Friday, October 31, 2008
I so gotta get myself a pair of these babies. They've been on the market so ages and it took me only NOW to notice them and the "fierce-ness" they got along with 'em! Damn, please lemme find a suitable pair in the right colour!! Obviously, I wouldn't get the white one lah... brown, perhaps? And if I'm really feeling them, probably GOLD ;)
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Mahjong anytime soon? 

Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Who's got balls for this ordeal?
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Shots by D'linder at her new home!

Omg, I am oh-so-jealous of you, girlfriend!!! You're now residing in a bungalow at the foot of the hills whereas I'm still stuck here in this miserable place, living in a bloody HDB flat! You so have my promise that I'll head over there next year for Christmas! And faster get your license so we can go on your long-awaited road trip!! Christchurch, HERE WE COMEEE!!!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Some pictures I'd like to share :)
(photo taken in June '06, during my 18th birthday celebration)

(photo taken in June '07)
(photo taken in Oct '08)
So you're wondering what's the point of me posting up those 3 photos of myself, yea? Lemme tell you why. In all the photos, notice how my right upper arm is always visible? Now, scroll back up and compare the various SIZES of it; from year 2006-08.
I've gone from 54kg to 52kg to the current 45kg.
To all those people who once commented on me being fat/plump/requiring plastic surgery, KISS MY ASS! I bet you can't bloody run uphill in 14 minutes (for 2.4km). I bet even more that you don't have abs to show off (honestly, I don't have packs like Fergie, but at least I can see a 4-pack when I flex). And oh, if you're gonna make fun of my lack of height, go ahead. Being short isn't a physical disadvantage. I choose to see it as a compliment, because at least people won't mistake me for a tranny when I walk past them :)
I used to be affected by what others say; I got flat face, big nose, dark circles, fake boobs, big ass, bulging tummy, short eyelashes etc.
Yeap, say what you want. I'm the one with the healthy body now :) But then again, I do have to thank (all of) you for being unwelcomed critiques ;) It was your tactless comments that gave me more motivation to bring you down. So I guess it's time you eat your words, stop preying on other people and START WORKING OUT ON YOUR OWN BODY.
We are all imperfect and that includes you, nonetheless. So why are you pointing out the physical flaws of other people and forgetting on a whole that you're far from perfection too? Does bringing others down make you any more attractive? Will their burnt ego give you a higher wage? If they're not as petite as you, LEAVE IT AS THAT. What matters is that they're healthy and happy. Who are you to tell them how unglam or awful they look? Who are you to poke jokes at their expense? Remember this; those that choose to humiliate others are very often the ones with the most insecurities.
By the way, did I ever have the chance to mention that we shouldn't take our skin for granted because it's our largest organ? Girl, you need some serious skin regime! And before I forget, you're wearing the wrong bra-size *winks*
Sunday, October 26, 2008
I'm back on Facebook!It's a loooonnnnngggggg story why I chose to reactivate it. All I can say is that I love my Elisian friends too much lah, especially D'linder!!! FASTER COME BACK FROM NZ!!! Last night's "online gathering" was crazyyy!! Hahahahaha! But enjoyed ourselves with the rest, yea? Omg.. David, Benin, WeiMin, CQ (very few were online apparently). And David thought that McRon is a McDonald's meal. WTH! He's also a pioneer Elisian larrr!! Can't wait to see you guys in December man! Seriously :)
Saturday, October 25, 2008
As the week breezed by... What was on TV: Survivor Gabon (I watched the 2pm one because it's direct off satellite and has no commercial breaks!)

You guys know where to look for more pictures, yeah? Oh, and if you wanna have a look at my sis (who doesn't look like me at all), you can view pictures of her there too :) Look for the album "Trick or Treat".
Thursday, October 23, 2008
I love my gals :)Today, I found my long lost MOOD RING!! Hahahaha! After so long of not wearing it on my left index finger, it's finally back on... still as good as new! *Phew* I thought I left it at my previous flat when I was in the midst of shifting early last year. I moped, I grumbled, I bought a plain platinum ring to replace it but the "feeling" was right. Now that I've found my little darling, I'm never taking it off; EVERRRRR!!!!
Oh, what's a MOOD RING? Hehe! It's a ring that tells you your mood. Lol! Mine has the name "Kimberley" spelled out on it. Yeah, my name's spelt "Kimberly" but what to do? They decided that an extra E would look better and be easier to market, so no choice lor... And they didn't offer rings that have "kim" on it.
BLACK: Stressed
YELLOW: Nervous
AMBER: Lovable
GREEN: Mixed
LIME: Romance
SKY BLUE: Normal
CYAN: Passion
SEA BLUE: Relaxed
Currently, my ring's purplish... so what's my mood? And what's your's? *winks*
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Sunday, October 19, 2008
I miss being 17... :(
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Hehehe! Time to rejoice!
a couple more on Multiply :))
Sunday, October 12, 2008
OT posting tomorrowAnd I am so not ready for it. SGH only uses scrubbing method (from what I heard) so my forearms are prolly gonna hurt like fuck!!! And for all I know, the colour tone of my arms might become lighter than the rest of my body parts. RAHHHHH!!!!
One more week, TAHAN! TAHAN! TAHAN!
And guys, my online album is now completed with ALL my pictures; includes Secondary School days, Judo trainings, junior years in NYP, attachments, birthday parties etc. I know alot of you have completed your postings (HY, Duckie, Dorie, Pigologist), so go take a look ok? HAHAHAHA! I have all your pics posted up ranging from Year 1-3 and during our various postings! And please ah, I look nothing like how I do now when I was in Sec Sch, so don't get too shocked, alright?
I pasted the link above my Nuffnang ad. since September but NO ONE seemed to notice! So far, only Hajar and Boon Juay have been to my page because they're both members of Multiply. Whatever.
Anyways, I've 18 albums there so enjoy yourselves :)
Hint: You guys can start setting up your own accounts so your precious photos will be stored where I can see them. Hahaha!
Can't wait for Halloween!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Sing me a song
Wakakakakakaka!!!! Cute, right?!

Saturday, October 04, 2008
Tattoo... Muahahaha!
What does the tatt say again? *bimbo stare*
Friday, October 03, 2008
Happy Birthday, Honeybun!!!
Thursday, October 02, 2008

Next week, I'll be posted to the Emergency Department for a week followed by another 5 days in the Operating Theatre. Should I be glad (that I won't have to rot at home) or sad (that I can't sleep in on weekdays)? Now that's something to consider.
*Please let me see a C-section! Please let me see a C-section!*
Was watching the Amazing Race Asia (Season 3) on AXN moments ago and the Singaporean duo is so cute lahh! Not as attractive as Melody & Sharon from Season 1, definately not as macho and into fitness as Colin & Adrian from Season 2.
Hahahaha! I crack up everytime they start talking. They'll go, "Dude, it's this way lah... Nehhh!!! It's this way...!!!" Complete with that distinctive Singaporean accent and a touch of sarcasm. In this week's episode, the Roadblock was to eat one of Taiwan's delicacies.... SMELLY TOUFU!!!!!
For every bite that A.D. downed, she belched.
Yeah, sounds disgusting. But come to think of it, she was totally cool while attempting to finish the entire pot of toufu (which also consisted of spices, vegetables and duck blood). She kept quiet, swallowed the food continously, and just stopping for a few seconds to, well, *burp! AND SHE'S A WOMAN! Damn, she's got balls!
Ida, from the Malaysian team, started crying during the Roadblock -_-" Babe, was it really necessary for all that drama? IT'S JUST TOUFU! I know, it stinks but c'mon lah... I've eaten it and I'm still alive and well man!
The team from India has got to be the worst of the lot. Absolutely nothing to say about them! Kapil didn't even bloody touched a single piece of beancurd and opted to go for the 4 hour penalty. Sad case! There's a saying that goes "You don't lose until you quit". True enough, the two of them got eliminated. Which in my opinion is a GOOD thing, because seriously, these two men don't deserve to be on the race. Their attitudes suck, they're arguing more than half the time and they simply GAVE UP!
Ok lah, I admit I'm biased against them. But that's only because of their lousy characters and their knack for shouting at the cameras. YES!!! I CAN HEAR YOU FROM MY HOME!!! SAVE IT!!
Raiden kept laughing at them when he was at my place watching last week's episode. To him, their antics were funny (whatever. Raiden laughs at EVERYTHING!) but to me, their just so IRRITATING!!! Complaining and complaining from the start to the finish. Ish!
I've got pictures from Shirleen's party which I've yet to post up, I will be snapping more pictures tomorrow because it's my baby's birthday and later this month, I'll be heading for Nickky's 21st birthday BBQ. Guess I'll post the photos of all 3 parties in a single entry. Less hassle!!
All the ladies in the house went for a shopping spree at Bugis Village yesterday and it was a total SUICIDE ATTEMPT. Fucking crowded and I could smell the pits of the auntie who was standing in front of me in the train. Wah lao eh... Don't ask me whose idea it was to head to Bugis, I have no clue! Plus, the reason I tagged along was because we were having Thai food at Novena after that. *TOMYUM TOMYUM TOMYUM TOMYUM*
Mummy bought me a new pair of denim hotpants (my old pair doesn't fit anymore because it's too loose!), PAUL FRANK BOXERS and a black & white tube beach dress which I'm *most probably* gonna wear to celebrate Nickky's big day coz her party's theme is "Black & White affair".
Can't wait for tomorrow!! Baby, I miss you so muchhh!!! I'm hoping we have a wonderful time at the buffet with your FYP mates *kisses*
It's already October... PRCP is nearing! OMG! I don't want to grow up! Where's Peter Pan when you need him?! To make this coming period of my life more miserable,
MY MUM AND SIS WILL BE JETTING OFF TO CHENGDU FOR A WEEK WHILE I'M SLOGGING MY GUTS AWAY!!!!! This is so not fair!!! I hate PRCP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chengdu leh! Can sayang the Panda bear ok! Singapore where got xiong mao?! Nabeh!!!!
Cute nye...

Missing out on playing with the pandas is fine for me (even though I've a strong urge to take one week MC in December) but when they're over at China, they won't be staying in a hotel... they're gonna stay up on the MOUNTAINS!!!! It'll be winter time, so how cool is that?!