Sunday, August 27, 2006

Quizzes and Answers

Well, I was bored so I decided to try out a few quizzes... and the answers are kinda remarkable!!

You Are Rocky Road Ice Cream
Unpredictable and wild, you know how to have fun.You're also a trendsetter who takes risks with new things.You know about the latest and greatest - and may have invented it!
You are most compatible with vanilla ice cream.
What Flavor Ice Cream Are You?

You Are Apple Pie
You're the perfect combo of comforting and traditional Those who like you crave security
What Kind of Pie Are You?

You Are a Peach Jelly Bean
You have a distinct style that you don't really have to work for. You're genuinely quirky, and people love your understated charm.
What Flavor Jelly Bean Are You?

You May Be a Bit Antisocial...
Antisocial? That may be a bit of an understatement.You think rules are meant to be broken - and with gusto!Having no fear, you don't even think about consequences.But people love you anyway... you've got a boatload of charm.
What Personality Disorder Are You?

You Belong in London
You belong in London, but you belong in many cities... Hong Kong, San Francisco, Sidney. You fit in almost anywhere.And London is diverse and international enough to satisfy many of your tastes. From curry to Shakespeare, London (almost) has it all!
What European City Do You Belong In?

Your Scholastic Strength Is Deep Thinking
You aren't afraid to delve head first into a difficult subject, with mastery as your goal.You are talented at adapting, motivating others, managing resources, and analyzing risk.
You should major in:
PhilosophyMusicTheologyArtHistoryForeign language
What Should You Major In?

You Are 54% Vain
You're a little vain, but more than anything you have a healthy amount of confidence.Thinking the world of yourself is great. Just don't think less of those who aren't as pretty as you!
How Vain Are You?

Your Makeup Look Is
Punk Glam EyesYou're the perfect mix of rock and roll meets glamour!
What's" Your Signature Makeup Look?

You are a Buff Girl!
You've got a boomin' body and a fearless spirit.Most guys have trouble keeping up with your energy and fitness level.Competitve and fun loving, you're up for almost anything.Make sure you pick a guy who doesn't mind getting beaten by a girl!
What Kind of Girl Are You?

You Should Wear Cropped Jeans
Urban yet vintage, chic yet casual.Pair your jeans with sexy heels, wedges, or even boots for a one of a kind look.
What Cut of Jeans Should You Wear?

Shadow stepped, body touched, soul crashed at 9:26 pm.