Monday, April 07, 2008

My Godsis went to Suzhou!!!

Now I got one less person to go crying into the arms to. My dearest Godsis of 7 years boarded her plane t Suzhou early this morning while I was removing diet trays and preparing requisites for NGT insertion with Geribean. Damn suay lah, couldn't send her off because I was on morning shift.. She would've landed by now, most prolly unpacking her stuff in her dorm/hostel.

As much as I hate to let her go, living with your friends in a hostel is one experience you'll never wanna miss out on! I so miss the time when I bunked in with Nura at Chiangmai University. We unpacked together, arranged our writing material and toiletries together, washed the toilet floor together (long story) and without fail, we'd talk EVERY NIGHT before we drifted off to sleep. Those were the days man...

Dearest Shirleen/Shirl/Leen, good luck with your overseas attachment ok? Learn as much as you possibly can and do well in your assignments. But whatever it is, DON'T speak to me with a Chinese accent when you get back here can? I've already lost my touch in my Mother Tongue. Hahahaha! Sad, but true!

Currently, Syrup and Waffles seem to be adapting well in Melbourne. HAHAHAHAHA!! Although they're left kinda speechless regarding the raging hormones of the ang-moh students. One of them bumped into a NAKED DUDE while on her way to shower!! LOL! Now isn't that ever so cool? Man, when's it gonna be MY turn?! Oh, and she heard tonnes of moaning in her unit mate's room!


Couldn't help laughing myself silly when I read her post on her accidental discovery. Hehehe! Omg, you girls better enjoy whatever time you have left there coz you ain't gonna have something like that happen in SG. *winks* Ok, I sound super horrible here. I don't intend to be a bad influence to them both, so you two girls had better DO YOUR TUTORIALS!

I super hate it when ASSHOLES approach me out of the blue to talk about BLUE TOPICS.

Seriously, STOP or I'll gnaw you up!

case-study presentation today with Geribean. OVER & DONE with!

Shadow stepped, body touched, soul crashed at 9:46 pm.