Wednesday, March 01, 2006

This is so random

I guess my wish of being transferred back to Bugis will never come true. I did consider quitting after Joe gave me such a hard time at Marina. But what made me stay was that little glimmer of hope that I could op for a transfer once school reopens. But right now, I'm being forced to quit... by my dad.


Ash is a student nurse who's currently in her final semester at NYP and she told me that during my first year, I'll have a lot of free time because there aren't many projects involved. She told me that she had so much time to spare, she could actually visit the gym thrice a week! THRICE A WEEK, can you believe it?! I don't remember having so many free days when I was in lower secondary!

So why wouldn't my dad let me continue working??? Oh I know why... he has plans for me to get a degree overseas. How cool (not) is that?! *fake squeal*

These past few days have been a roller-coaster ride that I will definately NEVER ride again; not even if it costs my screwed up life.

It was last tuesday, I think. Met up with Kathy at BJ and had cheese fries and a chocolate-cookie milkshake. I won't deny, we were having fun making fools of ourselves and using our mobiles to call others and irritate them.

The fun didn't last the night through. I remember VERY CLEARLY that I used my cell-phone (a black Motorola V3) to take a picture of the flavoured soda I was having and I remember EVEN MORE CLEARER that I placed it into my bag before heading to the ladies'.

Kathy was at the cashier area talking to Mag, leaving both of our belongings with.....

So I didn't notice my darling phone was missing until I went to the lobby with Gen and Mindy for a smoke and realised that the front pocket of my bag was empty except for my mp3. I rushed up to Billy's and used Anthony's phone to dial my number.

1st time: No answer
2nd time: Call got diverted to God knows what number that is
3rd time: Phone was already switched off

Well, I do have my suspects. Two of them, in fact. But I shan't say anything more in case I stir up more distrust and disorder amongst the service crew of BJ. I just wanna say a huge thank you to Kathy, Kelly, Anthony, Carol, Gen, Mag and Mindy for helping me out. I didn't get my phone back but it's great knowing that I've got friends who actually care.

To the sickening brat who took my phone away from me, enjoy using it (or the cash you've earned by selling it) while you can. As a person who has experienced countless retributions, I can honestly say you're gonna get punished for it... and it's gonna be worse than losing a gadget. For all you know, it could be your left boob. Having said that, try to have a more balanced diet ok? Hound dogs with mustard and sweet relish don't do your body alot of good.

Ok, next on the blogging agenda would be running into one bloody fucker while I was walking along the streets of Orchard with Clara and Jerome.

Jen and Steph should know who this person is. My life was nearly ruined by her in 2004 when she used me as bait to get what she wanted. I'm telling you, meeting her at the Nationals was one of the worst happenings that could ever happen to me. The nightmare continued when we became closer and I got into the deepest of deep shits with my school, my tutor and my parents.

She wanted to hang out at night, I skipped tuition lessons. She wanted to go to town and roam around aimlessly, I played truant with a certain kurapted babi and met her at Somerset. She needed to talk to someone on the phone, I sacrificed my sleeping hours to chat with her and it resulted in my cell getting confiscated and my eye-bags getting darker. Trust me, you guys, there are so much more which are untyped.

So it just happened that I bummed into her at Orchard (town again) and there she was, walking around aimlessly yet again with no purpose in life and living each day as it came. Tsk tsk... how pathetic can people get these days huh?

She didn't recognise me. And I seized the chance to glare at her with my pair of cat eyes. She didn't have the guts to return the evil eye... WIMP! What happened to "I won that Nanyang girl to become the lightweight Champion!", "I never leave my house without my kendo stick being taped at the side of my pants" and "Everything is a weapon. I can make a guy bleed with this key-chain".

Oh, crap! You were pussy enough to avoid eye contact with me and went to the far corner of McDonalds to have your fucked up McSpicy meal. Didn't you tell me you won a girl from Nanyang Girls' School? Why did you not confront a flabby and lardy girl who hasn't trained in centuries from East View Secondary then eh?

And the last time you called me (which was way back in December 2004), you said that you were married to your horny partner and the both of you owned a rented flat. Enjoying your life as a married woman, I mean, man? How's being a, erm, husband to a wife who'll never get pregnant because you don't own the correct genitals?

I'm not against lesbianism, but I'm being biased against her because she's a complete asshole. So sorry to tell you this Siti Aisyah Bte Ba'ie, but I have come across a bung who looks a thousand times better than you (you're not the best looking butch in SG as you once claimed you were). Plus, she ain't a bum like you who's probably gonna starve on the streets of highly developed $ingapre.

Readers, I am not dating someone of the same gender. I rest my case.

Shadow stepped, body touched, soul crashed at 4:49 pm.