Monday, March 05, 2007
Here are a couple of overdued snapshots!@ Tampines Polyclinic

Remy; cheeky monkey-boy
Before bio-lecture and a treat @ Swensens!
At long last, I managed to upload these pictures without having to use my damaged camera (feel free to ask me how! hee~)
The CI in charge of me, Yvonne and Mary
CI Mei asked me to do the twist with her, so *twist*
Nadirah and my favourite CI!!! We miss you, CI Ramani!!!
(oh yah, before I forget, CI Ramani referred to me as "Melody" instead of Kimberly. -_-" Both names sound alike meh? I was whining to Nad and Andy about it and the two of them did nothing but giggled! Then CI Ramani added, "And the best part of it is, she actually acknowledged it when I called her by the wrong name.)
My knees ached like hell after the above picture was taken!
Beautiful Marissa & shagged me. Couldn't take a picture with my dearest Subaidah because she was sick. Bah!

EN Azrin, the guy that conveniently called me "Michelle". I still don't get it; does my name have any links to Michelle?? Eh? And is "Kim" that hard to remember? Melody and Michelle... Gosh!

EN Nizar with Andy, a piece of micropore tape and the card we made for him. The "Award Ceremony" was held in the preparation room and Nizar's speech started with the very overated, "I wanna dedicate this award to my mother, my father, the patients... err... MICROPORE TAPE..."
That's SN Peggy! She rocks big time!! If nurses around the world were like her, this place would be a much better place to live in. Peggy, wo ai ni!!!!
(in case you're wondering, I was having a fever on my last day and got sent home right? This picture was taken before CI Wong chased me off)
No pictures taken with CI Wong though... no chance to pose with her lah. But I still love her alot despite her being so strict with us =p