Friday, February 24, 2006
Oh yes, it feels good!!Today, I've got no work and no appointments. Staying alone at home feels good; damn good! Mum and Dad are at work while my monkey sister is probably having some boring lesson in her freaky school.
And I noticed that my past few entries do not have any pictures in 'em. Really boring with all that words eh? Well, to make up for it, here are the pictures taken with Pard's camera on the 10th of February (aka the day results were out!).
Having a feast at Billy Bombers. Amal had Cape Cod Fish and Fries whereas I had a whole Kamikaze to myself. And yes, I finished it all! Muahaha!

Pard joined us later on for dessert and she had an "Original sin", me; an American brownie with coffee ice-cream, Hajar; a chocolate bombers sundae and Amal; normal American brownie.
This picture we took at Pretty In Tokyo was da bomb man! Try and top THIS; a beautiful picture of us, with the wind blowing at our hair!

Bugis rocks. No doubt about it.

(Martin, me, Anthony, Ben)
There is no particular reason as to why I chose to take a snapshot with the three of them. I just wanted a picture because... well... WE ALL HAPPENED TO BE WEARING THE SAME COLOUR, SO YEAH!
-keep a look-out for the entry on the 7th of March. I promise there'll be tonnes of pictures and a nicely written post-
Thursday, February 23, 2006
I love you, Kit-KatAll my videos are gone. My recordings, messages, numbers and pictures are gone as well. My dearest Kit-Kat, where are you?? Who has taken you away from me?? Who diverted my call to you when I was eagerly awaiting someone to pick you up? And who was the evil one that had you switched off?
I feel like crying, but no tears flow out. Still, you have no idea how hard it is to cope without you. I blame it on myself; for being irresponsible as your owner. Now that you're gone, I don't feel secure anymore. Life is less comfortable and modern.
I miss you, Kit-Kat; I really do. Please come back?
Keep in mind that I love you alot and I'll be waiting for you to resurface. Returning to me in that brown outfit I gave you and have you feeling snug and warm in my pocket.
Only a few months old and I lost you. I'm sorry.
Come back home, Kit-Kat!!!
Kim loves Kit-Kat now and forever.
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Who's this...?
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls...
If you find him adorable, please email to:, subject: dylan'05_bb9
Wanna have a look at the other babies? Go to but REMEMBER TO VOTE FOR DYLAN!!!!
People, I must stress that you send your vote by the email I've linked and type out the subject yourselves cause that website has some bloody error which doesn't allow you to vote properly. So bottomline is, Vote For Dylan!!! Go now!!! VOTE!!!!!!
Friday, February 17, 2006
Let it be.The post has been erased in case SOMEONE comes across it, reads it and learns the truth. As much as I don't wanna cause anymore trouble, I don't want to portray myself as a desperado.
Monday, February 13, 2006
For those who'll die if I don't tell youFriday started out a little rough. Why? Because one fucker called my mum whilst I was sleeping to inform her that I had to wear my uniform to collect my results and that coloured hair isn't allowed.
I felt like ripping her vocal cords out of her (the fucker's) throat at that point of time. I mean, which retard would call her student six hours before the releasing of results and tell the student's parents that blonde hair ain't allowed? Which brings me to the next point, HOW RIDICULOUS CAN A SCHOOL GET?! They had more than a month to inform students but they just had to choose the tenth of February to inform them.
So Amal and Hajar called me and we had a conference. I was whining about how much I hated the fucker and how badly I wanted to burn down the school. Also, I was going on and on about how I had to spend eleven bucks on some bloody hairspray. Then Amal suggested that I wear a wig cos her brother has a few black ones. I was over the moon when I heard that and kept begging her to get a wig for me. She said that I was insane and I would look real fake cos one of the wigs reached her waist when she tried it on and the other black wig was an afro.
Nevertheless, I was bugging her to lend me her afro since the school only asked us to have black hair (afro is black what!) and they said nothing about having crazy hairstyles.
Me: AMAL! Just lend lah! Afro is black right? I don't want to buy hairspray!!!!!!!
Amal: What the fuck?! Kim, are you insane?! It's an afro for goodness sake!!!
Hajar: *uncontrollable laughter*
In the end, Amal bought this bottle of dark brown hairspray for me and she helped to hide my blonde fringe from the eyes of the evil security guard and teachers.
Took a cab to school from Hajar's place and ran into a few of our classmates at the front gate. Damn security guard didn't allow them to enter because he was checking students individually for coloured hair. Boon Juay and Audrey then came with a few cans of black spray and everyone went to the coffeeshop and started spraying each other's hair.
Amal, Hajar, Mara and some others were allowed to enter. When it was my turn, the ah-pek made me turn around, stared at me, made me turn 180 degrees and said, "Your behind brown! Cannot go in!"
I had to join Audrey and Boon Juay outside for some last minute spraying and my hair already had a mixture of black, brown and ash. My collar was stained, but who cares? Was gonna throw the sickening uniform away anyway.
On my second attempt of entering the school, I was permitted to go in. WOOTS! So a whole group of us were waiting in the rain for Boon Juay to come in but the guard didn't grant him access cos he still had a patch of blonde at the back of his head. And guess what? Ah-pek took the hairspray from Boon Juay and helped him cover up the blonde patch!!
OMG!! We were laughing our asses off as the raindrops fell on our heads. I mean, the guard was paid to keep those who disobeyed the school rules out of the school but there he was, helping one student to spray his hair black!
Went up to the hall and Boon Juay and I were stopped by Miss See. Wah lao eh, why both of us always kena one?!! This time, we were caught for not tucking in our shirts. I then explained to Miss See that I had to tuck it out cos I could only zip my skirt up half-way. -_-"
Top Express student was Seumas and top Normal Academic student was Steph. So what else is new? Ah, congrats to the both of them anyway! Steph, all the best!!
Amal was the first one to collect her results and I was feeling anxious for her. As she walked back to where we were sitting, she began shouting, "Yeah! yeah!" non-stop! She made it through this time round. All her struggles and tears have paid off. Huge congrats from me, babe!! See you in poly soon!!
It was my turn a few minutes later. My Foo saw me approaching and smiled a little. He then produced my result slip and placed it on the desk in front of me.
I saw my grades and began screaming hysterically. Mr Foo was chuckling at the sight of me hopping around and the girl sitting next to him was staring at me like I was some kinda freak. But she was sweet enough to wish me good luck after she handed me my year book and other JAE stuff.
Called Dad and spilled the news to him. Afterwhich, Mrs Lin, Harris, Shirleen, Kelly and Garry were informed. KELLY GOT 8 POINTS LEH!!! So smart right?! Wah piang eh!!
Ok ok, I so wanna thank so many teachers right now!! Miss Lee, Mr Farizal, Mr Aw, Miss See, Mrs Tan Siew Leng, Mr Foo, Mrs Tan Siaw Fung, Mr Yeo, Mr Tsia, Mrs Lee, Mrs Ng, and my tutors; Mrs Lin and Miss Honey!! THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING!! The homework, the nags, the reprimandings, the extra classes, the extra sets of worksheets, the study notes and all the other tortures. THANK YOU, FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART!
Pigged out at Billy Bombers (Bugis Junction) with Amal, Hajar and Pard. Ordered Kamikaze, Fish&Fries, two American brownies, Chocolate Bombers Sundae and an Original Sin. Gawd, I was so stuffed I felt like puking when I was only half done with my brownie. Never mind, Amal and Haj helped me finish it. Heh~
CAM-WHORED WITH THE THREE OF THEM! First it was at Pretty In Tokyo then it was at the back alley beside Bugis Village. Hahaha! I had one of the funnest times of my life.

The other pictures of us in the back alley has yet to be uploaded into the com, but I'll show it to you guys soon (like I always do) =p
Yesterday, chilled out at Mrs Lin's place with Michelle and Jesslyn with pizza, nuggets, wedges, chicken wings, and tonnes of other kinds of food. My ex-tutor then gave us a talk on what courses would lead to which degree and how to get into a university in the shortest, fastest possible way.
Jesslyn and I then went to NYP for some talk and the Director of Nursing INVITED US TO JOIN HER LECTURE WITH THE YEAR 2 STUDENTS ON TUESDAY!!! My goodness, God is great all the time! All the time, God is great! I, a previously rejected student of NYP, is now being invited to join a lecture!! How many others are lucky enough to have this kinda opportunity? Omg, I can't believe this is all happening!!
This post is rather long eh? Haha! Well, so much has been happening these past two days. I'm anxiously waiting for tuesday to arrive. A one-hour lecture at NYP. Woohoo! Until the next time I blog, take care everyone!!
Amal, Hajar, Steph, Kelly and Nicky.... All the best to each and everyone of you! Thank you for always being able to take my craps and temper. The frequent trips to Mondi for lunch, supper at McDonalds after work, bitching moments etc. Love you all loads!
Thursday, February 09, 2006
As the big day approaches...IT'S CONFIRMED! Fucking results will be out on the 10th and it just happens that my off-day for this week is on Friday. Dammit!! I was planning to go for a movie with Kathy and Kelly but now, SIAN!
At MS, Ruyan and Garry have been reminding me NON-STOP that I'll be receiving my certificate this coming friday. Err... I don't blame them for doing so since I myself have made so many people have panic attacks. Hahaha! Oh, Niiiiccckkkkyyy!!!!!!!!!!
Well, good luck people! Especially Amal, Haj, Fir, Nicky and Clara.
So earlier this week, I received some mag from Republic Poly and they've got a new course! Pharmaceutical Science.
It sounds so cool doesn't it???
Pharmaceutical science
When someone asks me what course I'm in, I'll just stroke my beautiful blonde fringe and go, "Pharmaceutical Science." Then they'll look at you in awe and have that sort of facial expression that says, "FWAH!!! Pharmaceutical Science wor!".
Told my dad about it and he supported my decision (finally!) since he doubted I had the ability to withstand cleaning other people's asses for the next three years of my life. But just a few moments back, one of his friends said that Pharmaceutical Science ain't a very good choice since... whatever lah!
So now I'm back to square one.
Nursing at NYP. Bah! Cannot dye hair liao... no more blondie. *sob sob*
Very early this morning, at around 2am, I was chatting online with Martin. I was being told that almost everyone at Bugis knows about my decision to quit.
It's not that I wanna leave, I JUST DON'T LIKE WORKING WITH THAT KOKY! He seems to enjoy reprimanding others for the slightest reasons ever!
Whether I'm in the right or wrong, he'll be by the sidelines nagging/yelling. At this rate, I can go berserk any moment! I seriously wonder if he has a word limit that he has to reach everyday. EVERY SINGLE THING that I do, he'll be going, "KIM! How many times must I tell you, blah blah blah...." or "Kim! Please! Have some pride in your work! SMILE MORE!"
Smile my mother fucking ass lah! Smile??? You want me to smile at customers after getting tekan-ed by you?! Possible or not?
During my lunch break yesterday, Ruyan told me that even while she was working at Century Square, not a day went pass without her getting scolded by KOK.
There was this one time when a muslim customer came in and Ruyan, being a new-comer, served him the soup of the day without knowing that it contained pieces of pork ham. I mean, the soup was called Clam Chowder. What's in Clam Chowder soup?
How was Ruyan supposed to know that imitation clam = pork ham? So she served the customer the soup and Joe saw it. He then went up to her and shouted at her in front of all the other customers. What did Ruyan do? It's her fault huh?
Even the muslim customer stood up for Ruyan and told KOK straight in the face not to blame her cause it's not her fault, moreover, it was only her first week working there. But Joe insisted that she was in the wrong and kept going in circles that she should not have served the soup and on... and on.. and on....and on.... and the vicious cycle continues.
What's the point of accusing others for an hour when the matter can be solved in a split second by just saying sorry?! Very hard to apologise is it? I admit, I have an ego that weighs more than a tonne. But I aplogise to customers ALL THE TIME!
Like the time when I was clearing plates from a table and dropped a fork into the lady's V-neck top. All I did was say, "Sorry Ma'am!" and she didn't mind it one bit. (ok, maybe she might be cursing me for letting a fork get into her valley but at least the problem was solved right?)
Moral of the story: Apologise when in the wrong.
Hoho! I bet you guys have no idea that Bitchy Whore hates KOK to the core as well right? Haha! He called me just a few weeks back and asked me if the manager of Billy Bombers Marina Square was KOK. I told him he was right and he went, "HA! That KOK! That fucking cheebai! I hate him!"
Whooosshhh.... chill chill!
MY DAD IS SERIOUSLY PISSING ME OFF! Last year when I told him that I planned to enroll in Nursing, he and another uncle of mine kept going on and on about me not being able to make it, not having the passion to do this kinda stuff etc.
Then now when I want to take up Pharmaceutical Science, his friend has to tell him that only pharmacists with degrees get hired whereas those with diplomas get daily-rated.
I asked him to suggest another course since he feels that all the courses I pick aren't suitable. He then told me that I'm indecisive and that I don't know what I want.
IT'S NOT THAT I "DON'T KNOW WHAT I WANT"! In this situation, I pick a course and you go, "Oh, Nursing? I doubt you can do it lah. You don't have the passion. You won't be able to take it. The senior nurse will make the juniors do all the dirty work. Alot of student nurses give up during attachments."
I pick a new course in Republic Poly and it's, "It's gonna be hard for you to find a job next time. They want university graduates, not diploma holders. Many pharmacists are getting daily-rated. I suggest you go back to Nursing."
You gross me out by going on about me having to clean up the shit out of others and now you're asking me to go back?! Weren't you and uncle Richard the ones who said I'll never succeed? Huh?
Who's the one who doesn't know what he wants now? Just keep quiet and let me think things out ok?! Gawd!
Friday, February 03, 2006
I did warn you1) It is not my fault that you got fucked upside down by Mr Dickson (thanks dude!)
2) It is not my fault that you can't sleep at night
3) It is none of my business whether or not you have enough cash to repay your "debt" (I didn't ask you for it, you offered to return it to me).
4) You can't blame me for all the time you've wasted so far. You were the one who wanted to send me home.
5) I don't wanna have eye-contact with you. Watcha' gonna do huh?!!!!!
6) I am going to "ignore" you til' the day I leave Billy Bombers.
7) Your number has been erased from my phone! (Muahahaha!)
8) I am not a player. I just like to have fun.
9) Do you regret rejecting THEM for ME (but got rejected by ME in the end)?