Friday, January 13, 2006

"Time Management"

IT WAS A VISION THAT CAME FROM GOD TO ME!! I'm serious! I saw it while sweeping the floor of the new Billy Bombers outlet at Marina Square.

Okok, I saw myself as a bartender; adding ingredients into metal canisters and swinging them around to produce some kinda shit drink. And I had long hair -omg- I can't believe I saw myself with LONG HAIR! The one promise I've made to myself and have yet to break, is to constantly snip my hair short to avoid looking like a horse.

So anyway, this "vision" has made me realised something.


Right now, I am gonna make a list of goals that I must accomplish before I reach a certain age. Those reading, DO NOT, at any point of time, laugh! You wanna giggle/chuckle/smirk/snigger, you bloody go ask yourself if you've the guts to let others know what you plan to do in life.

Before I reach adulthood (21 yrs):

- know the BB menu by heart
- able to make milkshakes without referring to lists
- make history in BB (already done it, thanks to "coconut coke")
- get Diploma in either Nursing (paediatric) or Pharmaceutical Science
- learn to appreciate alcohol... and being able to stay sobber!
- get my black belt!!!!!!

Early to mid-twenties:

- sign up with SIA and travel the world
- visit Anfield at least ONCE and watch a match LIVE!
- get some bartending tips

Late twenties:

- Quit SIA and return to the world of science
- Start work at a local hospital (abt 1 year)
- Get a Degree in Nursing (Griffith University, Australia)
- Offered a job in a hospital overseas

Thirties (the big three-zero!):

- err... ok, this is damn hard. To be continued!

Shadow stepped, body touched, soul crashed at 5:43 pm.