Thursday, April 10, 2008

Truth AND dare!

Maybe one day, WE (nurses & PCAs) should go on a strike since we're never good enough for you. Maybe then, you'll realise how important a role we play in the healthcare line. We form the backbone of healthcare and yet we get screwed most of the time due to patients' relatives who have expectations that are so damned unrealistic. If you're oh-so-capable, why don't you fucking look after the patient yourself? Yeah; wipe in between his butt-crack, collect his urine, clean his wound, take his H/C, administer his medications, bathe/sponge him in the morning, write his report, send his blood for tests, send his stool for investigations, update relevant forms, clear up his puke, change his bedsheet when his diapers leak, serve his diet, feed him, chart his I/O, schedule his IV therapy, attend to him when he presses the call-bell, call doctors/PTs/OTs/podiatrists/dieticians/other therapists to get updates on his condition, perform pre/post-op care, do an ECG for him every 8 hours, monitor his telemetry results, take his vital signs when necessary, give him his injections, arrange for his 2D-echo appointments, refer him to different hospital departments (and many more which I'm lazy to type out). DO THIS ALL BY YOURSELF and repeat every single procedure with 23 other patients.

Are you up for it? Cause my challenge to you is on ;D

Shadow stepped, body touched, soul crashed at 11:20 pm.