Friday, February 29, 2008
Suddenly I miss,
them; my companions on most nights during Sec Sch.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Shiat!!!!Zach, the only Singaporean fighter on The Contender Asia, dislocated his shoulder during his 2nd round fight with Zidov!!! Irritating. He won the first round and so could've helped the Tiger Kings clinch another victory!!! 3 punches and a kick straight into the face of the Swiss!! Isn't that the kind of fight a Champion produces?!
Why did he shoulder give way?! WHY?!
He didn't even wanna stop fighting when his shoulder popped out TWICE during his match. It was the referee who made him stop fighting for his safety. One boy; carrying the hopes of the Nation... He just didn't wanna let any one of us down. Could see it in his eyes.
Fucking Zidov. He was smirking at one corner of the ring when Zach was grimacing in pain. *middle finger* I hope Pitu, John Wayne Parr, Soren, Zhabar or Yoddy slaughters you the next time you get called out. Nabeh!
Shit happens, doesn't it? *rolls eyes*
Well, Zig-Zach, your journey in Muay Thai has only just begun =)

Yes, I know my editing skills aren't up there yet, but gimme some time yeah?
-Thank you, baby, for EVERYTHING-
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Wahahahahaha!!!I know this is gonna sound lame after some time but I currently can't get over it! I have officially switched from calling my cousins "Qing" & "Shan", to "Syrup" and "Waffles".
I adopted a middle name too!
BUT! It's for them to know and ya'll to find out! =P
Saturday, February 23, 2008
I am so not good at financial issues!This year's CNY ang-pow collection wasn't bad... and now that it's the holidays, THERE'S A VOICE TELLING ME TO SPEND EVERY CENT ON LUXURY ITEMS!
*sob sob*
It is so easy to fall into this temptation of spending cash like water. Afterall, the money did flow to me like water. Hahahaha!!!
When I was still working for BB, I had all the money I could ask for. I got even richer during the semestral holidays because I'd be working at least 5-6 days a week from noon to night.
But even though I was (arguably) rich back then, I didn't know what to spend on because I WAS ALWAYS WORKING. Therefore, I splurged a whole lot on clothes, make-up and accessories (Poly student mah... what can be more impt than clothes?) and dining at poshy-poshy restaurants like Chicago Steakhouse, New York New York, Jack's place, Fish&Co., etc.
Not to mention, the multiple cab rides I took when I missed my last bus.
Now that I'm no longer earning, and very much relying on my father for allowances, thinking back about how ALL my dough disappeared makes me wanna give my ass a good kick.
Not only did I waste it on a truckload full of junk, it was mostly spent on leisure! If I had saved back then, I would've been a rich kid by now!During this vacation, (after flipping through my organiser) I realised that I have ALOT going on. Sun-tanning sessions, changing of my hairstyle (yesh, I've yet to cut it because...), I just purchased my crystals yesterday and there are still other stuff I need to get for this project I'm currently working on, meeting with friends for chilling sessions (Groupies! Marissa! Oxy! Siti!Who else?!), pool sessions, guitar lessons, Judo Camp, IVP, Judo Chalet... and of course, meeting up with my man =D
So much to get involved in and I'm penny-less -_-"
Plus, I wanted SO BADLY to go on the diving trip @ Tioman with him!! But I couldn't raise the money in time, so I gotta give it a miss and only go during my next vacation (or after PRCP, it depends).
Nah, didn't have the nerve (or rather, my skin wasn't thick enough) to approach Papa to sponsor me for yet another trip overseas. Firstly, he already paid a *huge sum* for me to go to Chiangmai. Secondly, he gives me money ALMOST EVERYDAY for school. Thirdly, he's paying for my school fees which are NOT CHEAP. Lastly, I turn frickin' 20 this year! A 20 year old depending so much on her father's wallet to survive? How un-hawt!
Before I went to bed last night, I was wondering how cool it would be to walk the sandy beaches and dive in the clear blue waters of Tioman. But reality striked; I'M COMPARABLE TO A BEGGAR!!
Why, oh why?!
Getting a part-time job now is OUT OF THE QUESTION. Year 3 already leh... dare not take anymore risks. I don't wanna retain and watch my other coursemates graduate and start work at their respective hospitals!! It sucks to be retained... it really does! LOL! Having to adapt to a whole new class and a new form teacher; been there, done that.
Ah, whatever! Don't wanna talk about it anymore... sekali got people come to my house and confront me. Ew!
Dad says one of his pals has an available post for me doing paperwork. But can only work for two days... WTH!! How much can I earn in (less than) 48 hours?! A hundred bucks? Let's add it to the amount that SGH is gonna issue to me for my up-coming attachment... totals up to $250. Hmm, not bad! Now add it to my CNY money and other savings...
Not bad at all!
But I'll only get my "pay" for attachments after two (superly duperly) long months! And so, it defeats the purpose because I would've started school by then.
-sometimes I feel that life has this MEGA grudge against me-
Yeaps, and the above statement was oh-so-random and oh-so-NOT-me.
This is one lesson learnt the hard way... and I'm crying my retina out as I type this. I have become so melodramatic nowadays! Tsktsktsk... at risk of BPD. HAHAHAHA!!! I need professional help STAT!
So it happened on 16.05.1984!!! <-- totally unrelated to the entire entry =)
Friday, February 22, 2008
Bling Bling Yo!I bought my CRYSTALS this afternoon with Raiden in tow! Yippee! They're not cheap ok... but the shop owner was reallllyyyyy nice; gave me discount without me having to ask! =D
Sometimes, I lie in bed and think to myself, "How does it feel like to stab a knife into your heart?".
It scares me that you're able to lift my spirits up with nothing more than a smile, yet also able to make my soul crash into the mantle of this planet by just mouthing a few (illogical) words. I don't deny the strong urge of wanting to knock the shit out of you sometimes. But then again, I love you too much to hurt you that severely; I'll prolly just settle for those regular punches that your shoulders receive.
That's what Love is all about, no?
It makes you feel good but it can also kill you. I get so tired of it sometimes.
Hell, I've never fancied the idea of living for someone. There's no harm in entering a relationship, but being in love with a person DOESN'T mean worshipping him/her. That's one peculiar thing about humans who're lost in the eyes of their significant other. Seriously, there are PLENTY of Gods out there for you to look up to but you chose to lick the soles of a fellow Homosapien?!
And I thought people who worshipped Jedi Knights were nutcases.
Oh, right, Thou should not be judgmental towards others. Just because my boyfriend isn't my first priority, it doesn't apply to the public. But whatever, you know. I'm gonna say my piece whether ya'll like it or not; I DON'T LIVE FOR LOVE. If it comes, it comes. If it doesn't, so be it. Life goes on as per usual.
To me, a relationship is a bonus, not a must-have. Raiden was (and still is) a gift. I met him coincidentally when I went back for trainings. I didn't join NYP Judo Club because of him, so it can't be said that I went looking for Love. He happened to be there, at that point of time when I walked into the dojo... coincidentally.
"Coincidence is God's way of being anonymous"
How apt =)
Maybe it's due to the way my dad brought me up... "When you're young and still in school, studies are the most important. When you eventually come out to work, family overtakes all others".
Dad, dad...
Simple sentences like this can influence me to such a huge extend, my gosh. Trust me, there's plenty more from where that came from. His quotes range from teenage rebelliousness to appreciating the simple things in life to karma getting back at unfilial children etc.
Many a time, I wanna be a full-time rebel (like those you see on TV) but his words are etched too deeply in my head. It's hard to wanna do my own thing without a bother in this world when I've got parenteral teachings stuck in my mind.
I have gone waaayyyy off-track, havent I? HAHAHAHAHA!! From wanting to murder someone, to how love kills a person, to human-worshipping, to me being judgmental, to Raiden being a God-send (praise!), to how my father teaches me... This is what happens when you engage in too many flow-chart drawings in Secondary School!
"Let your thoughts flow with the chart..."
Flow with the chart, my ass! I am so accustomed to it that I can't even write while sticking strictly to one specific topic! Wonder how much I scored for my composition during the big 'O's. Bet I digressed at one part or another. Who cares now, man?! I'M HAPPY WITH MY MARKS!
Crap. Just look at what just happened. Was talking about those sickening flow-charts and the subject drifted off to the Cambridge Exams.
I gotta stop here. But I'll update often from now on because EXAMS ARE OVERRRR!!!
Monday, February 18, 2008
HOW COULD I?!One of the SAQ for today's biology paper asked for the pathology of Parkinsons' Disease...
I listed out the entire PATHOPHYSIOLOGY instead! -3 marks gone-
Thursday, February 14, 2008
140208Bet you guys recognise the date, don'cha? WAHAHAHA!!! Yes, Valentines' Day!!
Hmm, I hope most of you managed to spend it more... lovingly (?) than I did. Nah, Valentines' just didn't strike any interest within me this year because I HAD TO SIT FOR MY FIRST OF FOUR PAPERS! Answer me honestly, can it get any crappier? But then again, 14/02 comes every year, does it not? So bah, I shall conquer the paper and celebrate some other time when the hairs on my head grow back.
That's ONE Crap-Factor!
Crap-Factor no.2; I was listening to Desiree (my favourite lunch buddy!) on the radio when suddenly...
RED ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Geez, my biological clock is one heck of a minx! OF ALL DAYS OF THE MID OF FEBRUARY, it chose to release my uterus lining ON THE DAY I'M SITTING FOR MY FIRST PAPER!!
I think by now, guys and girls would be aware that along with menstruation, comes the dreaded CRAMPS! *yank my earlobes* I was asking myself if I could be more jinxed than I already was... my answer came to me in less than 30 minutes' time.
Grandmother came back from the market and bought breakfast for me. YAY!!! Today, she chose to get me some Wanton Noodles with extra chilli (and oil). I was halfway through eating when I began to feel slightly queasy. But before I threw the remainders away, I popped the last dumpling into my oral cavity.
Got back in my room, was reading through my lecture notes once more when suddenly I felt like I was sea-sick. I'm telling you, it's an experience NO ONE should have. My head was spinning, my stomach felt uncomfortable and it was making alot of gurgling noises.
Ran to the toilet just in time to throw up.
Stupid noodles... caused me to get FOOD POISONING along with MENSTRUAL CRAMPS.
Man, the urge to stay home and play the sick role was so S-T-R-O-N-G! But the thought of having to sit for a sub-paper (which is twice as hard) turned me off more than the thought of entering the examination hall with a tortured stomach and a contracting uterus.
To cut the long story short, I threw up once more in school while waiting for my three gangster girls to arrive (Dorie lost her way YET again) and I was having goosebumps and shivers throughout the exam. This hindered the speed of my writing a lil' bit... paper ends at 6pm and I only finished completing my last sentence at 5.58pm.
And Raiden.
Poor Raiden.
We'll make up by chilling under the waters of beautiful Tioman, ok? WAKAKAKAKAKA!!!!
Ok, on a topic totally unrelated, I've been tuning into AXN alot these weeks. Well, my current media sins include The Contender Asia and The Amazing Race Asia 2.
CHEERS FOR TEAM SINGAPORE!!! Collin and Adrian out-smarted and out-ran Marc & Rovilson and Pamela & Vanessa =D

It my opinion, Adrian (in white) was the one that won it for our country. Collin did well too, but it was Adrian who solved the last Road-block quickly and led the team to victory. He has every bit of my admiration. The guy didn't let his hearing impairment tie him down at any point of the race. Kudos to them both!
Marc and Rovilson were leading from the start but, well, apparently Rov isn't familiar with his flags. That killed them. *Ouch*
This week's episode of Contender Asia was *yawn...* (not only with a capital B, but with everything typed out in Caps Lock).
Soren's fight with Alain... it was over in just three rounds. Alain suffered a laceration on his forehead and his captain threw the towel in to prevent his injury from tearing wider. But throughout the three rounds of Muay Thai, Alain was playing defensive.
I don't like watching a match whereby one defends and the other attacks. There's no adrenaline rush!!
Last week's fight between Yoddy and Bruce was a HUGE hit with me though. Yoddy, being Thai, murdered Bruce in the ring. LOLOLOLOLOL!! Now who says Asians aren't as physically fit as Caucasians?! Bruce suffered a bruised arm (pun intended).
I'm placing my cash on this guy to win the competition

Singapore's Zach (Kim Zaki Khan) doesn't look like he can go far, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed for him to make it to the final 5 perhaps? Uh, is he by any chance related to NR0608's Md. Zaki Khan?? HAHAHAHA! I couldn't believe how identical their names are!
Shout-out to Zaki: If he is of any relation to you, could you be ever so kind and let me have some passes to watch a few fights? Erm, preferably when Yoddy takes on Dave =)
And as much as I love AXN, I'm beginning to bare a grudge towards some of it's people. They seem to have a knack of torturing viewers by having commercial breaks every 5-10 minutes of the program!!
I'M NOT JOKING!! You think the commercial breaks during your Channel 8 shows every 15 minutes is bad, wait till you tune into AXN.
First, the theme song for Contender Asia comes on and the competitors' pictures and names are being shown blah blah blah... the show begins with Jaymee Ong doing a recap of what took place in the previous episode (this takes approximately 5 minutes)...
Show comes back on with Zach being elated that his team is finally on a winning streak and the Wild Boars have to select a new captain. But before I could see who they voted for...
Show resumes and the Wild Boars have chosen Dave to take over Bruce's place. Jaymee Ong explains this week's challenge to the players, players take their place and listen out for the whistle...
It frickin' frustrates the hell out of me lahhhhh!!! During Soren and Alain's match, I was telling my sister, after the first round was over, that if they were to have another commercial break, I would.... (and before I could finish my sentence...)
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
I can't take the heat no more!I know, I know! I said before that this year, I shall try and curb the habit of chopping my hair off whenever I feel like it and...
The sweltering Singapore weather is intolerable now! I can yank off my locks any moment! I perspire even at night, for goodness sake. How are so many girls able to keep their hair pass waist-length?! Man, they truly deserve a standing ovation from me.
So it's settled then; I'm visiting the hairdressers' tomorrow afternoon! Firstly, to get rid of this hideous mop that's been surviving on my head, and secondly, to do something about it's thickness.
Many of my friends have commented that my hair is super thick and that they're envious.
Why would anyone of you wanna have a beehive on your heads (Amy Winehouse is a BAD influence)?! Be thankful your locks aren't like mine.
It takes me close to 25 minutes to dry 'em up after a good old shower, it's not easy to maintain hair of such thickness and not have an itchy scalp (which is why I'd rather not have long hair) and to make matters worse, my hair has tonnes of natural curls. Thank God for Sunsilk straightening serum.
If only my mum was skilled in cutting hair. I could've saved a whole lot of dough!
Oh, and I realised I've not said this yet; GOOD LUCK NR0608!!! Let's ALL pass the wretched semestral exams yeah?
ps: I am so dying to meet Jeff Dunham, the world's best ventriloquist! That guy makes ventriloquism NOT suck!
Monday, February 11, 2008
Bye, guys! =(It was an honour to have a photo taken with this group of BRAINIACS (and with me standing in the middle somemore -_-")
from left to right: Vivian, Phoebe, Qing, Me, Shan and two more RJC gals whom I do not know so I won't anyhow buang names for them

Qing still ask me to go over to Melbourne to "visit when (i'm) free". That girl very willing to sponsor me with air-tickets seh... BAH!! Am missing my cousins now. They left last Thursday on the 11.15pm flight. Phoebe left yesterday and have since touched down in Queensland. Vivian is leaving for Sydney real soon.
Suddenly Australia seems like the hot-spot eh? LOLOLOLOL!!! I've got friends and family there now! Well, the twins are gonna be there for 4 years, so I guess I would have the opportunity to visit them afterall ;)
And who can forget about my other cousin, Colin, who's moved to Melbourne for good?! DANG! If the 4 of us were to get together one day, WE COULD START OUR VERY OWN CHAR KWAY TEOW STAND!!!!
What is life without Singaporean food?!?!
Hey, girls, ALL THE BEST IN UNI!! I'm sure ya'll settle down pretty well; especially Q who's out to hunt for a ang-moh future husband! WAHAHAHA!! Shan, must help your sis ok? I'll fly down to check him out once the dough starts rolling in. Make sure the guy's capable of doing more than the 3 things Caucasians do best ;)
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
and salmon from sushi tei
Saturday, February 02, 2008
2008; Reunion Dinner!I got into a panic-attack when Dad called me up halfway while I was snacking at McDonalds and told me that dinner (which was 'spose to be at 8pm) has been shifted forward to 7.30 and they'd be leaving the house by 6.45pm because Dad wanted to beat the jam.
I looked at Raiden's watch; already 5.45pm -_-" and I have yet to bathe or change (who wants to attend a dinner without a quick shower first?!)
Somehow or rather, I managed to reach home at 6.15pm. Thank goodness I live near school. Thank goodness! But when I grabbed my towel and charged towards the bathroom, the door was locked and the sis was inside doing god-knows-what! So I had to wait... and wait.... and wait...
So yup, we left the house when it was close to 7 and we were caught in the jam for approximately half an hour. Dinner was at OCBC centre at Shenton Way, and as always, Dad was making a huge fuss about inconsiderate drivers/Singapore being "too small"/not being able to locate the correct building etc.
My family was the latest to arrive, hence I had to sit at a separate table from them.
Sat with my twin-cousins; the ones who're leaving for Melbourne on CNY. They're gonna be qualified Speech Therapists when they return in 4 years' time!!!
Seems like most of my cousins on my Dad's side are into Healthcare... Doctors, Nurse (me!), Speech Therapists... gotta psycho my sis to become one of us!
AND AND AND!!! Phoebe, you know my twin-cousins!!! They're also MOH scholars!!!
One day, I wanna leave the country too. I do love Singapore, but I've been living here for 2 decades and I kinda need a change... get away from certain things for awhile. I don't know about some of you, but I need breathing space and a place for me to start anew. It's getting really suffocating over here; with my past (unpleasant events) clinging onto me like a stubborn lover.
I digressed ALOT, didn't I?!
My nephews have started walking!! Euan's able to manage on his own whereas little Aden is still a little wobbly and needs supervision. OMG, they're so adorable!!!
I wasn't able to carry Euan because he only lets his parents, grandparents and great grandma bring him around. Aden, on the other hand, was super CUTE and I couldn't resist brushing my fingers against his chubby cheeks!!! Seb and Sherman weren't around last night... Bah! Favourite nephew, Seb, not present... NO FUN!
Seb = 13
Sherman = 9
Euan = 2
Aden = 1
They're growing up so quickly! The time I used to carry Seb about when he was still a toddler doesn't seem very far. Aden came into the world last February so he's turning one real soon.
Cindy, Janice, Eunice; continue giving birth please!!! Your sons are super lovable lah!
Excuse the sudden departure of the blogger, but I gotta study now.