Friday, December 16, 2005

Sick or weird?

YOU are... mentalic (is there auch a word?)

I don't know if you're doing this for attention or to infuriate me, but one thing for sure, I've lost 100% of my patience.

Just what on earth are you up to? The stint that you're up to now, SUCKS. It's childish, ridiculous and, believe me, you're losing me as a friend.

If you're avoiding me, fine! If you're doing this to grab hold of other people's attention because you didn't get any before, it's a fucking lame thing to do. If you just want others to feel guilty because they've neglected you, kindly let me inform you that God gave you a mouth so that you can TALK to them and tell 'em how you feel.

WHATEVERRR. Stay that way.... and see if I give a hoot. Dad gave me an early Chritmas present. A motorola V3, black version. I am having soooo much fun taking snapshots and videos of my sister, no time to bother about YOU and brainstorm what's going on in your head.

I'm gonna list down my ultimate (not to mention, shameless) Christmas list, and the people who're gonna get those pressies for me!

Clara & Ruyun - Take me for a spa, followed by a manicure, bikini waxing and to sum it all up, a trip to sunny Florida.

Hajar - ROLLY WEAVER! I want him sent to my doorstep with a yellow bow-tie around his neck!

Boobies - Very simple. Just transfer $10,000 to my bank account (which is why I chose to let a GROUP of you give it to me instead of an individual)

Jenevieve - Gimme the whole range of AX latest arrivals. Shouldn't be a problem right?

Coeus - Bring me go for a movie marathon!

Harris aka ASP Whore - Can I have an AC Milan jersey with the number 22 at the back? Pwetty Pweese???

Shakilah (Queen of Whores) - I want a new Judo gi. And a new sports bag. And a new partner. PUI!

Stephanie - Home-cooked meal at your place. Chicken and crabs are a must-have!

Faris - The promised trip to JB. All expenses paid for. HUAHAHAHA!

Shirleen - Winnie the POOH. Winnie the POOH. Winnie the POOH.

Samuel (not my dad, another Samuel) - A laptop. 'Nuff said.

Ryan, Ryna & Remy - THAT digital camera we saw the other day! The red one!

Brandon & Jordan - Birkenstocks! Original one hor!

Qing, Shan, Yi - Err... how about helping me get Rolly? Hajar needs help in abducting him!

ADAM ZHUANG YONG QUAN! - Open chalet for me and those who give me presents (ps: you're NOT invited)

Ok, I'm done. Merry advanced Christmas everyone! Muacks!

(Those whose names are not mentioned, feel free to send me whatever you've bought for me. Gifts will be deeply appreciated.)

Shadow stepped, body touched, soul crashed at 4:40 am.