Saturday, April 07, 2007
I got tagged by HAJAR!!!Ok, ok, so this is really late because I got tagged on the 1st of April but I'm only doing this blog entry now. Sorry Hajar!!!
This what you're supposed to do. Cut and paste if you decide to participate in the tagging game. People who get tagged need to write in a blog entry 6 weird things about themselves as well as state the rules clearly. In the end, you need to list 6 people to be tagged. After you do that, leave them each a comment letting them know you tagged them.
Hmm... 6 weird facts about yours truly eh? Read on then!
1) I only eat egg yolks when it's being cooked into an omelette. I can't stand the taste of it when it's in liquid form.
2) Whenever I have to remove my lenses, I wash my hands before I open the lense case, wash it again before I uncap the solution bottle and wash them yet again before removing my contacts.
3) My favourite plushie is a one-eyed duck. It reeks of my scent!
4) I have a habit of listening to my mp3 and forcing myself to go to bed whenever I'm home alone.
5) I'm afraid of being tickled, jabbed, poked in the ribs (or anywhere else along the lower abdomen)
6) I've got short fingers... Bah! I want 'em long and slender!!!
People whom I choose to tag:
-Lou-lou the man bitch.
And err... all I can say is, what you see is NOT always what you get

And then I also decided to google myself and I found HER instead

She's a model and a pole-dancer. I can't speak. This is the result I DID NOT want.