Friday, November 18, 2005
MOSQUITOES SUCKThe reason why I absolutely can't stand living on the 2nd storey sometimes is because some mozzies, who're too lazy to fly to the higher levels, simply enjoy sucking me dry!!
I was surfing and chatting with Dil and the next thing I know, I've received four love-bites from one particular bloodsucker who's digging her own grave. You better watch your back, you tiny little mothafucking pest! If I ever get my hands on you, I'll make sure I pluck off your wings, use my mechanical pencil to "puncture" your bloated belly and finally separate your head from the rest of your body parts!
Irritating! Why must God create such stuff? It's annoying to be "kissed" by some food deprived insect.
And this bloody thing just can't seem to get enough of my fluids! It's somewhere behind the computer desk right now... just can't seem to catch it. And no, I don't believe in using sprays. It's a retarded way to get revenge. I want it to experience pain before it drifts off to hell.
At one point of time, I saw it flying towards the TV. I ran to the front of the living room and tried to flatten it between my palms after shouting, "Where are you, you fucker?!"
YEAPS! That was how pissed off I was. Even now, I'm still fuming. NINE MOZZIE MARKS ON MY LEGS! Plus four more and that makes 13! ARGH!!!!! My legs are beginning to look like someone's... Oh no! Harris is gonna run to me when he needs loose change. And other Singaporeans are gonna avoid me because I look like a walking mine field. (Right Harris?)
In the end, I resorted to wearing a pair of jeans to avoid getting bitten again. Even at home, I gotta dress so conservatively. Sickening! WHY WON'T YOU MOSQUITOES GO TO THE MARKET AT ANG MO KIO CENTRAL?! Go attack the (dead) pigs and (slaughtered) chickens! Leave me alone lah. Knn.