Saturday, May 06, 2006

Total recaps!!

Let's start off with last Sunday (30.4.06).
I left home for the lovely Sentosa with someone and boy, did I have a good time tanning myself from pasty white to a toasty brown.

I look much healthier now. Hahaha! Eye-bags aren't as obvious as they were before and now I can truly claim that I'm a sports person. Kwahahaha!

Took a couple of pictures (before and after our tans) but couldn't seem to spot any difference at that time.

Went back to school on Tuesday and my skin was hurting like it had been scalded by boiling hot water. I couldn't sit properly, hold my belongings for long periods of time and the pain was excruciatingly painful when ONE PARTICULAR BUGGER kept touching me while talking to me!

Bugger: Hey, I ask you arh... *touches my arm*

me: *screams!* Pain! Pain! Let go!

Bugger: OH! Sorry, sorry. *touches another part of my sun-burnt arm*


Say sorry then still touch... Ki siao!

Before I move on, I think I owe Shidah, Jue and Nad an apology for lashing out at them over our project discussion.

I appreciate the help you girls have given me over the past few weeks. Sorry for being such a pain in the ass. Hopefully with time, I would be able to channel my negative attitude into a positive one! LONG LIVE GROUP 4!

From this coming Monday onwards, I'll be having my elective classes all the way til 7pm. I'm gonna be damn shagged from then on man... but it's all for a good course eh? Hahaha! I'm finally able to learn to speak proper Malay.

I pity Hoi Yan, Siying and Theresa.

All the places for Conversational Malay had been taken up and they had no choice but to settle for Cross Cultural Psychology. Not that bad a module lah... at least better than Computing and some Appreciation of the Arts thingy.

And, oh! I gotta blog about my audition for Foreign Bodies!

Well, Brian's a member of the club so he called me one day and asked me to go for a try-out. Ok lor, since he's my cousin... give face lah. Attended the audition with Hoi Yan, Siying, Theresa and Shan Ling.

I'm telling you, HoYa and I had the steps mastered to perfection during our rehearsal. Then we were being called out to perform in front of all the other potential dancers and FB members.

We started off well...

The senior dancing with us then forgot her steps.

HoYa, Siying, Theresa and I stubbled and stoned on the spot.

We did not make the cut.


Anyway, we stayed on after the event until 10pm and decided to head for home. Hahaha! Just as we were exiting the school, Bus 72 went past us and we ran for it like how a cheetah would go after it's prey. It's been a long time since I sprinted THAT fast... I don't recall running at that speed while trying to find a place to shelter myself from the rain when I was at Orchard with Salmon.

I think I'm beginning to get a hang of poly-life. All my lecturers are pretty nice people (erm, ALMOST all). I still hate Tan as much as I did on my first tutorial with her because she seems to enjoy putting my group in difficult situations.

So be it; we'll play along and we'll SUCCEED.

Miss Kiu encourages us to go clubbing after studying!

Miss Chin (sociology) has a "sexy voice"

Dr Loo and Dr Yong aren't boring lecturers. Plus, they speak good English so I UNDERSTAND them.

Miss Karen Tan is fucking hyper during lectures. She actually jumps around the LT and encourages us to have that sorta enthusiasm during lectures.

Miss Ambel is a bomb waiting to explode. Trust me, when she explodes, you will WANT to be at the scene.

Miss Doreen is one of the cutest lecturers you'd ever come across. LoL~! She reminds me of a pixie... only difference is, Doreen ain't 3 inches tall.

I don't know why, but I'm starting to appreciate clinical lab skills tutorials. Especially when Doreen picks me out (among the class) to demonstrate vital signs taking on Zaki. LAUGH OUT LOUD!

So just visualise this:
Zaki lying on the bed half naked. I have to use my index and middle finger to trace his ribs until I reach the forth rib then slide my fingers under his left nipple (!!!) to get his apical pulse.

Nad's evil twin might chew me up in her dream for touching her Abang Zack.

Oh you can keep the guy. I'm NOT interested.

And this:
Doreen finishes explaining and demonstrating how to transfer patients in lying positions. She looks at me, gives that impish grin and says, "Kimberly, come and try. I let you choose someone to help you."

I picked Shidah. A very good choice. Both of us weren't paying attention to what she was saying.

Moon was the patient who is supposedly unable to move so Shidah and I had to help her shift her position in bed.


The whole tutorial group burst into laughter the moment we laid our hands on her.

I miss Koko, Rocky and Oreo like fuck!!!!!! They are MY angels. Three miniature schnauzers with different characteristics but deeply loved by the same owner. No, it's not called "three-timing".

One more thing before I log off, NEVER treat me like a maid and take me for granted. I agreed to help you and you'd better be thankful. DON'T go beyond the line and expect me to spoonfeed you. Keep this in mind!


Shadow stepped, body touched, soul crashed at 12:51 pm.