Saturday, October 15, 2005
Terrorist story.I wasn't joking when I told you that I plan to destroy the Esplanade, did I? Here's a picture of a terrorist I'm working closely with.

DON'T STEREOTYPE THE GUY AS A VILLIAN OK. He had a very sad childhood... *sobs*
Here's the life-story of Mr Mask&Goggles:
He was the class nerd...

.... everyone made fun of him.
So despite wanting to graduate from school with a proper certificate, he left for the workforce.
He tried being a hip-hopper

But err... didn't quite succeed as one. He then became a waiter for a measly salary of 4 doughnuts per day.

He charmed his boss' wife and he got fired. Aaaaawwww!!!!!!
Furious over losing his job, he decided to take after Anakin Skywalker and "turn to the bad side".
Slowly, but surely, he morphed into someone whom we all fear.
Stage 1

Stage 2:

Stage 3:

Stage 4:


Be afraid, be VERY afraid.
HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!! Liked my post? I know it rocks.
In case you're curious, the guy who agreed to the 'photoshoot' is Kuanjie. LoL! I was viewing him through his webcam when he began dressing up to 'entertain' me. Alot of different styles!
-Grass cutter
-Grass cutter go swimming and then go formal dinner etc. etc.
It was fun, I tell you. Hmm... must ask him to do it more often. Muahahahaha!
Kuanjie's birthday is on the 20th of October... and I can't celebrate with him because I'm having Science Practical on that day!!!!! NO FAIR!!!!!
This shall be a birthday