Saturday, December 02, 2006
When one piece of Jade sees another 
Yeah baby. That's ANTM; America's Next Top Model!
But hey! My new work place isn't all that bad either what! Just yesterday afternoon, I saw SHAN WEE! But you don't expect me to run out of the restaurant in an apron just to get him to sign one of my dockets, do you? Plus, Mr Joe was around so....
Aaaaahhhhh... Shan was HAWT! He's tall! I can wear 8-inch heels and stand beside him without needing to worry about him being shorter than me. Katie Holmes, you need a guy with this sorta height. I think Shan's available =)
(on second thoughts, maybe not! he was with this blonde-haired lady when I saw him)
Oh yah! Oh yah! Last Saturday, Noel and I had a very quick glimpse of the now very shapely Olinda Cho. Got nice body lah, but her face tak pass. Oops... sorry!
And who can forget the occasion whereby Terrence Cao and Vivian Lai came to the Marina Square outlet to film some Channel 8 drama?! Terrence has really adorable dimples! But he looked so gay with that outfit and shoes. Ew! And he was supposed to be the father of an 8 year old boy in that show! I seriously can't imagine my dad dressing that way.
I was working from 3pm all the way till 12midnight yesterday and I realised that Joe has hired alot of young little boys. HAHAHAHAHAHA! I get to bully them =P
Oh, I forgot to mention that on Thursday, Rashmi and I went for some blood donation thingy at the Theatre of the Arts. Whoo! MY FIRST TIME DONATING BLOOD LEH! And another thing for me to gloat about, I was able to contribute the liquid of life; unlike some who didn't have enough iron. Hehehe!
The nurse issued me a purple bandage a first. But I requested for the blue one. Haha! I still don't understand why they had yellow and orange bandages last semester but none this time round!
If you can't read what the bandage says, go kiss a slug. If you're able to, when will you do it?
It benefits to have Rashmi as a friend. That angel can psycho anyone to do anything anytime. Ok, fine! I didn't want to go for it initially. BUT I EVENTUALLY DID! So it's your turn!
Ouch!And for the record, it didn't hurt one bit lah! Piercing my ears stung for around 30 seconds, piercing my navel had the pain lasted for approximately one whole minute, but donating blood did not hurt AT ALL! Plus it's free. So those who enjoy piercing here, piercing there, here's a really cool piercing to have!
Bo liao me went to get a tattoo (my arms are NOT fat!). Muahahahaha! Dad paid for it.
Gotta ciao now! Work starts at 3!