Thursday, February 14, 2008
140208Bet you guys recognise the date, don'cha? WAHAHAHA!!! Yes, Valentines' Day!!
Hmm, I hope most of you managed to spend it more... lovingly (?) than I did. Nah, Valentines' just didn't strike any interest within me this year because I HAD TO SIT FOR MY FIRST OF FOUR PAPERS! Answer me honestly, can it get any crappier? But then again, 14/02 comes every year, does it not? So bah, I shall conquer the paper and celebrate some other time when the hairs on my head grow back.
That's ONE Crap-Factor!
Crap-Factor no.2; I was listening to Desiree (my favourite lunch buddy!) on the radio when suddenly...
RED ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Geez, my biological clock is one heck of a minx! OF ALL DAYS OF THE MID OF FEBRUARY, it chose to release my uterus lining ON THE DAY I'M SITTING FOR MY FIRST PAPER!!
I think by now, guys and girls would be aware that along with menstruation, comes the dreaded CRAMPS! *yank my earlobes* I was asking myself if I could be more jinxed than I already was... my answer came to me in less than 30 minutes' time.
Grandmother came back from the market and bought breakfast for me. YAY!!! Today, she chose to get me some Wanton Noodles with extra chilli (and oil). I was halfway through eating when I began to feel slightly queasy. But before I threw the remainders away, I popped the last dumpling into my oral cavity.
Got back in my room, was reading through my lecture notes once more when suddenly I felt like I was sea-sick. I'm telling you, it's an experience NO ONE should have. My head was spinning, my stomach felt uncomfortable and it was making alot of gurgling noises.
Ran to the toilet just in time to throw up.
Stupid noodles... caused me to get FOOD POISONING along with MENSTRUAL CRAMPS.
Man, the urge to stay home and play the sick role was so S-T-R-O-N-G! But the thought of having to sit for a sub-paper (which is twice as hard) turned me off more than the thought of entering the examination hall with a tortured stomach and a contracting uterus.
To cut the long story short, I threw up once more in school while waiting for my three gangster girls to arrive (Dorie lost her way YET again) and I was having goosebumps and shivers throughout the exam. This hindered the speed of my writing a lil' bit... paper ends at 6pm and I only finished completing my last sentence at 5.58pm.
And Raiden.
Poor Raiden.
We'll make up by chilling under the waters of beautiful Tioman, ok? WAKAKAKAKAKA!!!!
Ok, on a topic totally unrelated, I've been tuning into AXN alot these weeks. Well, my current media sins include The Contender Asia and The Amazing Race Asia 2.
CHEERS FOR TEAM SINGAPORE!!! Collin and Adrian out-smarted and out-ran Marc & Rovilson and Pamela & Vanessa =D

It my opinion, Adrian (in white) was the one that won it for our country. Collin did well too, but it was Adrian who solved the last Road-block quickly and led the team to victory. He has every bit of my admiration. The guy didn't let his hearing impairment tie him down at any point of the race. Kudos to them both!
Marc and Rovilson were leading from the start but, well, apparently Rov isn't familiar with his flags. That killed them. *Ouch*
This week's episode of Contender Asia was *yawn...* (not only with a capital B, but with everything typed out in Caps Lock).
Soren's fight with Alain... it was over in just three rounds. Alain suffered a laceration on his forehead and his captain threw the towel in to prevent his injury from tearing wider. But throughout the three rounds of Muay Thai, Alain was playing defensive.
I don't like watching a match whereby one defends and the other attacks. There's no adrenaline rush!!
Last week's fight between Yoddy and Bruce was a HUGE hit with me though. Yoddy, being Thai, murdered Bruce in the ring. LOLOLOLOLOL!! Now who says Asians aren't as physically fit as Caucasians?! Bruce suffered a bruised arm (pun intended).
I'm placing my cash on this guy to win the competition

Singapore's Zach (Kim Zaki Khan) doesn't look like he can go far, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed for him to make it to the final 5 perhaps? Uh, is he by any chance related to NR0608's Md. Zaki Khan?? HAHAHAHA! I couldn't believe how identical their names are!
Shout-out to Zaki: If he is of any relation to you, could you be ever so kind and let me have some passes to watch a few fights? Erm, preferably when Yoddy takes on Dave =)
And as much as I love AXN, I'm beginning to bare a grudge towards some of it's people. They seem to have a knack of torturing viewers by having commercial breaks every 5-10 minutes of the program!!
I'M NOT JOKING!! You think the commercial breaks during your Channel 8 shows every 15 minutes is bad, wait till you tune into AXN.
First, the theme song for Contender Asia comes on and the competitors' pictures and names are being shown blah blah blah... the show begins with Jaymee Ong doing a recap of what took place in the previous episode (this takes approximately 5 minutes)...
Show comes back on with Zach being elated that his team is finally on a winning streak and the Wild Boars have to select a new captain. But before I could see who they voted for...
Show resumes and the Wild Boars have chosen Dave to take over Bruce's place. Jaymee Ong explains this week's challenge to the players, players take their place and listen out for the whistle...
It frickin' frustrates the hell out of me lahhhhh!!! During Soren and Alain's match, I was telling my sister, after the first round was over, that if they were to have another commercial break, I would.... (and before I could finish my sentence...)