Wednesday, April 09, 2008

I hate working with you!!

Stupid maggot! I can't believe how you're so small-sized but yet the amount of trouble you've caused us is so HUGE! Bitch about us on your loser blog, accuse us of things which we didn't do... You want to badmouth us right? I ALSO CAN!

Eh, shorty! Change diapers also scared?! Then be nurse for what?! Sign bond with hospital for what?! You think working in a ward is the same as being on the runway huh?! Stand there and let people oogle at you, your flat chest and your oversized uniform?! SORRY LOR! This is Diploma in Nursing! In other words, your job is to clean the patients' asses, clear their vomitus if they throw up, sponge them in the morning if they're bedridden and the list of many more "unglam" routines continues!

Today, someone with diarrhoea soiled her pampers. You asked Geribean for help (I assume it's because you're too small to turn the patient over to wipe her buttock), but after the curtains were drawn, you had no intention to clean the patient up at all! You just took the packet of wipes and passed it to Gerry, expenting Gerry to do it all for you!

But thank goodness Gerry ain't dumb enough to fall for it... She made you put on your gloves to wipe the patient up as well. Moreover it was YOU whom the physiotherapist looked for when she noticed that the patient had just dirtied her diapers... and since you claim that our attitudes towards you isn't pleasant, I don't see why Gerry should do the wiping for you.

The best part is, after putting on a new pair of diapers for the patient and Gerry was busy clearing the used wipes, I came in to help you put the pants on for the patient. AND WHAT DID YOU DO?! You frickin' touched the patient's new pants and my hands WITHOUT REMOVING YOUR GLOVES!!! The very pair you wiped her anus with!!!!

When I yelled, "Oi! You wear the gloves still touch my hands!!!", she told me, "No! It's clean one!"


Even though it appears to be clean, we ALL know that it's NOT! This isn't your first attachment and you're gonna be in your final year next week! Don't sia-suay our batch can?! Brainless. If your gloves are so "clean" why don't you bloody leave it on for the rest of the remaining hours?!

Whole day only know how to flirt around... I think for your PRCP, the school had better send you to a Gynae ward! So you'll actually WORK instead of stalking male nurses. Seriously, I wonder how you're gonna pull through 3 months of attachment when you can't even handle 3 weeks. I pray wih all my might that I won't be assigned to the same ward as you for our final posting. And after graduation, may we NEVER cross paths ever again.

You need tall-pills.

Shadow stepped, body touched, soul crashed at 10:48 pm.