Friday, April 28, 2006
The ONE bloody thing about poly lifeLecturers can anyhow sukah-sukah last minute tell the class leader that there will be an extra tutorial from 3-4pm the next day and we are not allowed to skip it.
I was supposed to be dismissed at 1pm on Wednesday; but NO!!! She simply HAD to give NR0608 extra clinical lab skills tutorials. (ps: this caused me to be in a semi-coma by the time I reached home). It's so fucking tiring to get a Diploma these days. UGH~!
Only the second week of the semester and I'm more stressed out than the time when I was mugging for my Cambridge exams.
Look, I'm having trouble managing my time already. And here's the best part of it all; my group mates nominated me to be the leader of subgroup 4.
Everytime a lecturer tells us to collect some damned ICA material from the photocopying lady, I gotta do the dirty work.
Those who know me well should be well aware that I can't stand groupwork and having huge responsibilities being laid on my shoulders. I'll be honest here, I HAVE NEVER ONCE ENJOYED GROUP DISCUSSIONS/ PROJECTS.
I prefer working alone. I do my stuff, I get my marks, I celebrate BY MYSELF.
When I'm in a group and we're planning to meet up to complete Tan's sickening homework, it's either someone can't make it on that particular date, we can't figure out which tutorial exercise to attempt first, communication breakdown occurs between me and some idiot or, this is the lagi worse one, our classmate from China suddenly interrupts the conversation by saying, "What are you all talking about? I don't understand."
This is major shit man. This is the reason why I simply hate, I repeat, HATE working in a group! Hang on a second, I believe I wouldn't be feeling so negative if I were grouped up with Clara, Jen, Amal, Hajar, Raudah, Nur Hafiz etc.
These are people who have the brains to THINK for themselves. They are the sort who're independent and don't expect the group leader to do every fucking thing like collecting some ICA thingy from some photocopying auntie.
Not forgetting, they know when to give straight-forward answers when one is needed.
During a discussion, when I ask you, "What do you think is the most importatnt factor?", you give me your answer and SHUT UP after that. Don't go on explaining, "I think the most important factor is so and so because blah blah blah...". Take note, I asked you for the factor which you consider importatnt. I DID NOT ask you why you think it's important. And since I did not ask for any further elaborations from you, STOP WASTING MY TIME by telling old grandmother stories.
You wanted me to the the leader right? Then you obey what I've gotta say.
I'm not trying to be unreasonable or boastful about my current status. Here's the deal; I have five groupmates excluding me. And we were only given 15 minutes to come up with an ideal plan of which factor is the most important and which is the least important.
REMEMBER! Only 15 minutes.
If I were to let that one groupmate go on and on about why we should consider her option, WHAT ABOUT THE REST OF MY GIRLS? I don't mind hearing out what she has to say but I have to be fair, am I right? Everyone has to state her stand before further considerations can be made! So now I'm public enemy #1?!
This afternoon, we had another group discussion. Phwoa! This is gonna be one of the highlights of my life man.
We were completing one of our assignments and ^%@! suddenly kept reminding me of all the stuffs I had to photocopy and collect for the group. What Clinical Lab skills shit lah, ICA (again!) card lah, photocopy the clinical report on transparency pieces lah yadda yadda yadda.
I so wanted to gag myself right on the spot. There I was, struggling to complete some fucking data worksheet, and there she is, talking about irrelevent things and making my head spin. C'mon lah, I'm human too ok. I can go berserk anytime at the rate you people are pressurising me lah! I will get those things done once I've completed what I have in hand at the moment. You can't expect me to multitask at such a horrifying rate, right or not?
And right at that moment, my little friend from mainland China didn't understand a question on the worksheet. Shidah tried explaining things slowly to her (see? her leadership is so much better than mine) but she still couldn't understand Shidah's language because of the malay accent.
So now I had to translate the term "eliminating" to this friend in Chinese.
At first I told her that eliminating (the medical term) meant clearing of one's bowels aka going to the toilet.
She starred at me and said in Mandarin, "So 'eliminating' means going to the toilet?"
"HUH?! No, no, no! It's not the same as going to the toilet. It means removing unwanted substances from your body system."
"Meaning doing your business lor"
"Isn't that going to the toilet?"
"No lah, it's the clearing of the system lah"
"I still don't understand..."
That was it, I used body language to exlain it to her (don't ask me what I did). She smiled, took out her electronic dictionary and typed "eliminating" into it and the device translated the word into Chinese for her.
BUAY TAHAN LIAO LAH!!!!!!! NABEH!!!!!!! Make me explain and translate like hell... in the end you had an electronic dictionary with you?!!
Those reading this had better not laugh. Cos I don't find it the least bit amusing. Instead, I find it sick.
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
HAHAHAHA!I went to the pond, caught a salmon, played with it for awhile and enjoyed myself in the process. But then it bit me and I threw it back into the pond. KWAHAHAHAHAHA! Isn't this the lamest thing you've ever heard?!!
I am lame what!
CANNOT IZZIT?!! *%$#!!$^%$#$^&&%^*%#@
Monday, April 24, 2006
You think it's easy? HA!Juggling studies and a part-time job is definately not a task for the weak hearted. It's energy draining, physically tiring, mentally straining yadda yadda yadda. I wonder how Ruyan was able to work FULL-TIME and yet have enough time to study for her 'A' levels, how Ash is able to attend her attachments in the afternoon and still have sufficient energy to work at night and how Garry, Ade and Louis are able to work on weekdays during their school term.
Obviously, I'm not used to schooling and working. Joe noticed the difference in my performance
this morning. He said he'd give me some time off to adapt to my new school before letting me start work again.
Normally on weekends (friday and saturday nights), I would be really "high" cos it's when customers would flow into the restaurant like running water and time would pass by really quickly. It's like "poof!" and then it's time to do closing. Moreover, the whole of the pioneer batch of MS staff would be working!
Yes, I thoroughly enjoy working with them FINALLY.
Looking back to when MS just opened, I couldn't stand Louis cos he was constantly nagging at me to do my job properly. My hatred for him was so strong, I swear I could've taken a steak knife and slit his throat with it. UGH! But now, we're cool with each other and he is one of the few guys (apart from Harris) whom I can bitch with.
I remember an afternoon back in March when the only people working were Garry, Ruyan and I. Three teenagers of ages 18 and 17 with no adult around to supervise them; you'd think we'd screw up pretty bad during lunch time hour eh? WRONG-OH! Our service was flawless! And it was one of my most memorable times of working in MS. Unfortunately, both Garry and Yan-jie aren't my colleagues anymore.
Oh, shit! Let's get back on track.
Yeaps, I always look forward to working with my colleagues on Fridays and Saturdays. But the same can't be said for yesterday and today. My tiredness was visible, my smile to customers had to be forced, I kept mixing up "Great Chomps" with "Sandwiches" while using the PDA and my hands weren't stable when clearing plates and utensils.
Nowadays, I refuse to take the train to work. I'd rather let the bus company earn my money. "Why?!", you ask. It's takes me an hour to get to Marina Square by bus and only 25 minutes if I take the train.
A 60 minute long journey to town (with my Creative Neeon alongside me) allows me to reflect on my life. On whether I've chosen the right path by taking up Nursing, if I should be working at this time of the semester, whether or not things would work out between him and I and would I be able to cope with my first year in NYP.
I'm not usually all that pessimistic and paranoid. I don't know why but sometimes, I just allow all these little issues disrupt my way of life. Maybe it's a road I've to take to be stronger, more mature, more independent.
To be honest, I'm not looking forward to going to school tomorrow morning. The modules I'm taking are entirely different from the subjects I've been learning for the last 10 years or so. Let's talk about Science; chemistry, physics and biology. Read textbooks/notes, understand, take exam and pass with flying colours.
Those versions of Science are what I would like to call "Chicken feet".
Currently, I'm taking Biological Science. Considering I'm not a Biology student, I'm trying my hardest to catch up with those who're already way ahead of me in that area. If you're curious to know, I'm not coping well.
I'll take a trip back to memory lane; to the times when I'd walk into EVSS and take a seat on the parade square in between Amal and Hajar. We'd copy each other's notes, bitch about that sickening and insignificant form teacher we had, run through our homework answers together, get grossed out with stories about a snake and a witch (haha!) etc.
Walk to the Auditorium, wait for Ju, Shidah and Nad, walk to our tutorial room/lecture theatre, run through assignments... very similar to my Sec 5 days. But I'm not enjoying it.
I love hanging out with those three minahs (oops...) but they can't replace Amal, Haj and Fir. Maybe it's a matter of time and interaction. I hope it makes a turn for the better!
Here are some of my fondest moments during the holidays which I pray will not fade away with time:
1) Lazing at the booth seats, waiting for "Pom-chia-chia" to message us the results of our sales.
2) Downing leftover SODs, nuggets, onion rings, calamari, oatmeal fish and chunky fries.
3) Occasional trips to MacDonalds for Fillet-O-Fish, McChicken, hot fudge sundaes, McFlurry etc.
4) FREQUENT suppers and talk sessions at MakanSutra until 2am in the morning.
5) Garry dialling Francis' number so that we'd all be able to go home in style (Mercedes cab ok!).
6) Train trips home with Ashley, Song and Keith.
7) Taking bus 70 and 133 home with big head Garry (sometimes Ashley too).
8) Louis, Ade, Ash, Garry, Yan-jie and I running after bus 133 to have our dinner at Bugis. "Eh!!! 133 come already! CHEONG AH!!!!!!!"
Yeah... those were the days when the teens of Billy Bombers (MS) took control of everything! We'd turn to each other for advice, spill our frustrations to one another, counsel each other and even though arguments did break out, we're still as close as we are now.
MS is no longer safe though.
Two cases of theft has happened in a matter of two weeks. Boy, oh boy... I need the Lord's help to get over all these mishappenings and adapt to the changes in my life QUICKLY.
Saturday, April 22, 2006
OH MY GAWD!!!Ok, blogging has been right at the bottom of my priority list these past few weeks. Reason being, school has started and working towards a Diploma in Nursing ain't no joke!
It's only the first week of school and I'm loaded with homework and assignments. BLAH! I've bought two textbooks so far; Clinical Nursing Skills & Techniques and Sociology. One of the books is thicker than a regular Yellow Pages book. Pfffffft!
My classmates are really nice people. But as you know, there will be a wee bit of friction between some of us during the first few months together due to negative first impressions. So far I'm staying away from three girls who're ALWAYS late for tutorials, resulting in our lesson being distrupted.
Yes, I'm short-fused. And I have the right to be, considering my dad's paying a hefty 30K++ for my three years in NYP. The last thing I need is to have my lesson get interrupted by the same people who never seem to learn from their mistakes.
I'm keeping them anonymous cos they've been treating me relatively well =)
Recently, I also found out that SOMEONE has been reading my blog regularly. This particular lost soul knows about my every move, events, unfortunate happenings and so on. Hmm, which leads me to wondering if I should continue blogging the usual way; you know, putting up pictures of myself and my pals all those kinda stuff.
A blog is open to everyone on cyberspace. I'm not refraining her from reading my entries (it adds to my readership which is approximately 330 every month!), but from now on, no more pictures will be shown here.
I know, sad case. But what to do? There are some things which are not meant for CERTAIN PEOPLE to view. Considering my social relationship with her has never been good, I don't see a need for her to know that much about me (but I'm flattered though). I believe there are other things for you do to than read up on my life right? HAHAHA! Here's a suggestion for you; get a book, read and UNDERSTAND it.
I miss Jasmine, Ruyan and Garry!!!! MS isn't the same without the three of you!!!!
Tonnes of the kitchen staff have left Bugis as well. ='(
Ok, that's about all I have to say right now. So just in case you're wondering what I'm about to read up on, here's the list:
-Medical Asepsis
-Sterile Techniques and
-Vital Signs
That's like four bloody long chapters in one night. Tomorrow's gonna be another busy day for me because I'm working split-shift from noon all the way til late at night. Boohoo... I'll miss Liverpool's clash against Chelsea! Go Reds, go! I love Stevie Gerrard!
As for Sunday, evening would be the only time I'll be able to do some reading on Bones. So adios people.
Thursday, April 13, 2006
It's been 10 days...Hohohohohoho!!!! I can't remember the last time I left my blog un-updated for so long! 10 DAYS! Aiyah, what to do? I was occupied with work, Jasmine's farewell party, a stayover at Clara's, watching The O.C. on DVD, watching Memoirs of a geisha on VCD, preparing for my orientation, packing and rearranging my room etc.
So now that I've FINALLY found time to blog, let's start off with bitching about one unreasonable customer who's so unreasonable, it makes him and his wife look retarded.
I think it was on Saturday night when Adeline, Denise and I were all stationed in the red zone. Then in came this couple who chose to sit at Table 6 and picked me (among the rest of the service crew) to take their order.
Taking orders? No problem.
The gentlemen (did I just say he was a gentlemen? remind me to gag myself later on) ordered a T-bone steak and after I keyed his order into my PDA, he asked me this:
"Young lady, can you tell the chefs to make my steak half medium rare and the other half well done?"
What. Kind. Of. STUPID. Order. Is. That. ?!.
Obviously, there ain't no such thing as a medium rare cum well done steak in Billy Bombers. I checked with Joe if it was possible to do such a thing and his answer was no.
Manager say cannot so I tell him cannot lor. Then he insisted on me bringing the piece of steak out for him to cut it into half for the kitchen crew so they could make one half of it well done and the other half, medium rare.
Hmm... I already told him that there's nothing I could do since the manager already said no. He then claimed that our service was "very stiff... very inflexible". I passed off a real sarcastic, "I shall take note of that".
Don't be such a moron can? Saturday night leh! We having full-house ok! Think the kitchen crew so free give you two different doners for your damned piece of cow meat is it? You're only paying 10% service charge... and that is fucking little. If you expect so much from young waitresses like moi, why don't you give the company 50% service charge and add on another $200 tip?
Your wife only know how to eat steak which is well done huh? Then order two sirloin steaks and the both of you can enjoy lah! Not enough money to purchase two sets of steaks? Simple. DON'T EAT STEAK LOR! No money still wanna come Billy Bombers and makan... go to kopitiam and order beef noodles lah.
Customers like this are really senseless. HAHAHAHAHAHA! I can't resist laughing at their stupidity and the way they frown when they are "angry". KWAHAHAHAHA! Those looks on their faces; classic!
You think my service is "very stiff... very inflexible" right? Let me ask you, your wife's pussy one side hairy, one side totally bald huh? I suppose the pits under her arms is hairless on one side whereas it's real bushy on the other eh? MY GAWD!!!! Now I understand why you made such a dumb request... now I truly understand. Cos you are the one that always help her shave off her remaining pubic and armpit bulu.
Ok, I admit. My service is rather "stiff" and "inflexible" as compared to yours. I am SOOOOOO sorry. =)
Brainless customers aside. Let's move on to the stayover at Clara's.
Errr.... what can I say? That girl sleeps like a log! One of her pals was giving her morning calls around 6-7am and she managed to sleep through it WITHOUT WAKING UP! I woke up eventually and put on my ear-plugs but Clara... she just continued snoozing away. And then I found out the record number of morning calls her friend gave her in a single morning was 102 missed calls.
You don't find it noisy meh? Siao charbo.
Hey bitch, Happy anniversary! Enjoy and DON'T quarrel.
I'm starting school on Monday. Yay. Orientation's this Thursday. Yippee. Gotta starting hitting the books and going psychotic. Woots.
Time to go off now. Will blog about the farewell party another day. In the mean time, here's a picture of us; the pioneer batch of MS staff (without Ruyan and Garry).

Monday, April 03, 2006
I am going insaneThese are the people who were transferred from Bugis to Marina Square:
-Yours truly
This is the service crew of MS:
-Jasmine (BJ)
-Garry (CS)
-Ruyan (CS)
-Adeline (CS)
-Louis (CS)
-Ashley (CS)
-Cecilia (BJ)
-Claudia (BJ)
-Dhanny (TH)
-Me (BJ)
This is what's left in the service crew after shuffling and resignations:
Somebody kill me please.