Tuesday, January 16, 2007
They're still copying me. I dunno why!Don't you just hate it when someone mindlessly copies your style of writing and acts as though copying is second nature? I simply don't understand why they can't find their own writing identity. Is it really THAT hard? I mean, there's no point trying to blog in a similar way as someone because YOU ARE NOT THAT PERSON.
When others read your blog, they expect to read something written by YOU; not by someone else. It's worse when it comes to me reading your blog cause I'll be confused at whether or not it is written by you or me. So why don't you get your mothafuckin' ass out of wherever you are right now and sign up for writing lessons?!
I am remarkably disgusted at how thick the skin of copycats are!! Seriously. It's not as though this person doesn't know that I read his/her blog. I, for one, am thoroughly aware that he/she visits my blog on a very regular basis. Go on, read my entries and look at my pictures... BUT DON'T YOU DARE RIP WORDS/PHRASES/SENTENCES OFF MY POSTS AND USE IT AT YOUR OWN WILL.
Others have told me that I should feel proud because there are losers out there who turn to my entries for bombastic terms when their brains are choked up with rainwater (it's been raining these past few days eh?). BUT NO!! I so do not feel "proud". How can my ego be boosted when my work is being stolen at such an alarming rate?! On the contrary, I am INSULTED. To the maximum level.
I'll be keeping an eye on how this person continues to blog. If he/she doesn't get the hint and stop doing whatever he/she has been doing for the last few months, I'm gonna put a link up here and cause shame and embarrassment to him/her.
Take it as a warning and take it SERIOUSLY!
I'll be shifting this Saturday. The new house is alot smaller... but I'm sure it'll be alot cosier as compared to this piece of junk that I've been living in since mid-2001. Mum and Dad have chosen great colours for the rooms, kitchen and living room. Flooring's cool too!
Aiyayaya... I was so looking forward to having my scarlet red room!! But Mumsie chose Apricot orange instead for my sis and I. Ah well, I'm cool with orange. The computer's gonna be in my room. Oh yeah baby!
Eventhough we'll be moving out in less than a week, I've yet to start packing my stuff. Haha! So far, only my novels have gone into those cardboard boxes. My accessories, clothes, shoes, textbooks, lecture notes etc. are still lying all over the place. Dang! I might have to cancel this Friday's pool session.
A friend had tickets to "Dance Floor" and asked me to tag along; balcony seating. So go lor. I met Yana, NJ, Fairuz and Fifie at the MediaCorp reception. I MISS THEM LOADS!
Li-lin was super beautiful. SML were fucking cool. Spider just blew me off my feet (literally!). Style from beyond's dance routine was simply breathtaking.
Fucking rain!
Note: Don't send me emails or messages asking me "who's the person in topic" for my last few entries. If I had the intention of telling, I would've used his/her name or initials. There wouldn't be a need to go through all this trouble to keep that person's identity confidential. Neither is there a need for you all to be so kaypoh lah!
A huge shout-out of thanks to:
1) DEnise
Thank you for always hearing me out, hon! I appreciate all that you've done to help me. No amount of thanks is sufficient. But still, THANK YOU for accompanying me on the 7th and being such a good listener. May our friendship blossom like a rose in spring time and stand strong throughout the frosty winds of winter! =)
2) jOyCiE
My dear friend whom I haven't met in ages! Your words of encouragement and concern are just PRICELESS! You have no idea how I felt after reading it all. Thank you for remembering lil' me and thank you for taking time-out to show how much you care. It's a promise that we'll meet up soon.
Gone are the days when we avoided each other! LoL~! Cheers to the everlasting friendship that we have! Pretty lady, you were my source of strength during the most tormenting times and whether you choose to believe it or not, you're the only one that's been able to help me out so far because you know me so well. To certain people, you may be a bitch. But not to me. You're my licious baby! THANK YOU & I LOVE YA! (you still owe me one pool session hor!)