Thursday, February 23, 2006
I love you, Kit-KatAll my videos are gone. My recordings, messages, numbers and pictures are gone as well. My dearest Kit-Kat, where are you?? Who has taken you away from me?? Who diverted my call to you when I was eagerly awaiting someone to pick you up? And who was the evil one that had you switched off?
I feel like crying, but no tears flow out. Still, you have no idea how hard it is to cope without you. I blame it on myself; for being irresponsible as your owner. Now that you're gone, I don't feel secure anymore. Life is less comfortable and modern.
I miss you, Kit-Kat; I really do. Please come back?
Keep in mind that I love you alot and I'll be waiting for you to resurface. Returning to me in that brown outfit I gave you and have you feeling snug and warm in my pocket.
Only a few months old and I lost you. I'm sorry.
Come back home, Kit-Kat!!!
Kim loves Kit-Kat now and forever.