Saturday, March 03, 2007
Look at this 
Men play soccer

NO! I am NOT a fan of the England squad. I was rooting for Spain to win the cup but they just had to lose during the quarter-finals (and the day that they lost just happened to be my birthday. WHAT A DAY! Whee~) <-- Duh, I am being very, very sarcastic.
As I was saying, the beautiful game has been a huge part of my life. I've a collection of stickers, jerseys, posters, magazines and newspaper cuttings.
Why do I love soccer so much?
I guess it's because I've always thought it was thanks to soccer that my dad and I were able to spend time with each other. Every weekend, we'd be sitting in front of the telly and have our eyes glued to the screen for more than two hours. We would then share our opinions about which team is gonna win, which of the players are gonna screw up and during half-time/waiting for the next match to begin, my dad would ask me about my school/social life and give me advice on how to handle problems which I face at school or at work.
My mum and sis aren't really that into soccer (or the cute Liverpool players), so I can say for sure that watching soccer really does draw me closer to my father. It's something special, something that's shared between him and I.
Thank you, Fifa!
But now, thanks to someone, I really want my dad to get rid of SCV (or at the very least, terminate the sports channels). Fuck it, I may miss some of the most thrilling matches, I might never see Steven Gerrard lift another trophy and I might never experience the thrills during the Champions league finals ever again BUT I DON'T CARE! If doing this can prevent the person in topic from betting his life savings on dumb matches, so be it!
He had more than 10k in his account initially. Did he choose to spend it wisely? Not a chance. I bet the thought of planning his financial resources never even crossed his gambling-obssessed mind. He's been spending his cash so freely, he's only left with approxiamtely 2k. HA! That's more than $8000 worth of bets gone down the drain.
Everybody, listen and listen good; NOBODY GETS RICH THROUGH GAMBLING. Did Bill Gates become who he is today by betting non-stop on soccer matches? Obviously not! He worked for his success, he earned his money through hard work!! Don't ever expect to be an overnight millionaire... not everyone's that lucky. Heck, if this person's predictions of who would win each match were reliable/accurate, why aren't his monetary assets growing?!
Mum had a very serious face-off with him because of his gambling habits. He's not exactly rich and yet he doesn't seem to be able to come to his senses despite losing time and time again. So his relationship with my mother is tarnished. Gone. Over. Now, he's pissing me off.
How many times do I have to mention that when I watch a game (even if it's not a Liverpool game), I wanna watch it in PEACE. Meaning no redundant, senseless, baseless and unnecessary comments! You wanna talk, fine, I'm not stopping you. But please, for the sake of me being able to maintain my sanity, make a comment only when there's a need to. I know what off-side is, how know why penalties are awarded, I know 2 yellow cards = 1 red card, I know Manchester United wears red... I DON'T NEED YOU TO TELL ME!
Irritating bugger.
I can see my family withdrawing from you. I can visualise it all and trust me, my dear relative, the day will come when I lose my respect for you totally and shut you out of my life. You wanna ruin your life and squander your money, you go do it all at your own risk. Don't you dare get my family involved... and don't you dare come to us begging for spare cash so you can resume your gambling habits. Not a single cent earned by my parents is going into your pocket; not when I'm around.
You tarnished your relationship with my mother. This time, I'm just a few steps away from severing ties with you. And not forgetting, you make soccer the factor of why people get addicted to betting and why families fall apart. What adjective can be used to describe you? Erm, despicable? Low-life? Brainless? Self-centred? Stupid? Naive? You do the picking.
STOP ruining my life. STOP watching soccer on my TV while sitting on my couch (you're not fit to be a fan of the beautiful game). STOP having day-dreams that you'll strike it rich one day just by betting. STOP being so annoying... ok? JUST STOP!!!!