Monday, May 28, 2007

Listen up, Announcement!!

Alright peeps, I won't be sms-ing much for the next couple of days because I've exceeded the total number of free sms-es. If you wanna reach me, just gimme a buzz yeah? Haha! I've got free in-coming calls, so no worries about that.

Blame Fergie and his Red Devils for me using up all my free sms-es!!!

Oh, and erm, wouldn't be updating much until my holidays are here cause I gotta prepare for this major bio-science paper and for my Clinical Lab Practical. Raaahhhh!!!! Damn scary to have two exams (both have the highest credits) in the same week!! Mr Aw, HOW ON EARTH DID YOU MANAGE TO GET STRAIGHT As MAN?!! I'm still trying to figure out how after more than 10 years of schooling!

Dang! Time's up for me. Gotta pass the com over to lil sis who just came back from KL last night. Damn shiok right?! 14 years old only can go overseas with her friends to climb rock walls. CLIMB ROCK WALLS! I was given the opportunity to go to Perth in 2003 for some Science excursion with Mr Johari, but Dad didn't allow. He was too worried. -_-"

Isn't climbing rock walls more dangerous than, say, going to an underground cave to view rocks? Tsktsktsk... pure irony.

But who cares about sis going to KL for 3 days man?! I'M GOING TO CHIANGMAI FOR 8 FRICKIN' DAYS!!! Now that's da bomb! Oooohhh... Tom Yam Kung, baby! And cheap, cheap clothes as well. But I'm not having any high hopes of the crew going on a shopping spree. We're in Chiangmai, NOT Bangkok (Clara and Ter, STOP sniggering. I know your trip was like, PERFECT).

Hoi Yan had her presentation this morning about "Nature Vs. Nurture" and her slides regarding feral children kinda sparked an interest in me.

It was about these two girls (Kamala and Amala) in the 1920s who were being abandoned by their respective parents and were raised by a she-wolf. Now, what the heck is a she-wolf anyway?!?! And I find it hard to believe how a wolf (whom I always presumed was as smart as human beings) would rather raise two girls along with it's cubs than feast on them. Seriously, if I were the wolf, I would've gobbled 'em both up and not go hunting for the next few days.

Ok, jokes aside. These two girls were later found by a Reverend after villages complained of seeing "two ghostly spirit figures". This was what he wrote in his journal after he hid himself and watched the girls exit the cave as the moon rose, "Hideous looking...hand, foot and body like a human being; but the head was a big ball of something covering the shoulders and the upper portion of the bust…Their eyes were bright and piercing, unlike human eyes…Both of them ran on all fours".


OMGGM!!! <--Oh my goodness, gracious me!!!

Well, to sum it all up, the she-wolf was killed because she wouldn't let the Reverend and the villages take her "children" away. The "girls" were taken to an orphanage where the younger one (Amala) died a few months later because she couldn't adapt to the human way of life. She preferred to eat raw meat than cooked ones (gross)!!! And she tore of any of the clothes being put on her. The Reverend said of both girls, "their eyes were supernaturally sharp at night and would glow in the dark like a cat's. They could smell a lump of meat right across the orphanage's three acre yard. Their hearing was also sharp".

Scary sia...!!!

I'm not exactly sure what happened to the older girl though.. The article I read mentioned nothing about her death and I was too lazy to look for other sources. Hahaha! Well, Hoi Yan mentioned this morning that both girls died... so... ok lor. Both died then.

Both girls sleeping ("They slept curled up together in a tight ball and growled and twitched in their sleep.")

Kamala lapping up milk

Interesting eh? That's what NYP Nurses study man... LoL! Think we only learn about medical procedures and drugs meh?! All I can say is, Welcome to the new millenium". These days, nurses study about behaviours, human development, society & it's influences and much much more.


And just in case you're wondering what module this presentation is under, it's "Developmental Psychology".

Shadow stepped, body touched, soul crashed at 8:50 pm.