creme, then forget about it! What's the point of bragging to others that you share the same tutor as the students from some of Singapore's prestegious institutions when your results turn out to be rock bottom?! You're indirectly xia-suaying your tutor, aren't you?

Prelims are in 4 weeks' time, and you're not making an effort to bark up. Planning to take 'O's for the 3rd time huh??? Hajar, Firziana, Amalina and I work hard to achieve the results that we got (though it might not be up to expectations). What about you?!

I am sick and thoroughly tired of having to put up with you. Whenever there's an assignment to be handed up during Maths EC, you never fail to copy our work and hand it up as your own. TA MA DE QU SI LA! Don't know how to find inter-quartile range??? Are you kidding me?!?! Next time, if you need help in cumulative frequency graphs, DON'T LOOK FOR ME. Want my answers, pay me first.

*Takes out the Birkenstock Fund container*
I'm waiting............

Hahahaha! Hajar can be so hilarious when she's fuming. I love her quotes! Here are some of them:

1) 5 seconds later, I can hear an echo about what I said.

True, true! Whenever Hajar says something in response to Mr Yeo's questions, a few seconds later, that copy-cat would say out the very same answer in a much louder tone (as if she came up with it herself)

Example 1:

Mr Yeo: Ok, can anyone tell me what is this experiment testing for?

Hajar: OH! Cations! Cations!

Mr Yeo: Yes, it's a test for Cations.

-a few seconds later-

Copy-cat: Oh, cher!!! I know! It's cations, right?

Hajar: Eh! Wasn't that what I just said?

Example 2:

Mr Yeo: You are suppose to burn your filter paper and jot down the colour of the ashes.

Hajar: GREEN! GREEN! It's green in colour!

Leroy: Oi, don't spoil lah... I haven't do the experiment, you know.

Hajar: Sorry lah!

-approxiamtely 2 seconds later-

Copy-cat: Mr Yeo, I remember! The ash is green.

* I look at Hajar and go -_-" *

2) She has to copy whatever things I do!

Maybe it's all coincidence.. either that or she lives up to her reputation as a copy-cat/poser. Hajar has a pair of purple spectacles. Recently, Miss Poser bought a pair of glasses (whatever for? She has perfect eye-sight!) and va-va voom! It's PURPLE as well!

And the one thing that always amuses me is how her hairstyle is always so similar to that of Hajar's. HARHARHAR! So unoriginal.

Alah, to hell wth her lah! Aku nak tidur! Selamat malam!

Shadow stepped, body touched, soul crashed at 2:06 pm.