Tuesday, February 12, 2008

I can't take the heat no more!

I know, I know! I said before that this year, I shall try and curb the habit of chopping my hair off whenever I feel like it and...


The sweltering Singapore weather is intolerable now! I can yank off my locks any moment! I perspire even at night, for goodness sake. How are so many girls able to keep their hair pass waist-length?! Man, they truly deserve a standing ovation from me.

So it's settled then; I'm visiting the hairdressers' tomorrow afternoon! Firstly, to get rid of this hideous mop that's been surviving on my head, and secondly, to do something about it's thickness.

Many of my friends have commented that my hair is super thick and that they're envious.


Why would anyone of you wanna have a beehive on your heads (Amy Winehouse is a BAD influence)?! Be thankful your locks aren't like mine.

It takes me close to 25 minutes to dry 'em up after a good old shower, it's not easy to maintain hair of such thickness and not have an itchy scalp (which is why I'd rather not have long hair) and to make matters worse, my hair has tonnes of natural curls. Thank God for Sunsilk straightening serum.

If only my mum was skilled in cutting hair. I could've saved a whole lot of dough!

Oh, and I realised I've not said this yet; GOOD LUCK NR0608!!! Let's ALL pass the wretched semestral exams yeah?

ps: I am so dying to meet Jeff Dunham, the world's best ventriloquist! That guy makes ventriloquism NOT suck!

Shadow stepped, body touched, soul crashed at 10:43 pm.