Sunday, June 22, 2008
You drove me to thisIt would be my absolute pleasure if I am able to please every single soul on the face of this earth. However, it just ain't possible. It's not that I enjoy making enemies, but sometimes, two people just CAN'T click, you get what I mean?
And it doesn't help that I have a fuckface. People who meet me for the first time would immediately assume that I'm arrogant, stuck-up, conceited, self-worshipping etc. Plus, I don't really socialise with subjects whom I'm not close to or comfortable with, so the first impression that alot of them have of me would be "Bitch".
Ok lor, bitch then bitch lor.
I also don't know how they find their way to my blog/receive my URL. Then they misread (apparently, my england is not powderful enough), misunderstand and misinterpret what I write online.
My style of writing is to be sarcastic; one can never insert too much sarcasm into an article. It's supposed to be entertaining, hilarious and enjoyable for all! But then ah, there are random ghouls who're too sensitive for their own good and get all upset when they read several of my blog entries.
To make it clear that it is not my objective to make enemies by blogging, I have set up an anonymous blog that's LOCKED (only I have access to it) and from this moment forth, whatever thoughts, beliefs or controversial views that I would like to reveal online shall be typed out on that blog and that blog only! This current blog would be for happy, mellow, cheerful entries dipped in sunshine and completed with a rainbow by the side. Maybe I'd sprinkle a few butterflies in if the readership keeps up.
Good luck in scouting for the secret blog ;)