Saturday, August 23, 2008

Guess I got the answer

I was crapping away with an old friend last night and it was quite refreshing! Havent seen him for awhile, but we still managed to hit off pretty well and he told me a couple of things that actually made me feel less insecure and more... determined?

Quite a number of my friends have been encouraging me to take up driving lessons. I do wanna drive so I don't have to risk getting my ass flattened during the peak hours in the train. Raiden, Siti and Dorie can officially drive, Shidah's began her practicals and Seri's about to commence her BTT.


I've only tried accelerating, reversing and parking Siti's car WITHOUT having any official lessons. Hahahaha!!!

Here's a nice clip produced by Siti; my scenes spoil to entire production cos I'm not that great a driver (for now). But enjoy it anyway :)

Now that you're done giggling (bah!), we can move on from here.

Whenever people ask me to sign up for BTT, my standard answer would be: Cannot lah! I saving money for my DIVING lesson.

I'm not kidding hor! I am really saving for my diving lessons/trip to Tioman after my PRCP. And I have also set my sights on wakeboarding and surfing. So if you add it all up, it's quite a huge lum-sum, isn't it? So where to find money to hire driving instructor huh?

So I was grumbling to him that I've a whole in my pocket (actually no more pocket already!) and that I can't drive anytime soon. This was what he told me...

Diego says:
haha..spend on sth u reali wana a once in a lifetime thing...
Diego says:
driving u can do later in life...
Diego says:
but its best to make use of the young body u have now..
Diego says:
and hell...if ur gona spend money on it on sth u enjoy...
Diego says:
and might as well make it outrageously radical..
Diego says:
life's too short to be wasted

That sorta lifted up my spirits :) And I should've known he'd ask me to do something I would enjoy rather than splurge on driving, because this fellow recently took up MUAY THAI!!!

MUAY THAI, y'all!!!!

Omg, you know how deadly the sport is?! You know how dope Thai-boxing is?!


He called me crazy when I said I'm saving $$$ for my water sports. And here he is taking up one martial art after another... WTFFFFFF!!!!!!! HE's the gila one, NOT me!

Diego says:
haha..never said i wasn't
Diego says:
just said u were
Diego says:
makes us both crazy
Diego says:

You guys gotta read this one part of our conversation regarding this dude's injured knee and his obssession with Nee Soon Camp!!

Diego says:
oh..i haaven't received any appt letter for physio at nee soon..
Diego says:
kinda weird how it sounds
Diego says:
"knee soon"

- kimmiraiden - says:
u're at it again!!!!!
- kimmiraiden - says:
at the rate u're going, the stitch will NEVER leave

Diego says:
Diego says:
knee soon...
Diego says:
"where are u going to get ur knee fixed?"
"knee-soon camp"

- kimmiraiden - says:
wad da fish... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Diego says:

- kimmiraiden - says:
if only there was a online booger-flicking program, i'd flick tonnes of it at u

Diego says:

- kimmiraiden - says:
- kimmiraiden - says:
stuff frm ur nose...????

Diego says:
thought that's snot

- kimmiraiden - says:
snot would be the thick liquid kind... booger's the real solid ones
- kimmiraiden - says:
i've yet to flick it at anyone

Diego says:
i decline the invitation to be ur virgin booger board

- kimmiraiden - says:
- kimmiraiden - says:
eh, wad happened to "best to make use of the young body u have now"?!

Diego says:
only doing wat u enjoy...
Diego says:
and no..being a booger board aint my idea of fun

- kimmiraiden - says:
i didn't ask for u to be my booger board
- kimmiraiden - says:
jus suggesting for u to be my booger PANEL
- kimmiraiden - says:
- kimmiraiden - says:
*sticks legs in the sir*

Diego says:
Diego says:
put those down before i see sth

- kimmiraiden - says:
see wad? i only stick my legs up when i got my surf-shorts on
- kimmiraiden - says:
trusty lil things

Diego says:
i was talkin cellulite
Diego says:
u dirty thing

I am VERY MUCH AWARE that I have excess water in my body, you sadist!!!!! But it's okay, ONE DAY I'll go for the (phoney) cellulite treatment thingy and then stick my lower extremities towards the sky for all to appreciate ah; scar-less, hairless and water-less! Plus super well-toned + tanned.

Take note, I said ONE DAY. Didn't really specify when so....


Dorie, CONGRATULATIONS ON PASSING!!! I'll try to draw a nice car for you, coz now really no cash lah!!! :D

Siti, the real saga happens next week when we meet for Seoul Garden! LOL! For now, take it in your stride that you didn't fall for it ;)

Shadow stepped, body touched, soul crashed at 12:04 am.