Saturday, May 31, 2008
And it's time for farewell..Well, not really actually... Hahaha! But Gwen wouldn't be our Skills lecturer anymore after the two-week break, so it really did felt like we were saying our final farewells to her yesterday. NR0612 is gonna be the next tutorial group under her... THEY ARE SO LUCKY!! If anyone from Group 12 reads this, don't mistreat Gwen k? She's one of the nicest people you'll ever come across and she'll help you score well for your Practicals (unlike Mophead!).

I have a picture of Gwen standing behind the cake and opening her mouth up W-I-D-E as if she's gonna chomp it all up... very tempted to post it up, but we gave her our word that any ugly/unglamourous shots will NEVER set foot on the World Wide Web =)
She cut a HUMONGOUS slice for me!!!
These two bong-bongs thought that I might need their help in finishing the cake... BUT I GOBBLED IT UP IN LESS THAN A MINUTE!
The cake was mouth-watering, I tell you! The cream was sweet and the sponge cake itself had this sour-ish tinge in it. I'm a sucker for sour foodstuff... spicy ones too! That explains why I love Thailand so much! TOM YAM GOONG, ya'll!
Here's a question for all of you: How many lemons did Gwen use to bake this cake? ;)
After cutting the cake, Gwen smeared some cream on Duckie's face!!! WAHAHAHAHA!! And duckie exclaimed, "Cher!!! My make-up!!!". LOL! Too bad nobody took a video of it happening cause we were all too engrossed with taking pictures. But anyway, after Gwen attempted that prank on Duckie, we avenged the duck. One by one, we smeared cream back on Miss Gwen's face! HAHAHAHA! I "creamed up" her nose =P
When I asked Dorie to take a picture of Gwen and I, Gwen tried to rub her face (with cream) against mine!!!
(I was trying to avoid her, in case you can't tell)
She finally obliged to take a picture with us and *PROMISED* not to do anything funny!
I am so jealous of Duckie's long hair... my hair's growth rate is super slow-motion lah!
That duck stick out her butt also don't know for what... make me look as if I'm humping her -_-"
NR0608 (2008)!!!!
Ans: She used 9 lemons in total... and some lemon sauce as well.