Saturday, May 26, 2007
What are YOU doing?I am so frickin' bored! And the worse part of it all is, it's SATURDAY NIGHT! How can anyone be bored on a Saturday night?????!!! It's not right.
Bah! Whatever. I decided to come up with a list of friends and what they are doing right now (time check: 7.41PM) and imma do it in bloody random order. If I happen to be wrong, please correct me ok? And if you happen to be doing something really enjoyable, imma kick your ass the next time I see you.
"WHY KICK MY ASS?!", you ask.
Simple. You so deserve a bruise on your butt for not jio-ing me along!!
Ok, I think that..
Miss C is being a BITCH right now.
Siti is wants to eat Jalan Kayu roti-prata right now.
Shidah is studying bio while sms-ing her BF about the 50 cents owed right now.
Nad is being Mdm Dorie Fish right now.
Jue is singing "TONG TONG TONG QIANG" right now.
Andy is in agony right now.
Yvonne is -insert what she is doing right now- right now.
Shan Shan is studying about pigs right now.
Theresa is HAHAHAHAHAHA-ing right now.
Moon is rotating around Earth right now.
Pras is looking at Moon while saying "I'm so tall but I can't reach her!!" right now.
Jade is in KL struggling to climb the rockwalls right now.
Ter is thinking of ways to save his "mor" from Miss C right now.
Rashmi is rushing me right now.
Mugi is watching monkey porn right now.
Yoga is NOT doing yoga right now.
Denise doesn't know what to write in her Friendster Profile right now.
Lou-Lou is trying his best to tahan FF right now.
Elita has ear-plugs in her ears so she doesn't have to hear FF's bell right now.
FF, go to hell right now.
Ryan is online right now.
Ryna is not online right now.
Remy is also not online right now.
Hajar is alone at home and sitting in front of the com right now.
Mr Aw is still sleeping right now (Time Check: 8.04PM).
Director Peh is washing his Judo Gi right now.
Jaya is happy for unknown reasons right now.
Hai'rul is celebrating his birthday right now.
Anthony is wondering if he'll have a surprise birthday party right now.
Jen and Coeus are missing me right now.
ZJ is jealous that Coeus misses me right now.
Adam is turning gay right now.
Joycie is skinnier than me right now.
Shirleen is buying "Anything" from anywhere right now.
Harris is no longer hairy right now.
Miss Chia wants to eat dinner and play mahjong right now.
Derlinder wants to date me out right now.
Kelvin is avoiding my fiery spits right now.
Josco is taller than kim-BO right now.
Zaki is cursing me for not attending elective lessons right now.
Danesh has alot of girls falling for him right now.
Pete is sneezing his mucous everywhere right now.
Oxy is helping someone with their pimples right now.
Jordan wants to fight with Brandon right now.
Brandon has no time to fight with Jordan right now.
Jun Rong has filth in his mind right now.
I cannot think of anyone else to write about right now.
I just wrote about people whom I thought about at that point of time
So if I forgot about you,
Guess what?
I don't really care.
Just kidding!!!
And for that one split second, you thought I was the worst friend ever. =p