Sunday, January 21, 2007

Shagged me!

YES! This new place finally has wireless connection. But I wouldn't be able to blog for long cause I still have tonnes of unpacking to do!

I love my new place, my new room, my new bedsheets/pillows/wardrobe... dah dah dah! But what I absolutely detest about movingwould be the process of UNPACKING! It just drives you crazy! And I wouldn't have to do push-ups for the next decade or so, I guess. Lifting those damned cardboard boxes and the frickin' WASHING MACHINE should pretty much do wonders to my flabby upper limbs.

Gotta ciao now! Byeeeee.....!!!!!!!

- no more chances. you've screwed 'em all up -

Shadow stepped, body touched, soul crashed at 12:58 pm.